Ending the conversation, Albus advised her to get rid of regret because it was his inseparable companion since the death of his sister. [58], Again, Dumbledore was reminded of Harry's exceptional skill and knew that he would surely have to be told of the prophecy soon, but again he chose not to, out of a desire to spare Harry an additional burden. Its important to note, first of all, that Albus Dumbledore was loved by us, and by you long before Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. If a situation warranted it, he was perfectly willing to acknowledge his virtually peerless intelligence and power. [92], Before Dumbledore left Hogwarts again to search for Rakepick, he gave Rita Skeeter "periodical permission" to visit Hogwarts Castle to observe the students, and to invite them to partake in a "friendly competition" where the winner would receive a first-page article in the Daily Prophet. Bellatrix was among the few people who knew of the plan to assassinate Dumbledore, and that Draco Malfoy had been assigned the task of murdering him. [106] He could be stoically pragmatic and was extremely prone to secrecy. He then informed the Ministry of Magic about the incident, and as a result, Cecil Lee was sent to investigate. This memory was not sufficient evidence to show Hokey's innocence, as it only proved that Riddle was aware of the artefacts' existence. Family members This is another of Dumbledores humourous and somewhat facetious quotes. What can also be noted is that Gambon's Dumbledore is far more energetic than Harris' Dumbledore which is more in line with the character from the books. Dumbledore clearly underestimated Snape's capacity for love, and years later was very surprised to learn that Snape still maintained his devotion. Every Hogwarts staff member, with the exception of Dolores Umbridge, both respected and held a high opinion of Dumbledore. While Albus likely alienated him, along with Ariana, during his obsession with Gellert Grindelwald, when Grindelwald attacked Aberforth, Albus immediately came to his brother's aid and fought against his lover, clearly displaying that even at the height of his worst years, Albus still cared for Aberforth's well-being immensely. Using the Portkey, Harry was able to escape Voldemort and return to Hogwarts. Fortune finally appeared to shine on Dumbledore, however, when a foreigner arrived at their little village, by the name of Gellert Grindelwald. It was clear that while many who followed Dumbledore's cause both feared and despised Voldemort greatly, Dumbledore did not share such views as he had known Tom Riddle personally, and although he was committed to defeating him, Dumbledore held no personal resentment nor fear towards the Dark Lord and continued to see him as his former student worthy of being pitied for his childhood and complete inability to understand love, as he had never received any. He has also been known to have worn a pointy wizard's cap, long majestic robes, and have a lengthy untethered beard. Quite how the Hog's Head mirror is linked to one in Grindelwald's fortress is less clear, though may be because of the connection between Credence and Aberforth than the mirrors themselves being specifically linked. Hence, Albus decided to arrange for his plans to be thwarted. However, Snape knew and told Dumbledore that the curse would get stronger and stronger and eventually kill him painfully, giving him a prognosis of about a year. [38] He eventually found it, however, safely tucked away in a hidden room on the uppermost floor of the castle that would only reveal itself to someone if they were in great need of it. Instead of teaching Harry himself or arranging for Harry to take lessons with someone the teenager trusted, however, Albus selected Snape as Harry's tutor. For example, Hagrid is the one tasked to protect Harry Potter as he is brought to live with the Dursleys, in addition he is asked to bring the Philosopher's Stone back from Gringotts. However, he had enough sense to realise that he will inevitably have to duel Grindelwald and therefore he took the position as the Professor of DADA to prepare students for the upcoming dark times. Weight Newt Scamander, his former student and friend. Though he did learn many things, for instance, he used the way he worded things for his own good as using and manipulating people for instance, "For The Greater Good". Given even Ariana is only briefly mentioned, it does make sense that Credence wasn't at all. Dumbledore's relationship with the famous magizoologist was very close. Sirius Black, who had been sentenced to life in Azkaban for murdering Peter Pettigrew and twelve Muggles with a single curse, had escaped from the wizarding prison. At some point after this, he had the unfortunate experience of tasting a vomit-flavoured Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean, as a result of which he lost his liking for the sweets. [45] For the purposes of fulfilling his duty as the school's messenger, Dumbledore wrote to the matron, Mrs Cole, to schedule a meeting with her to discuss arrangements for the boy's future. While Dumbledore rightly suspected Riddle was behind the attacks, the aspiring Dark wizard expertly framed Gryffindor student Rubeus Hagrid as the perpetrator. Some of the members of the original Order of the Phoenix. After indirectly and accidentally sending Voldemort after Lily, Snape turned to Dumbledore to keep her safe. Throughout Harry's years at Hogwarts, Dumbledore provided him with protection and guidance, and supplemented Harry's schooling with additional information about Lord Voldemort. [62], Once he was back at Hogwarts, Dumbledore consulted with a distraught Harry. Indeed, it was Dumbledore's advice to Leta that induced her to save Credence Barebone from Yusuf Kama's revenge. It is right to question him, because he was treating people like puppets, and he was asking Harry to do a job that most men twice his age wouldnt have been able to do.". However, Dumbledore suspected that Voldemort wanted more than a job, likely wanting to raise an army. [62], At the end-of-year feast, Dumbledore awarded an extra 170 house points to Gryffindor students, Harry Potter (60), Ron Weasley (50), Hermione Granger (50) and Neville Longbottom (10), respectively for bravery and logical skills, prompting Gryffindor to win the House Cup, ruining Slytherin's chance of the cup for the seventh year in a row. Later on, in 1993, Dumbledore gave him the post of teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts, a decision some considered questionable. [46], Professor Dumbledore talking with Tom Riddle during the first opening of the Chamber of Secrets, 1943, At an unknown point in time, Dumbledore became the Professor of Transfiguration. [35] Even in later years, when the rumours were published by Rita Skeeter in a biography of Newt called Man or Monster? Things got progressively worse from there. Instead of just telling Harry the truth, though, he let Harry believe that Snape unjustly endedhis life. For some reason, though, he didn't go on to do everything in his power to ensure Harry would make it out of the dangerous event alive. And yet it wasnt until Deathly Hallows that we realised: did we ever really know Dumbledore? When Cornelius Fudge brought Aurors to arrest Dumbledore in 1996, she boldly stepped forward and announced her intention to fight the Aurors on his behalf. Dumbledore assured Credence that Grindelwald had lied to him, and that they were not brothers, but told him that they "do share the same", and he is a Dumbledore. Nevertheless, Dumbledore tried to indirectly participate in Grindelwald's defeat, and he used Newt to do it by sending him to America with the injured Thunderbird Frank, knowing somehow Grindelwald had infiltrated America in search for the Obscurial there, which Dumbledore knew he intended to use against him. When JK Rowling revealed that Dumbledore is, in fact, gay, every fan wondered how they'd never realised before. After Riddle's transformation into Lord Voldemort, contrary to the rest of the wizarding community's fear of saying the Dark Lord's name, Dumbledore, as the only person Voldemort (secretly) feared, refused to be intimidated by the Dark Lord, referring to him as "Voldemort" to others and as "Tom" in conversation with Voldemort himself, a subtle but steadfast refusal to allow Lord Voldemort to dictate the terms of their relationship and a trait that would later be inherited by Harry Potter. He kept vials of memories which he could view in his Pensieve, some of which were his own. However, after the death of Leta Lestrange, Dumbledore put aside whatever affection he had for Grindelwald and was determined to break the Blood Pact. Oh, and she has a cat named Chicken. Dumbledore also appeared to like the twins, despite their mischief-making, but knew they were good people at heart. Dumbledore displayed his extraordinary magical capabilities as he calmly countered or dodged Voldemort's attacks and returned with his own assault that steadily forced Voldemort to go on the defensive, yet Dumbledore was not fighting to kill, a fact which surprised Voldemort. And though he was impressed to hear, as Mrs Cole's testimony suggested, how well-developed his powers were for such a young wizard, as well as how his degree of control over them was such that he had already begun to use them intentionally. Yeah, that's how I always saw Dumbledore.". Apart from Ron, Dumbledore was respected greatly by the rest of the Weasley family. This quote isnt actually something Dumbledore came up with as it actually came from the Bible. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, and Neville Longbottom all rushed to the Ministry in the hopes of saving Sirius. Additionally, rather than shouting when Harry entered Hogwarts with the Ford Anglia, and when Harry failed to get Slughorn's memory, just an expression of calm disappointment on both occasions was enough to make Harry feel ashamed to the point that he found it preferable if Dumbledore shouted at him. While Fudge ordered his arrest, Dumbledore stated that he would not come quietly and easily overpowered his would-be captors with a single spell and went underground, working to aid the Order full-time. He was the son of Percival and Kendra Dumbledore, and the elder brother of Aberforth and Ariana. Dumbledore attended many Death Eater trials, including that of the Lestranges and Barty Crouch Jnr. Dumbledore first met James Potter and Lily Evans during their first year at Hogwarts, where he was the Headmaster. Several months after Dumbledore was forced to terminate his enrolment, however, not only did word reach him that Jacob had ran away from home and, rumours had it, earned notoriety in the figurative underworld as the "most feared wizard in Knockturn Alley";[66] which led to the misconception that he had even become a follower of Lord Voldemort. He was the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, later the Transfiguration Professor, and later the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Dumbledore at the Sorting Ceremony of 1984, At the Start-of-Term Feast during the 19841985 school year, Professor Dumbledore witnessed the Sorting ceremony of first-year students, including Charlie Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, and Jacob's younger sibling, after which he stood behind the Owl Lecturn and gave a traditional welcoming speech. A portrait of him was later put in place at Hogwarts. Dumbledore's love of knitting patterns, a typically feminine pre-occupation. Eye colour But I wanted you to question Dumbledore. Blue[14] Pottermore looks back at the moments that made our favourite characters so memorable. Harry Belafonte, the singer . Next:Every Harry Potter Character Alive During Fantastic Beasts' Timeline. Lily's blood sacrifice did ensure that Harry would be protected so long as he remained under his sister's roof, but Albus was also considered to be one of the world's most powerful wizards. Can we blame him for being young and in love? They had a baby boy together, but the woman was sent away before she gave birth, and Aberforth never got to be a father. It was retrieved by Hagrid, who was also taking Harry to buy his school supplies. Neither the first, nor the last casualty at the school as a result of Jacob's extra-curricular activities, Olivia Green also endured hardships as a result. Dumbledore told him where to find one ill-bred Thunderbird and later sent his former student to New York to release this beast, whose natural environment was Arizona. This may have shown an amount of bias towards Gryffindor to announce their win in such unusual circumstances. In 1995, when Dolores Umbridge sacked Trelawney and tried to banish her from Hogwarts, it was Dumbledore who stepped in and told Umbridge he wished that Trelawney would remain at Hogwarts. [28], In his third year, Dumbledore presumably took Study of Ancient Runes and at least one other subject, which was known not to be Divination. Shown in by one of the employees, Albus was formally introduced to Mrs Cole, who invited him to join him in her office to talk about the reasons for his visit. Rita Skeeter's biography about Dumbledore's life was filled with embellishments, but it also contained quite a bit of truth and was Harry's only real way of obtaining knowledge about his idol's past. Dumbledore had been known to have at least some correspondence with the Dursley family before the birth of their nephew. Shortly after Dumbledore assumed the position, by which time he had already relocated to the Headmaster's Tower and filled his new study with a number of curious magical instruments that had formerly been housed in his old classroom, Tom Riddle, now known exclusively as Lord Voldemort, approached him with the same request he had made to Dippet before him, to be allowed to return to Hogwarts as a teacher. But, he met someone as brilliant as he was, and rather like Bellatrix he was very drawn to this brilliant person, and horribly, terribly let down by him. And thats what was so important about Kings Cross. [15], Knowing the dangers of Gellert Grindelwald were growing, Albus enlisted Newton Scamander to assemble an army, filled with intrepid wizardkind, while also trying to figure out a way to destroy the blood pact created by his lover and him in their youth. [105], Harry approached him again after hearing Albus and Scorpius Malfoy, the son of Draco Malfoy, are kidnapped by Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort, where he asked Harry what he was doing and answered Harry's questions. They also made a blood pact, and they swore an oath never to fight each other. During Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry visits Dumbledore in some sort of afterlife/purgatory that might or might not be real. . Dumbledore also knew Gilderoy Lockhart, the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor (1992-1993), when he was still a student. Master of death, Harry, master of Death! However, the six students were ambushed by a group of Death Eaters, who hoped to force Harry to recover the record of the prophecy made about him and the Dark Lord. He presented Arabella Figg for Harry's defence and offered to call Dobby to testify that Harry had not used a Hover Charm in 1992 and reminded Fudge that he himself had pardoned Harry's accidental inflation of Marjorie Dursley. In order to keep Voldemort from entering Harry's mind, Dumbledore arranged for his prized pupil to learn the mind-shielding art of Occlumency. Although Albus loved him, the two brothers were not close to each other, as they were very different persons in personality, with Aberforth resenting being in Albus's shadow. Phoenix[19][20][21] [114] Dumbledore was the possessor and master of the Elder Wand, an extremely powerful wand known also as the "Wand of Destiny" or the "Deathstick", and one of the Deathly Hallows, until he was disarmed by Draco Malfoy at the top of the Astronomy Tower. Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald and then brought him before the authorities of the magical world, and Grindelwald was imprisoned in the uppermost cell at Nurmengard, while Dumbledore kept the Elder Wand for himself. [46][47], Minerva had great faith in Dumbledore, placing great stock in the differences between him and Voldemort. The Dursleys, whom he entrusted Harry Potter to. Male[9] Though he wasn't aware of who he was actually talking to, he still figured something was off. When one of Leta Lestrange's experiments involving a magical beast went too far, endangering the life of another student. [62], Umbridge started her reign at Hogwarts by rudely interrupting Dumbledore's Start-of-Term Feast. Gilderoy Lockhart was an obvious fraud, Hagrid had no teaching experience, Sybill Trelawney barely had a grip on her sanity and Dumbledore failed to recognize that for an entire year, a Death Eater had taken the place of his Defense Against the Dark Arts hire. and, being the single most outstanding student in the school at the time, was made both a prefect during his fifth year, and Head Boy in his seventh. He often told Harry about the great goodness of his parents, and repeatedly consoled him with the assurance that his parents would never ever truly leave him because of their love for him. Aberforth himself however, eventually changed his opinions of his brother when Harry Potter helped him realise what Albus's intention really was and had forgiven him, as he chose to participate in the Battle of Hogwarts, helping the students and faculty of Hogwarts and the Hogsmeade residents to protect the school where Albus served as Headmaster for almost half of his lifetime, from Lord Voldemort, as well as to allow Harry time to find what he thought to be the last Horcrux. (sorc. The moment Dumbledore was on his way, he was intercepted by an owl from Ron and Hermione, which carried a letter that explained the whole situation. [46], Upon discovering that Riddle had stolen from the other children at the orphanage, Dumbledore admonished him for his behaviour and instructed him return the items to their rightful owners and apologise for taking them, warning him that he had exercised his abilities in a manner that would be unacceptable at Hogwarts, should he agree to attend. He located the Muggle boys and attacked them, as they had his daughter. Immediately, both wizards duelled each other, which ended in an impasse. It was through Dumbledore that resistance to the rise of Lord Voldemort was formed. It turned out that Newt had overheard their conversation. The TRUTH about Newt Scamander, Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore's private lessons, Headmaster of the highly prestigious wizarding school, International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, Grindelwald's attempt to become the Supreme Mugwump, Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor's office, private lessons between Harry and Dumbledore, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore - The Complete Screenplay, The Art of Harry Potter Mini Book of Graphic Design, A Guide to the Graphic Arts Department: Posters, Prints, and Publications from the Harry Potter Films, July 13, 2007 Bloomsbury Live Chat with J. K. Rowling, J K Rowling at the Edinburgh Book Festival, Sunday, August 15, 2004, "Jude Law breaks silence on playing young Dumbledore", Interview with JK Rowling After HBP Part 3, Writing by J. K. Rowling: "The Mirror of Erised", Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Order of Merlin", Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Gilderoy Lockhart", Harry Potter's Author J. K. Rowling Meets With L.A. Students, Plots Her Next Move, http://www.accio-quote.org/articles/2007/1217-pottercast-anelli.html, https://twitter.com/HogwartsMystery/status/981864182957166597, https://time.com/4724447/ian-mckellen-dumbledore-harry-potter/, Deathly Hallows Casting Updates: Teen Dumbledore Cast, Chris Rankin Returns and More, Jude Law cast as Albus Dumbledore in next Fantastic Beasts film, Help Defeat Grindelwald Scene | Fantastic Beasts 2: Crimes Of Grindelwald (2018) Movie Clip HD, "Revision of the plan of 'Order of the Phoenix'", https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1044579386693832707, http://www.movieline.com/2010/03/ciaran-hinds-on-the-eclipse-ghosts-and-being-a-directors-actor.php?page=2%20, https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1044576376815267840, 16 October 2000 Scholastic Chat with J.K. Rowling, International Confederation of Wizards' Conference, The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. There was a reason for this- Harry had to be able to stay with them at least until turning 17, or his mother's sacrificial protection wouldn't have worked. Dumbledore, while often kind and calm, did have a very serious side of himself and was capable of a terrifying wrath. Related Reads You'll enjoy these too We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. The next year was by no means any less troublesome than the previous year, with Jacob's sibling and their friends more determined than ever to stop R and find the last Cursed Vault, despite Dumbledore's attempts to make them focus on their studies. He learned early in his teenage years that power and being the best could end very badly and was always not the best result. Aberforth first uses the mirror to ask Credence for his forgiveness - Credence sees the message appear at Grindelwald's base and quickly becomes aware he is speaking to family. Dumbledore comforted and reassured Ginny after she was possessed by a fragment of Voldemort's soul and manipulated into opening the Chamber of Secrets during the 19921993 school year. [94], When Dumbledore was back, he paid Jacob's sibling and their friends a visit in the Three Broomsticks Inn, where they were celebrating their success regarding the break-in of the Vault of Fear. However, when Snape discovered that he had been used as a pawn in Harry's own destruction, he was horrified, seeing it as a calculated betrayal of Lily's memory. Vernon and Petunia were likely indignant at Dumbledore's remarks, although Petunia, at least in Harry's eyes, responded to Dumbledore's chastisement by looking rather flustered. He was always courteous, even to people who he found rude or in the case of Fenrir Greyback, disgusting. We still jump on any chance to learn more about the Wizarding World, whether these updates come from aFantastic Beastsfilm,new entries published, or even mere Twitter posts by Rowling herself. Soon after, they held a funeral for Ariana, at which Aberforth broke Albus's nose out of pure anger and sadness at what he had done. When this whole incident was over, Dumbledore held another Hallowe'en Feast to finish what had been left out. [29] Indeed: At some point over the course of his school career, Albus even won the Barnabus Finkley Prize for Exceptional Spell-Casting, became the British Youth Representative to the Wizengamot, and received the Gold Medal for Ground-Breaking Contribution to the International Alchemical Conference in Cairo, and considered by some to have been the most brilliant student to have ever attended the school. [47], Dumbledore contemplating Tom Riddle's diary, However, Dumbledore was privately concerned by the phenomena that Harry described; a mere memory capable of taking physical form was unheard of. instruments." The last two Fantastic Beasts movies can develop Aurelius Dumbledore's character, but the creators must tread lightly: if Aberforth and Credence becomes too big a story (and if Credence survives the fifth movie), the Harry Potter canon will definitely suffer a negative impact. Dumbledore was devastated when Sirius died, believing that it was mostly his fault and comforted Harry to the best of his ability, and expressed his belief that Sirius was a lively man of wit and courage, with a deep and genuine concern for his loved ones, and would not hesitate to come to their rescue even if it meant putting himself in danger. Harry has severe PTSD this year and I had to go and save him from being expelled even though he almost got got by a Dementor over the summer. But know him? As he had no way to prove Sirius's innocence, despite being Chief Warlock and having the power to give him a trial, Dumbledore compensated by helping Hermione and Harry save Sirius from the Dementor's Kiss, and to escape from his Ministry captors, by means of a Time-Turner and Buckbeak. A lesser note of his emotional insight was with Gilderoy Lockhart: despite Lockhart having fooled every inhabitant in the wizarding world with his books, Dumbledore, having knew what he truly was, was completely unable to be tricked by Lockhart and he was able to effortlessly manipulate Lockhart into taking the job of DADA Professor by slyly hinting Harry Potter was in Hogwarts attending his second year so he can expose him. But Voldemort's Killing Curse once again failed to kill Harry. One thing we do know from the beginning is that he defeated the Dark Wizard Grindelwald, but it was a shock to later learn that Gellert Grindelwald was a close friend of Dumbledore's before turning down a darker path. [97], After Jacob's sibling and their friends got out of the Forest Vault which they had successfully broken into, Dumbledore and Filch greeted them in the Forbidden Forest. What's not explained is exactly how the two-way mirror works, though it's presumably a similar magic to the one Sirius Black (Gary Oldman) gave Harry; Aberforth knew how to use that mirror, and while it worked a little differently - actually seeing the person rather than written communication - it might be how he knew what it was and how it could reach Harry. He also owned a pet phoenix named Fawkes,[47] who left Hogwarts Castle after Dumbledore's death. Dumbledore expressed regret at Leta's death in the mausoleum. Gender Ugh, Im just going to take a step back and ignore him this year. Crouch played a key-role in Voldemort's rebirth, after he captured and imprisoned Alastor Moody, and took his form, to teach at Hogwarts, while Dumbledore thought he was dead. In response to this irreverent outburst, Hagrid gave a pig's tail to Vernon's son, Dudley Dursley. Dumbledore says that Harry's capacity for love, despite the treatment he suffered at the hands of the Dursleys, was his greatest "weapon" against Voldemort (who was completely incapable of understanding it). He also spoke to Jacob's sibling, who was disguised as Professor Snape, about various businesses. Sure, he sent Fawkes and Dobby to Harry in moments of danger, but the only time he actually showed up in person to assist the teenager was the Ministry of Magic showdown against Voldemort inOrder of the Phoenix. In fact, his noted eccentricity may have been at least partly his using humour to appear less threatening. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his former students. For this, Percival was sentenced to Azkaban where he later died, choosing the sentence over explaining why he had attacked the boys as it would have meant Ariana being taken away. In order to distract Hagrid, Dumbledore asked him to meet at the Training Grounds and help take care of some "urgent business" in Hogsmeade, while Jacob's sibling stayed behind and babysat Fang. And despite the faults, despite Dumbledore perhaps not being the perfect wizard Harry thought he was, never before has Dumbledore seemed more heroic. He also had a friendship with Filius Flitwick, the Charms Professor and Head of Ravenclaw House, Pomona Sprout, the Herbology Professor and Head of Hufflepuff House, and Poppy Pomfrey, the nurse. Harry wasn't present when Dumbledore went off to find Marvolo's Ring, and therefore he didn't have the opportunity to ask beforehand. Indeed, Harry had after witnessing a rare moment of Dumbledore's furious rage confessed to fully understanding why people always said that Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort had ever feared. After James's death Dumbledore returned the cloak to James's son, Harry. Seeing As Dumbledore has lived so long, its hard to blame him for finding the drama of young lives a little ridiculous. In the same year Dumbledore became a regular columnist for Transfiguration Today, with the Daily Prophet quoting him as saying he was "enraptured!" Dumbledore had a good relationship with both of them, knowing them both to be pure souls. He left Harry to suffer at the hands of the Dursleys and did nothing to stop their abuse and neglect. Albus Dumbledore has some of the best quotes from the entire Harry Potter series. He did this largely through the use of the Pensieve.