They wanted to know what the color of the white candle they were about to light meant to me. A Physicist Explains Why Parallel Universes May Exist - NPR Paranormal Portal to a Parallel Universe|Paperback I figured Id set it to the correct time and see if it stopped working soon after, but it kept time normally for the rest of that day and beyond! I had been here for a few days and I was homesick {or timelinesick?}. Also, maybe Nicolas was actually a human, but he had used this device to look like a robot because he needed to appear that way to go wherever he was going next for his job. The cloth had a smooth, silky feel and a light shimmer as I picked it up and got underneath to see what was inside the train car. I figured I had either convinced her or she already knew about transhumanism. Sci-Fi or Reality? Travel Tips for an Alternate Universe I knew the monkey had been bread to have fur extremely soft. I wrote a book called New Paradigm Planet about a planet Id had in my head since childhood, and they had extra terrestrials visit this planet but I didnt really relate that to my life on Earth. . I looked up after falling down the tunnel, and the last thing I saw was the other Allison looking over the edge of her bed. I actually did want to go home.. He wanted to be clear though that the situation in this hospital was a very positive thing, unlike the movie The Island in my timeline. When I woke up on Thanksgiving I had a profound realization that the Orion group and the Military Industrial Complex are to the people of Earth as the white men were to the Native Americans. They were so much more advanced and obviously had technology to do this. I wondered what the technology used to suck me out of my timeline had to do with electronics and my computer. Its a lot more flowy and comfortable than conventional clothing and the conventional clothing I was used to seeing Peter and Nicolas wear. The president wanted answers, but was told something phony. In this scenario, a Big Bang could perpetually happen in distant regions, representing the collision or merging of these bubble universes. These claims were incorrect. He was very perplexed at what exactly it was that I was asking him about. Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world I held the screen up to Peter for him to see and talk to her. She was very nurturing, compassionate, and nursely like her whole being radiated, Im a healer, but she didnt look human. They were assimilated into the United States government to develop technology for the Americans. The tag was a digital tag, but it was very light weight and felt like fabric. They must have their memory wiped so as not to interfere with their free will and regular lives on Earth and can only recall such experiences from the subconscious. Parallel Universe: My Visit - Medium I scanned the skyline to see if there were any prominent landmarks or buildings I could recognize or if the city looked familiar to me at all. I was a little impressed with myself that I knew how to properly hold and console a baby, even at that young age, but I knew that in my timeline I had gotten a little brother at almost three years old. Both sides figured they could learn the other sides secrets and eventually conquer them. In 2015 I stumbled upon a YouTube video by a woman named Bridget Nielsen who was describing her hypnotherapy experience with Barbara Lamb in which she sought Lambs help to recall alien abduction experiences. I had almost forgotten about home and no one from the hospital had told me if or when I was going back. They always wore regular civilian clothing, nothing that seemed out of the ordinary to me- denim or polo type shirts, sometimes checkered, with kaki pants or jeans. I looked back at them, wondering why theyd done this, but they were acting like they were trying to pretend nothing had happened. I put the computer back to sleep and lay down again to go to sleep. The melodies of the string explain chemistry. Nicolas looked to be about my similar age, in his 30s. I was a little scared at first, wondering how I was going to get out of the bedroom or if theyd intentionally trapped me in for some reason. One drink was blue and had ice in it. In my native timeline, The Military Industrial Complex grew into the monster we have today, but our public is barely aware of how this effects all of us down to our every day lives. She was telling Peter that he got the wrong Allison {or the wrong person}, she was saying something to Peter in her defense of his scolding, and it seemed like everything was all right. There is a portal from our universe to at least one other parallel . I also half expected to get some kind of punk attitude from these skater boys when I asked them, What city am I in? They perked up and got all smiles when they said, Anaheim. We had to speak up loudly because there was a lot of bustle and noise from the street in the area on the roof where this was. I too follow cosmic disclosure and although I havent read the books yet, I too, am a wanderer as according to the law of one. But I woke up again, back in the hospital, the very same darn hospital!!! This is where our two spheres of thought pointedly diverge. I tried to put it to sleep again, but instead of the regular menu options of Sleep, Restart, and Shut Down, two new options were in its place, Update and Shut Down or Update and Restart. Oh, I figured my computer was trying to update itself in the middle of the night and kept waking up for no other good reason. My parents say the school sent them a letter notifying them they were going to give me these logic based tests and then sent them another letter saying I got high marks on the tests but I wasnt what they were looking for. There was no specific mention in the letters of what type of school or special program they would have sent me to had I passed the tests. Top 5 REAL People That Visited A Parallel Universe - YouTube 0:00 / 10:39 Intro #paralleluniverse #alternateuniverse #top5 Top 5 REAL People That Visited A Parallel Universe 7,602. It looked like we were in this girls bedroom. My goodness, it was too early for me to be awake, unless I had to get up with an alarm this early. Wherever I was at in this hospital, it was certainly very strange for having an extra terrestrial looking nurse. That is how I talked to this group of young girls. Its called string theory, which is the focus of my research. Now it is acceptable and understood for those with an open mind. Strange scars and instances of missing time were two things on the list in Lambs book. Dolores Cannon spoke of these things in her books from people she hypnotized. I was open to the idea that aliens did in fact exist because I felt it was very arrogant of humans to think we are the only ones, but I was not open to factual information about such topics until September 2015. Woman Claims To Be From A Parallel Universe - Ghost Theory As I started down the front steps of the hospital, I somehow remembered that my body and consciousness was still very much plugged into my native timeline and I couldnt unplug it. The concept of a parallel universe has been around since the early 1960s, mostly in the minds of fans of sci-fi TV shows and comics, but now a cosmic ray detection experiment has found. Sleep was more important to me because I worked so much and I knew that people who had alien abduction experiences didnt usually remember it in the morning anyway. They actually seems "angels", also called been from the astral dimension (same universe as our one, but different dimension). The Germans needed the industrial might, power, and access to resources that the United States had, in order to build out their galactic infrastructure with their flying saucers. Instructions for growing love. Sometimes people dream about events that have not yet happen but will take place in the future. I still didnt know if he was actually one of these machine peoples or if he just had to use the technology to look like one for wherever he was going off to next in his job. She looked a little less scared though. It was like very early dawn when the sun is about to come up, but its still fairly dark. Discover our four plan options. Write a science story set in this utopic and blissful world. In my timeline, ice melts if you leave it out long enough, but I knew the ice in this drink didnt melt like that, so this drink could have sat on this table for at least half a day and still remained cold with full cubes of ice, like you had just taken it out of the refrigerator. I had so much gratitude for my Cosmic Disclosure education and people like BridgET because I felt that they had been a catalyst for my free will to consciously remember my three day experience in a parallel timeline. It looked like these kind of people were made of parts! As best as I can sum it up, David Wilcocks work has to do with the physics of spirituality and Corey Goode is very instrumental at relaying how the issue of extra terrestrials fits into our human global history, what is still going on today in our society, and how this effects our every day lives. A man who has adopted the pseudonym of James Richards claims he was chasing his dog through Del Puerto Canyon in California on September 9, 2009 when he tripped in a rabbit hole and knocked himself unconscious. I was losing consciousness. I Woke Up in a Parallel Universe - HuffPost But no, Nicolas said the machine peoples could traverse the cosmic web {like the one I had read about in David Wilcocks book, Ascension Mysteries, where Earth has an address similar to an IP address for the internet.} I wanted to know what she had said and what was happening. Anyway, it was a fascinating read and it definitely helped me to think differently about certain belief systems. However, I had just gotten this food out of a sealed package, it tasted processed or manufactured somehow, and by this time my consciousness was so turned off by processed food. I knew that sometimes when you drive into the parking lot of hospitals in my own timeline, there are these large signs that tell you what direction to go for each place in the hospital, like radiology or maternity with arrows pointing in different directions. This girl looked like me, but only a few inches taller, and she looked to be about 13 to 16 years old. This package of food was like a round bowl with a white sealed lid. I started to think about writing up a document to describe my experience, but I didnt actually start to do it until I heard people tell me that, after watching my original long 2 hour video, they had some kind of awakening in their consciousness. What kind of current event would you want to watch the news for! I picked him up, held him, and sat on the bed. He seemed to be trying to convey that our timelines follow a similar trajectory, even though they look very different. The monkey really did make me feel better about this whole situation. I was a bit tired and went to bed as I normally do. Background Glyph Designed By Allison Gee Each string vibration, or resonance, corresponds to a distinct particle. One morning within the past year from October 2016, I woke up to find that the time on the watch on my wrist was three hours behind the iPod sitting next to my bed. The correct date it was supposed to be. By now it was about 3am and I was getting fed up with devil computer, but I put it back to sleep one last time. I said to her, Can I give you a hug? She said, Ok just a bit awkwardly as she stood up from where she was leaning on the wall to humor my request and give me a hug. He said they were all expecting the ascension event in 2012 but it didnt happen for them either. I figured they must have been similar to the hover boards in the movie, Back to the Future. I knew that if I could think hard enough about me, and my body, in my normal bed at home in my native timeline, I could go back there. Top Secret knowledge was that they had better technology like anti-gravitic flying crafts. Clearly I hadnt been drinking and eating the food and drinks they had left for me over the period of my stay because I didnt like it. For the first time, I got a good look at this nurse while she was fixing the Me on the table. I couldnt even tell what these peoples body language meant exactly. Peter and Nicolas had their normal clothes back on. Nicolas said that after 2012, when the ascension didnt happen but everyone thought it was going to, they were approached by some off world race who told them {politely suggested} that this {timeline healing} work would be beneficial for humanity. He didnt specify which off world race this was or what they were called. Kind of like crossing a portal and then looking back and there's no portal anymore, no way back. In other universes, we humans may have become extinct. I was in the hospital bed, but all around me was a landscape of a rocky brown desert, similar to Mars. They had the color and texture of jeans, but it looked like fabric that had a bit of a shimmer, like a fabric digital screen. Maybe these were digital jeans, like muffins tag, and they could be whatever color and texture a person wanted. Quantum theory is based on what is known as Heisenbergs uncertainty principle, allowing for a small probability that we can exist even on distant places like Mars. She wasnt fat, she was just more endowed as a woman, but I thought, I hope I dont get fat in my timeline.. I figured the nature of time itself must also follow the fractal of the platonic solids in shape and principle. I thought- Wow, if what was happening in this hospital was happening in my timeline, the only box we would have to put it into would be conspiracy theory, but these boys dont even seem to know of any such thing as conspiracy theory. This would explain why humans can dream in color, and can senses with all five feelings what's happening within the dream. I knew the iPod showed the correct time because it was also the same time on my computer. . Then he let the device go back into the air. This time I got out of bed. UFO Sightings over Washington DC in 1952: A bunch of flying saucers were spotted over the capitol. Mysterious People Who Spontaneously Travelled to Parallel Realities He seemed very attracted to me, as some type of working relationship, perhaps I was just his specimen or his patient. Now Jackie Fuchs On the day the story of my rape came out, I. The sooner we can all realize what has been done to us by the Military Industrial Complex, the sooner we can all get on with our real lives and have that peace on Earth weve always dreamed about. One concept that has become the focus of much speculation and wonder is that of other realities, dimensions, universes, whatever. It felt like I should think more importantly about my parallel timeline experience because, in the scope of humanity in my timeline, visiting a parallel timeline is important. The term parallel universe is just a buzz word title that would gain interest to this document more effectively for anyone searching for this type of information. Everyone knew about it. One thing he also said about Corey Goode in his own timeline is, and he doesnt have to hide. This seemed to mean for me that Goodes information is available to the public through the internet, but its not open common knowledge in my native timeline. Now You do too. It was like there were wheel covers on these skateboards wheels, but they were like fancy sports car skateboards. She looked like a cross between an insectoid humanoid and a grey alien humanoid. He said, 1980/81 to 1985.. The girl I mainly looked at while I was talking to all of them said with a laugh, Ha ha, oh, Id never do that. To recall this event for you is just like describing an event that happened to me yesterday, so I know this experience was not a dream. In summary, on October 18, 2016 I was taken from my bed in Seattle Washington, between 3:30am and 6:30am, to a parallel universe/timeline where I experienced a three day hospital stay in Anaheim California. If youve ever cruised the Pacific Northwests Festival scene and have been to Beloved, Cascadia, or Imagine art and music festivals, youd know exactly what kind of clothing I am talking about. Just then there was a voice coming from my left hip pocket. They said, Well, we had to try it.. A Portal to a Parallel Universe Opens Through a Mirror | Medium In the room are the waves from hundreds of different radio stations, but your radio is tuned to just one frequency. In a Parallel Universe, Another You - The New York Times I told that intuitive voice to go take a hike until I was ready to accept what it was telling me, that Id meet some random person Id seen on YouTube talk about a crazy subject like ETs. Other people have probably woken up from a parallel timeline experience as if it had been a dream and discounted or forgotten about it completely. The people in this facility get drawn in a lottery to go to the island which is a paradise, but in actuality they get taken to a medical facility and killed to have their organs and body parts harvested. {Please attain the authors permission before including this document or its contents in your publication or media.}. You are welcome to think what you will about me or my experience. Today, many of the worlds top physicists are embarking on this cosmic quest, whose far-reaching reverberations span our understanding of reality and the meaning of existence. I looked down and there was a tag at Muffins left hip, about the size of half a drivers license that we have in our timeline. He meant he was using it as a metaphor or an analogy for this whole situation of me applying to this hospital to get my timelines healed. As best as I can describe this bedroom scene, it seemed like someone was trying to be romantic. WHAT?! Everyone and the situations in Nicolas timeline seemed to be in their more actualized form, in their form of a higher vibratory state of being. Immediately Nicolas started communicating to me telepathically and said, No no, {or oh, no}. It would be like taking a bunch of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders and putting them into an underperforming 3rd grade class in hopes that more 3rd graders graduate at the end of the year. I wanted to rename Thanksgiving and call it Native American Observance Day of Thanksgiving and stop eating dead animals, even though I am not a vegetarian. As I was hugging her, I noticed she was also a few inches taller than I am and her body was a bit more plump or womanly. Only organic, biological people can go through this thing. It almost reminded me of the reflective material that traffic workers have on their bright colored jackets so cars watch out for them. I held the monkey with my left arm, as you would an upright baby, while I opened the lid to a wooden box at the side of my bed with my right hand. As a child, my father was interested in aliens and UFOs, but its not something I ever took seriously or was interested in, as I got older. I had heard of people talking about parallel universes, but I had never heard of similar parallel timeline experiences or abductions. I could even draw the floor plan for this room that I was in. Nicolas said to me, We dont have transhumanism here. I also had my normal cosmic clothing on. The red color was actually more like pink, but it was made to be red in contrast with the other colors that typically appeared on this tag. I fell back to duck her blow. (After my experience I thought, This girl must have been left handed.). I try to get enough rest when I can because, as you can imagine, working 60 hours per week can be tiring. I was trying to tell it I didnt want it to scan my head too! I wanted to know what hospital I was in so I was looking for the title of the hospital or facility on this sign. You cant go back yet because we need you to heal the other timelines.. This is totally not my type! (and they knew it, I knew they already knew what I liked). I was about to explain to him why I didnt like the food, but just then Muffin jumped up on the bedside table. I tried to check in with myself to see what I was observing, was this a land where transhumanism had been more widely seeded than it was in my timeline? The first thing that came in was that we were in America and it was 2016 (for both me and Nicolas). Now there are over 70, 30 minute, episodes of this show and I have seen every one of them. I wrote as fast as I could as I remembered, but it had been so vivid and sensory, just like I was awake that I felt I wouldnt be able to forget. It wasnt startling to me though because of my Cosmic Disclosure education in my real life, but I couldnt remember seeing any other extra terrestrial looking type people in this hospital before. Short Attention Span Theatre: Parallel Universes It was so weird, unlike anything I had ever experienced. In a Parallel Universe, Another You As they probe the secrets of the cosmos, scientists question whether our reality is but one in a multiverse. Apparently they didnt think that what I had said about Peter was very proper or appropriate. By now I had learned that my intuition is usually a good compass, even when it tells me things I am not ready to hear. THIS PAGE CONTAINS THE FULL WRITTEN ACCOUNT For a VIDEO Account about my experience CLICK HERE Parallel Universe: My Visit. Its been more than six decades since Einsteins death, yet I keep going back to that photo of his desk that I saw as an 8-year-old, the work he left unfinished and its profound implications. It looked like the kind of cereal that is similar to Cheerios, but a little more puffed. I didnt know which one it was, and Nicolas didnt specify all the details, but he did want me to know that he wasnt a robot.. She said hello with a sexy motion of her shoulder. Could I go up to the street corner front entrance of the hospital where all the people were? I read it on Muffins tag, Trumps defeat before you return. Am I going to have to stay here for over a month? He still looked very puzzled and slightly surprised, like he didnt know how exactly to handle or approach the situation. This wooden box looked like it had been painted or stained to be very dark reddish brown. I peeled back the sealed lid. Just like all the sand in an hourglass eventually falls into the bottleneck, so too does all of time and everyone in it. Afterall, who wants Back to the Future in 2015 messing up the beautiful blue sky? I knew that she was aware this wasnt a dream, and she wasnt going to go home just thinking this was all a dream because it wasnt. The virtual reality in this hospital seemed normal, like it was something I had experienced here before, so it wasnt strange to me. Most children being born in our present time on Planet Earth are Wanderers in preparation for the coming ascension.