You rememberIt was Glen Mize! The IP took the Avery case in 1985 and freed him of that wrongful conviction. The status report also stated that the defense is awaiting results of DNA testing on five items of evidence. Thats all. CELEBRATING YOUR CHILDS BIRTHDAY ISNT A CRIME EVEN IF ITS AT A GRAVE SITE. Yeah go Texas, keep making America proud. Darlie did it. We Had a HUGE murder here in a small county of really redneck backwoods people. Darin knew for a fact Devon had died at least three minutes before he did that cpr on him in front of officer Waddell. Yes!! You are a creep and a low life. The hard evidence is against her and she knows this and will do anything to save her life. Now, wouldnt a smart system who cares for its people charge small time drug criminals a fine before putting them in jail. Whenever my kids were babies and I had a moment to sleep, I slept somewhat hard and if that makes me a bad person, sorry. Those poor little angels will never have justice as long as the wrong person is paying for the crime . Anyway (that really wasnt intentional but genuine) back to the original postDarlie is surely innocent ? It will never happen. Darin only appeared after she had disappeared to the kitchen to get the phone therefore proving Darin had no alibi. Imagine trying to find 12 people in your community that would be able to make a sane, reasonable, unbiased conclusion. Folks, I am here to tell you this is a sick world and the real devils and evil in this state are the ones sitting on those benches and in our state rep seats, like Ryan Patrick who thinks because he is on the bench, he can lie to someone in handcuffs. Reasonable doubt! The State Court of Criminal Appeals upheld her conviction in 2003. Well said but long term hate makes people lose that reasoning. That right there is that tribalism and hate that keeps the world fucked up. I dont know how any of them can sleep at night!!! I can not wait until they finally start to investigate Darin Routier. Just as disturbing as an innocent woman being convicted of murdering her children, is the fact that the true murderer(s) is free and will likely never be brought to justice for their crime At least, not during their natural life span. Routier has always claimed that she and her children were attacked by an unknown intruder. That doesnt make it true?? Just another family lie. Couple things that really bother me about this (1) if someone was trying to kill me or my kids wouldnt you be yelling for your husband or wife who was upstairs and wouldnt he hear anything?Ever thing i ever saw would suggest you would(2) the blood evidence of splatter on her from her kids doesnt lie just like OJ blood was 100% at the murders ofGoldman/Brown.I believe the husband was involved somehow. I am sorry for cursing . Just wait. Mulder tried to save her, but she was so angry at that point it did more damage. Your daughter had her freedom to gain because she was tired of being a broke mother. The Dallas County District Attorneys office told NBC 5, "This year the state crime lab, under orders from Criminal District Court No. Too bad Routier is a complete fool and didnt know how good Forensic science can be. Darlie did mention this at trial, but this also fell on deaf ears. Oh and Mr human trash who called her white trashwhy is she white trash? Where did you get that information that said there was a quantity of blood spatter on her shirt ??? Frankly because she did a Birthday Party for her son just because you do not like the way she and her family celebrate Diamin. He admitted to hiring burglars to scam the insurance company and Darlie had defensive wounds as well as the slash to the throat. The cockneys have a whole different way of speaking to the rest of the brits & certainly dont make up 50% of the population using the wiff (well go back to your spelling for this part dont want any confusion) word !! There remains zero evidence of any intruder. Pure Injustice. The print cards were listed as exhibits 85-I and 85-J when they were introduced in Routiers 1997 trial. Routiers lead defense attorney, Doug Mulder, committed a lethal error by not putting on the stand two blood spatter experts who had been enlisted by the court-appointed attorneys who had worked the case before he was hired. I do not believe Darcie killed her 2 sons and stab herself. Its beyond crazy when these supporters are mothers and grandmothers, trying to set a baby killer free. She has been hiding details for years mean while he has been stabbing her in the back and setting her up for years. They shouldnt be in law enforcement because they dont have enough brains to do the job correctly. DNA test is done, didnt come back as anyone else. Fake boobs, jewelry, a birthday at the Cemetary and silly string is not forensic evidence. . Come on people. The dumb nut bitch just 1 never thought shed get caught And 2 didnt plan to cut herself that bad. Shes a psychopath, a malignant narcissist. Having fake boobs and jewelry shouldnt get you convicted. Maybe they have something now. I remember this on the news years ago, perhaps ignorance, but i thought back then i cant believe that a girl like that killed her children. And its clear from some of the comments that certain people have more issues than Sports Illustrated. lies every case against the prosecution. No one gets to judge a person for their behavior on their recently deceased sons birthday less than 2 weeks later but that person. And isbwasnt the coward upstairs. I once tried to break up a fight between two brothers, got punched in the arm during the struggle and DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT until much later when someone told me that was why my elbow was bruised and sore. You want to help Darlie? former my states former Supreme Courts Chief Justice. As soon as they investigate Darin Routier, Darlie will get justice. This is just a few. Maybe you should start expanding your interests here and start looking at the evidence against Darin that the jury never got to see. Bet. Please dont announce youre a republican. This woman may be guilty as sin. If the POLICE and FBI were working on getting evidence then #1 why is your ass sitting in jail and #2 whats the big secret if they read your mail. Within 20 minutes of entering the home the lead detective had made up his mind that there was no intruder, simply because there was no blood in the garage? Darlie could not have given him an alibi because she was in the kitchen getting the phone when Darin decided to make his appearance. Lol!! So many inconsistencies in her story. Not even partially. No one was supposed to be home, let alone get hurt. Geez. And why would an innocent woman mention to a 911 operator that she touched the butcher knife and hoped police could still pull fingerprints of the assailant? What proof? Very unprofessional conduct, with some reasonable doubt springing to mind. Why Darin defended her so strongly I dont know. That Miss Parris who was interviewed during if documentary is a complete fool. I, for one, can testify that is absolutely not true. No history of mental illness. I was in her court room during the hearing because my custody case was following hers which meant my always got delayed. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. Even with the stuff presented to the jury there should have been doubt. Post author: Post published: April 22, 2023; I guess we non supporters wont be dining on poo emojis and crow like we have been being told for a week now hahahahah. Dod a murdered run out the door and take off a sock and leave it in the alley. Americans will speak English any damn well we please. IMO that's exactly what's happening. She had a well-known defense attorney too; not the barely-paid public defender most convicts get. I would say however that the possibility of some random burglar turned thrill killer cant be excluded, especially after the odd case of the knife murder of 2 senior citizens by a deranged juvenile in Davis Californiahowever sociopaths usually (not always) cant help bragging to someone about their crimes. Routier and Rowlett are still linked. The fact that no cars were visible in the driveway and think about the strange car near the home the day of and week before the murders. When hell freezes over you better get yourself prepared for her execution because thats where shes going. I want my daughter home, Kee said. Why wasnt it on when the first officer showed up 3 minutes after the 911 call. Now the prosecution only held that she had two wounds but she had numerous wounds. All of you from Altoona to Texas are repulsive. 10 , 2023 10 , 2023 harry potter builds a city ship fanfiction 10 , 2023 harry potter builds a city ship fanfiction Those I promise you are not self-inflicted. Although theyve stated the boys loved silly string, the manner in which they died and with the killer still out there as they put it, just odd but their choice.Her ex husband has said some very bizarre things. They were classic defensive wounds, too. That came out in the 2015 DNA tests that Darlies defense had sealed. A LOT of the evidence they claimed was wrong and how a person grieves after the loss of a child cant be judged. Do you not SEE the Bruises & wounds that were on her arms and all over her body and they stated somewhere that they was skin under her fingernails?? I believe her story and Ive seen the photos of her defensive wounds. As far as Routier coming homeyou can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which gets filled first. Had the kids blood on it with drops running down. Impeccable reputations to this day. Darlie needs to come clean about what she knows about her husband. Did Robbie and Darin suddenly remember this right in time for the appeal? And stop saying the knife went all the way through the childs body and chipped the cement floor under him, that never happened either. Jade, how old are you? How much money do you all make off of this? Wake the fuck up!!!!!! Dont worry, Toby Baby, Karma is coming for you. Routier, 48, was convicted of . There is so much that Id like to say about this case, but those cops, detectives and prosecutors screwed up so badly that theres not enough space here for me to say everything that I have to say about this case. They never looked for another. Darin accused her immediately. I believe that her hubby Darin has something to do with this crime. I dont believe Darlie slumbered peacefully while her kids were butchered five feet away. Yup, Stephen Cooper needs to turn that case over to a new lawyer and have fresh eyes looking at her case. But Id guess you people would rather think those babies did that to her, right? Seemed that one juror was quite jealous of her and convicted her solely on having fake boobs and nice belongings. Dont live in the past. Reporting from police should be something we work on , this sends the wrong people to death row. In the initial 911 call, her kids are dying and she had the capabilities of making up excuse why HER prints will be on the knife. He also lied when he said he didnt help his son Damon because he had no pulse. The husband hired people to break into his home as he stated on 20/20 near the end of the show, for the insurance. Why do they refuse to do that when there is over whelming evidence to prove his guilt? Most she should have received is life or life with parole. Get right!! JMO I would hope that people on any jury I was judged by would understand what reasonable doubt is. So explain how it was Darin who had left the house right when Waddell arrived leaving through the sliding doors to get to the back alley. The evidence and every single piece of it proves she is the most abominable cold blooded killer of precious Devon and precious Damon. He is still pushing that intruder theory and so long as that happens Darlie will never see the light of day. Even though I had always assumed that the facts pointed to Darlies guilt, I also thought that the husband, Darin, had to be involved on some level. Why did she have to inflict her wounds before she took the sock down the street, now get back to your min wage life. Your psychopath daughter was wheeled past the room her Damon laid in dead. Fingerprint didnt match anybody in the house yet never send in for testing, same with the sock. No one with a heart wanted to think she did it, but she acts like a classic sociopath. According to Jovell, she refused; she wanted nothing to do with it. Instead of whiny TV programs where Darlie plays victim and spins the same old narrative, how about presenting new evidence to the court. It will be Darin Routier on trial. Two men with a knife tried to break into a house thats six minutes away shortly before the murders. If your going to post, at least have the common sense to post the truth. Cooper is looking for a new trial, preferably in Dallas County, for the Rowlett mother who maintains an unidentified intruder savagely stabbed her young sons to death and stabbed and injured her in June 1996. Cooper said they are currently on the third round of DNA testing. 911 operators are NEVER allowed to give any kind of medical directive. What Big Hoss Ood Lady Darlie saying these days? The slash across the throat was done as a half-hearted coup de grace. I was so angry. If she planted the bloody sock before the They are not self inflicted and anyone who believes they are need to take a look at superficial vs deep wounds. No intruder only her husband. However, he took 15 days time off of a girl who stole a Hummer and tried to run over her babys father with it. Exactly.. WE ALL DEAL WITH GRIEF DIFFERENTLY !!! Look at her body for all the evidence classic signs of a woman Fighting off someone damn. One day, some of you will be on the other side of the law and you will think different and I think its exactly what some of you need. Damon was alive and breathing for almost 10 minutes. There was no intruder and she has wasted her appeals away on that ridiculous theory. Just like you chose men over Darlie, you taught Darlie children dont mean shit. When someone tries to harm themselves to make it look like someone else did it, its usually just superficial wounds. Shit. Mine were about the age of her boys when they died. Devon, 6, was already dead when paramedics arrived. The facts are all in her wounds she was fighting off of an intruder for Christ sake its plain to see Ive been a trauma RN for 19 years these are classic signs of a woman fighting off an intruder!!!! I have so much reasonable doubt in my mind. It was all warped to get the jury to believe she is evil and the media helped push the story along. The Innocence Project (IP) hasnt taken up Darlies case. Actually, the Innocence Project helped to free Steven Avery for the rape he did not commit. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other Yall are some seriously stupid mutts, arent you? I honestly feel there is a chance the husband may have not been involved but know 100% Darlie played no part. And, to not hear this all happening while she was right there. I know that if she gets out they will just charge her with her other sons murder and try harder to mislead/explain things like the sock Im sure her life is over either way. Im not even gonna comment on this, to many ignorant people in the world, and the state of Texas leads the way and thats fact. And they dont just take everyone who claims theyre innocent. CLOWNS supporting trash killers. I dont have a set in stone conviction as science has proven so many times the police have gotten it all wrong! Same old lies I bet. The POLICE and FBI are working on getting evidence on him right now! She didnt wet any towels. Darlie had no idea that Darin Routier was never investigated. Hopefully the men in that DAs office will pay for all the wrongly obtained verdicts they achieved. The general public does not have access to any of the pending cases theyre working on. Copyright Altoona Mirror | | 301 Cayuga Ave., Altoona, PA 16602 | 814-946-7411. Is a bit strange. Not sure myself who is innocent or guilty in this case, but I dislike the cursory law is bad slant running through the 20/20, innocence Project and Ms. Cruz narrative. For the jurors that felt this was impossible. Who needs breast implants?? It was June 6, 1996, and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the police arriving merely three minutes later. Thats what I call poetic justice. killings, then how did she get both Damon and Devons blood on it? And Texas will have to pay her for every year they kept her locked up. Yep, the Bible says she is guilty. The Darlie Routier case is a well-known and controversial case of maternal filicide that took place in Texas in 1996. They did not say Darin was innocent just not enought evidence to prove he was involved. I think he is a miserable asshole who doesnt get sex from his wife and was jealous of Darlie and Darin. (because they continued surveillance at the cemetery-but only chose to show a happy time -instead of the memorial service they had prior). The Bible says we wud see all kinds of things .. But prosecutor Davis said Routiers supporters cherry-pick pieces of evidence to support their theory that shes innocent. Darin locked that dog up earlier that night and the 911 call proves it. There are no photos of the Routiers sink after the luminol was applied. No bloody shoeprints, no handprints, & after 23 years, if there was any evidence to prove Darlies innocence, wouldnt it have come out by now? Reddit's open forum for discussion of anything and everything about true crime, court cases, and the legal system. Forensic files starts a good lay out, but so much more! The Sows milk is sour and she ate her calfs. We had a nice turnout, Kee said of the rallies at which T-shirts and hats were distributed. As a mother of two though, I could not imagine loosing my two babies and then on top of it all, getting blamed for it and spending half my life (potentially all of my life) in prison for it. You back woods jack asses!! Since at least 2018, DNA tests have been ordered multiple times after technology has advanced. I have kids. The thing was so bad that the transcriptionist lost her license over it. I told him I was willing to wait 6 months to go to trial and when we went to court a week later, the d.a. 1) Shame on everyone who lied or did wrong (I thought if she was worried about fingerprints on a knife, she could certainly take care of her kids). A Dallas County judge has admitted two lawyers from the national office of the Innocence Project to the case. There have been so many exaggerations, embellishments, and half-truths from well-meaning supporters over the years but its not necessary. I think her husband knows she done this but he cant admit it. I have now idea if she is innocent or not but it is their duty to exhaust every possible scenario. Based on her reply Terri seems to have done extensive research. Did you witness it to be 100 percent sure. June 1998: Routier's relatives file a lawsuit accusing two police detectives and a prosecutor of invading their privacy by hiding microphones at the boys' graves in Rockwall. 1) The sock wasnt planted. Tell the whole story Ms Cruz. You people are just as bad as portrayed on tv, as my gramma used to say. People, maybe you should think logic and pretend your the panicked person breaking in the house who does not want to get caught. Why isnt she being forced to report all that money as income? Criminal lawyers are all scum and you pretend they are some saints. Our community offers an alternative to subs that don't allow videos or podcast links as post submissions to kick off discussion. Darlie almost died because the slit in h er throat was so close to the main artery. This f#_-(++@) guy is the rat that got Darlie Routier convicted in Kerville 22 years ago. No matter how much the defense liars want to lie about Darlies injuries- there was no slash wound across her throat that almost cut a major artery. They need to investigate Darin. They are both involved, Darins initial remarks to the police scream volumes as to his guilt. So they had to close the case. One thing I cant get over is why her feet didnt have cuts from broken glass and why people didnt blame her whole family for the silly string tape. YES, I MEASURED IT. Darin Routier knows what happened so does Darlie Kee and Sarilda and Lenny Routier.