So check out our list of popular demon names taken from mythology and pop culture. This does go some way to discredit the fallen angel theory, but we wont go down that rabbit hole right now. Kali was the lord and ruler during the Kali Yuga. Their probing tongue penetrates the womans pregnant belly and sucks out their unborn childs heart. She wears a white kimono and appears when snow falls. Lucifer: pride Beelzebub: envy Satan: wrath Abbadon: sloth Mammon: greed Belphegor: gluttony Asmodeus: lust Spina's classification of demons [ edit] Alphonso de Spina, in 1467, prepared a classification of demons based on several criteria: Demons of fate Incubi and succubi Wandering groups or armies of demons can include multiple regions in hell Like many works of mystical nature, Le Dragon Rouge (or the Red Dragon) claims to come from Solomon and his priests and is said to be published in 1517 by Alibeck the Egyptian. 70. He appears mainly as an image on conjuring bowls. Farfarello, This is the name of a demon who is in Dantes Inferno. Before Adam met Eve, there was Lilith. The most notable use of Sharur was when Ninurta fought the demon Asag (also called Agag), who was a demon of sickness and disease. It is by no means a complete list. AZAZEL - This demon is attributed to teaching men how to make weapons of war and destruction. Considered the deadliest monster in Greek mythology too. 4. Glasya-Labolas/Caacrinolaas/Caassimolar/Classyalabolas/Glassia-labolis,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from May 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 17 April 2023, at 01:00. Shedim is not a single demon but rather the name given to a group of evil spirits. Mammon is a powerful demon indeed, and it would seem to me, as an outsider, that he is getting stronger with each passing year. Ghoulies, This name is derived from the word ghoul. They then get asked the same question. This demon has 85 legions of demons under his control. names of asuras in hindu mythology. God put his tools to one side and never returned to the work once the Sabbath passed. His red skin only added to his angry image. It is not a list of names of demons, although some are listed by more than one name. 1. Every country needs a headless horseman legend, and in Ireland, that is the Dullahan. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission. Now, there will be others, and there are certainly sub-classifications of them all. Written in the 15th or 16th century, this grimoire was a likely source for Wierus hierarchy of demons, but while Wierus mentions 69 demons, Le Livre des Esperitz has only 46. A deep and rich story interwoven across different deities and storylines. We help curate your cool through deep dives into topics of self-actualization, lifestyle, and interpersonal intelligence. Zeus. His pride was what fuelled his desire to be the biggest and the best, and that same pride led to his downfall. Demons - A Complete List of Demons | Demons In the ancient cultures, a demon didn't always have an evil connotation. The Book of Abramelin, possibly written in the 14th or 15th century, lists four princes of the demons: Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial. Gremory: This is one of the cool demon names from Christian mythology. One of the ultimate demons from Hell, Mephistopheles, has Germanic roots and is essentially the devils favorite bounty hunter. It will serve as an inspiration for assigning demon names to snakes in your friend circle, so they wont get it HAHAHA! She is said to eat the souls of the damned. 14. They can take control and assume human form, and their idea of a good time goes beyond saying boo or opening a few cupboard doors. Bambadjan, This demon is from the TV series, The Good Place. I realize it would be sensible to continue with religion-based types of demons, but I wanted to break away a little and look at things from the broader perspective of folklore and culture. I am no theologist, nor do I proclaim to have an in-depth knowledge of the worlds different religions. The origins of her story are debated, but again, there is a consistency in her methods. Its skin is pasty and rotten, with the soft consistency of rotten cheese. If that isnt dark, then I dont know what is! This horseman is said to be the spirit of the Celtic God Crom Dubh. Again, harking back to the theological debate of whatever demons breed. Lucifer is classed as the demon of pride because it was precisely that which led him to lead the heavenly rebellion. Wiyohiyanpa, god of the east winds who oversees beginnings and events of the day. 15. In fact, they claim that she is one of the goddesses of the six chakras. [11] Of course, Lucifer sits at the top of Hells complicated ladder. rakshasa, Sanskrit (male) Rkasa, or (female) Rkas, in Hindu mythology, a type of demon or goblin. Iluvatar, the most powerful being in the world, the one God, created Arda by singing a melody. Devils are generally regarded as the adversaries (enemies) of the gods, while the image of demons ranges from mischief makers to powerful destructive forces. 37. This book attempts to provide an account of all the knowledge concerning superstitions and demonology. It is also insightful to get an understanding of how the concepts of good and evil are viewed around the world. Yuki-onna is a female demon known as the Snow-Woman. In Christianity, demons are essentially fallen angels. 44. Barbas: In Christian mythology, Barbas is described as the Great President ofHellgoverning 36 legions of demons. Archimonde, this demon name comes from a series of video games called Warcraft. Bune: This demon comes from Christian theology. 48. It would seem that love is the fuel that drives this demon onwards. He ruled over the world like a warlord and lived in a mountain lair. Bad Ash, This is one of the most well-known demon names which appears in the Evil Dead films. Arunasura (Hindu mythology): He was a demon who had attained the boon from Lord Brahma of not getting killed by any two or four-legged creature. What I found interesting was that in Judaism, these types of demons are not so much evil entities acting against God but rather seen as vessels of God, used to exact his punishments. If only he had paid more attention to a young Austrian boy with a funny haircut back at the turn of the 20th century, perhaps the world would have been saved some terrible atrocities. In many religions, devils and demons stand on the opposite side of the cosmic balance from gods and angels . Kabandhas legend appears in theHindu epicsRamayanaandMahabharata, as well as in later Ramayana adaptations. A line that can not only be blurred but fused together. The moral of that parable being that all work is finished once the Sabbath arrives. Achlys: Achlys is one of the figures depicted onHeracles shield, representing the personification of sorrow. Powerful Demon Names from Mythologies and Pop Culture: The concept of good and evil has seized to exist in human society since time immemorial. The visions of tempting demons that some early (and not so early) saints had, perhaps inspired the eighth category (e.g. 12. Preying on children and the dead am I the only one getting Saville vibes from these types of demons? Each artist or creator seems to have their own take and lore that comes into play, weaving through their worlds. It is one of the popular spirit names. Babylonian, Charybdis: Deadly Sea Monster (Greek Mythology) 32. Leviathan truly is a beast that makes the Kraken look like a cute little seahorse. Uranus was the god it all started with, while Cronus managed to bring a Golden Age of peace. The moviemakers and big celebrities are cashing on in the name of demons. His act of rebellion saw him and his denizens cast out of heaven and into the newly minted Hell. The length and appearance of these horns vary from storyteller to storyteller. A lazy being, Belphegor manages to keep his seat at the devils table thanks largely to the greedy and lazy nature of man. 19. Mephistopheles, however, is not often the one seen to be making the deal, but rather the rabid dog sent to collect when it comes time to pay up. [26] This association was inspired by the demonic hierarchy from The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage. Balthazar: this name is from the horror film, Constantine. Alphonso de Spina, in 1467, prepared a classification of demons based on several criteria: This classification is somewhat capricious and it is difficult to find a criterion for it. indian demons. amzn_assoc_asins = "B08W5H5YKS,B07VNHBKCJ,0738768588,B07SW3LY27"; However, before you roll your eyes and click away, were not creating an encyclopedia here. 41. 53. Again, there are many accounts of Leviathans origin, including that it was a beast from the abyss, tamed by God only to side with Lucifer and cast from heaven beside him. Egyptian, Typhon, in Greek, Typhon means devil. Aamon/Amon: The name Aamon/Amon comes from thegodAmunor from thegodBaal-hamonofCarthage. Kali is often depicted with a dog-like face, large fangs, and wild, bushy, green hair. Ruby: This name is from the TV series, Supernatural. As for minor demons, well, we come across temptation every single day. Id wager every family has that one aunt who turns up at Christmas just to sit in the corner and spout threats and warnings related to this demons cunning ways. 4. There is something haunting and, dare I say, beautiful about that. However, much like The X-Files before it, the show might be the most fun when it takes on the Monster of the Week episodes.. Sam and Dean Winchester were hunters, battling all kinds of supernatural . Aku, This name is from the animated TV series, Samurai Jack. 62. Kumbhakarna(Hindu mythology): This demon is from Ramayana, who used to sleep for 6 months and then awake for another six months of the year. 2. Its interesting to note that in all my research, it never says the Kappa kill their victims before extraction; instead, it says they assault them. 43. These offices are usually elaborated in several grimoires which determines their authority in hell or abilities. Barbu Vacarescu 164A, Cladirea C1, 020285, Bucharest. 21. Its not easy to pick them up and describe them, as their existence is often part of a much larger, more complicated journey. Etruscan, However, a consistent theme is their taste for young women and children. The adversary, representing opposition, the element of fire, the direction of the south, and the Sigil of Baphomet during ritual. 36. Preta(Hindu and Buddhist mythology): It means Ghost or evil spirit. He is an influential member of the demon hierarchy and is said to command the power of 72 legions. Eligos: In Christian mythology, he is aGreat Dukeof Hell, ruling 60 legions of demons. 11. ASTAROTH - Phoenicians worshipped this female demon as the goddess of lustfulness. The grandfather & father of Zeus, the most powerful god. The first demon on this list that is not actually a fallen angel. The grimoire details the different hosts of hell and their powers, describing how to enter a pact with them to attain the magicians' goals. The most aggressive of all demons is considered to be the so called "Lord of Blood" named Ihrinwe. It remains a strange taboo, even in the modern world. These experiences also add fuel to the ongoing debate regarding the mating rituals of demons and whether their copulation with humans, be it willingly or taken by force, results in the further spread of demons throughout all levels of existence. However, we who name Jesus as Lord need never fear them. In De occulta philosophia (1509-1510), Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa proposed several classifications for demons, based on numeric scales, like his whole Cosmology. Tate, a wind god or spirit in Lakota mythology. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Either way, he is one nasty dude and, if encountered, should not be taken for his word. Rightly placed as a prince among the demons of Hell, his high ranking in the demon hierarchy is safeproviding we continue to follow our own insatiable appetite for riches. There are strong links between the Leyak and the Manananggal in that they both separate from their bodies and prey upon unborn babies. 30. This is not because he so enjoys hacking and slashing at human flesh. While certainly never referred to as an ally to humans, he is not the nastiest scourge to ever crawl from the fiery pit. Shaitan: A class ofjinn(spirits) from Islamic folklore. Everybody must endure a number of punishments equating to the life they lived before being allowed to be reborn into a new life. Dagon: Dagon was a god worshiped inancient Syria, where rulers regarded him as the god capable of granting them kingship over the western areas. If money is the root, then Mammon is the mighty oak that grows from it, stretching greedily up into the air, snatching at valuables as it growsgnarled, twisted, and bitter. The other saints are cited only by their name without making clear, i.e., which Francis is mentioned (of Assisi?). Most likely, they all evolved separately around the same time. 34. This is one of the most common demon names for girls. The 72 Kings of Hell: Ars Goetia - The Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton) | The most powerful and worst demons of Judaeo-Christian Mythology: Demonology 1: In. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "tc-demons-20"; TheCoolist is a mood board for your headspace. Indian and Syrian Shaitans are described as the strongest of their class. They were captured and promised freedom if they stopped eating meat. Semitic, Just make sure you dont confuse him with the Goddess Kali, who happens to be the Goddess of Life, Time, and Death. While it could be argued there is a certain ingenuity in that line of thought, it remains, at its core, a lazy mans attitude. The date is very dubious, though it is considered the oldest surviving work particularly concerned with individual demons.[1][2]. Who hasnt heard the name of Satan? He actively tries to warn the titular character away from making a deal and selling his soul during his appearance in Faust. 7. Lilith is a nasty piece of work and seems to be more commonly associated as a demon of children and pregnant women. There were several editions of the book, but perhaps the most famous is the edition of 1863, in which sixty-nine illustrations were added to the book. Bakasura(Hindu mythology): This demon name is from Mahabharata (Hindu religious text). Samael would later to kicked from heaven and becomes known as a demon king. 55. When thinking about supernatural entities, your primary groupings are ghosts, poltergeists, spirits, and demons. indian demon. In return for performing tasks for Shiva, Bhandasura was promised Lordship over the city of demons. Each Yuga lasts 4,320,000 years. Many of these images were later used in S. L. MacGregor Mathers's edition of The Lesser Key of Solomon though some of the images were removed. So, without further waffle, lets take a look at some of the strangest types of demons from folklore around the world. Abyzou is a Jewish abomination regarded as the demon of miscarriage. This name comes from Christian demonology. here's our new youtube video about the whole monster list: 1. This changes the mindset of demons slightly and beings to break away from the concept of Demons as specific princes of Hell and more as an entire supernatural species. This name appears in the movie series Ghoulies. Our articles maintain a high degree of informational integrity, deconstructing complex topics such as personality types, spirituality, socialization, culture, and much more. However, there is always a consistent base from which these things are built. The anti-Santa, the Krampus, has been terrifying German children for generations. Please take a deep breath as we look at some of the wildest types of demons in Japan. 5. They also wander into towns and villages, sniffing out any child whose mother is not home. My favorite fallen angel, Belial, should have been mentioned. Types of Demons: Weirdest & Most Powerful Demons Around the World TheCoolist Art Fire and Brimstone: Types of Demons From Around the World By Alex Laybourne Updated on November 16, 2022 In this post, we will take a walk on the dark side and look at the different types of demons across the world. 1. You can find the mention of demons in the religious epics, which in the modern times serve as ancient literature. There are, of course, plenty of other demons associated with Christianity, from the wolf-like Aamon and the demon locust Abadon all the way to Vepar and Zepar, two Duke demons of Hell. Also Read: 85 Awesome Vampire Names with Meaning and Origin (Male & Female). Asura(Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto): These are a class of beings in Indian religions. The Testament of Solomon is a pseudepigraphical work, purportedly written by King Solomon, in which the author mostly describes particular demons whom he enslaved to help build the temple, the questions he put to them about their deeds and how they could be thwarted, and their answers, which provide a kind of self-help manual against demonic activity. The demon of hyperthermia, Yuki-onna, appears before her victims asking them to hold a child. Humans have always been fascinated with the stories of demons, as it gives them chills down the spine. Later on, Lord Rama avenged his wifes abduction and slew Ravana to bring his wife back. Its name means to separate, which is precisely what it does. However, that is a little bit generalistic. Given this, Bhandasura was left alone while other gods transpired against him. As a father and someone who has gone through a miscarried pregnancy, there is no sorrow like it. Some Popular Demon Names from Hindu and Buddhist Theology: Demons Names from Christian, Jewish, Islam and Greek Folklores: Popular Demon Names from Fiction, TV shows and Movies: 108 Best Demoness Names (Female Demon Names) for your Baby, 48 Awesome Male Vampire Names with Meanings and Origins, 40+ Awesome Female Vampire Names with Meanings and Origins, 85 Awesome Vampire Names with Meaning and Origin (Male &, 107 Best Names with Dark Meaning (Male & Female), 40 Best Stefan Salvatore Quotes from The Vampire Diaries, 101 Best Mc Names with Origin and Meaning, 123 Awesome The Vampire Diaries Quotes thatll Make You Wanna Watch it Again, 80 Flirty Texts to Make Your Lover or Crush Feel Special, 15 Major Signs Someone is Secretly Jealous of You, 10 Habits of Couples having Strong Relationship.