The population is considered zero with perhaps the occasional transient visitor. Thank you in advance for helping to protect Pennsylvania wildlife! Hunting is legal, but closely regulated by the state. Male turkeys will mate with multiple hens in a given breeding season, or even in a single day. In a 1996 survey of Pennsylvania hunters, conducted by the Pennsylvania State University, 61 percent of respondents indicated they would like to see an increase in pheasant stocking, and 72 percent were opposed to closing pheasant propagation facilities to generate more operating capital for agency programs. Elk hunters are encouraged to spend some time in Pennsylvanias elk country to become familiar with the area in advance of the elk hunting seasons. The last wild mountain lion (Puma concolor) known to live in Pennsylvania was killed in 1871. Males are not involved in the lives of the cubs after they are born. There are also mountain lions in other parts of the state but the populations are smaller and exact numbers unclear. Still, you just never know". No. Yes, they will be for the 2021-22 hunting license year. A form (PDF) to be used for such requests can be obtained at the Harrisburg Office of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and at Open Records Offices throughout the Commonwealth. This change, to allow antlerless hunting throughout the season, is not intended to increase the antlerless harvest. For more on cougars in Minnesota, see the MDNR page here. The last catamount / mountain lion in Vermont was killed in 1881. Currently, trapping is only allowed for species with abundant populations and for species whos populations were reintroduced and are still growing like bobcat, fisher, and river otter only one animal per license year may be harvested and only in areas where populations are high enough to support harvest. How do I report a road-killed deer? If you have a question that isnt answered below, please email us at If you took a hunter or trapper education course before the above dates, you must complete a Hunter Education Program Replacement Certificate Affidavit (PDF) form, which can be downloaded from this site. If the test fire achieves expected results, and weather conditions remain within the prescription, crews will begin burning along the firebreak on the downwind or uphill side of the unit to widen the control line, which helps to ensure that the remainder of the burn will stay contained. Our agency is passionate about our states wild birds and wild mammals. Do not feed deer. According to the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism it is likely the sightings are transient young males from more established populations (such as neighboring Colorado). Photos submitted as mountain lions are typically feral housecats. According to the Nevada Department of Wildlife In Nevada lions are found in areas of pinion pine, juniper, mountain mahogany, ponderosa pine and mountain brush. Crews are highly trained and qualified to light fires in a way that allows wildlife to escape, often with crew members walking through units before and during burns to ensure the area is clear of wildlife. What are the wart-like bumps that can grow on deer? Hunters Sharing the Harvest is Pennsylvanias venison donation program that coordinates the distribution of donated venison to a statewide network of meat processors and food banks. Pennsylvanias elk herd is located in the states northcentral region. Harvest management to improve turkey numbers is with more conservative fall seasons. In fact an article I read noted that a confirmed mountain lion sighting hadnt happened in 100 years. Wildlife need varied, natural food as part of their normal diet. What happens on the day of the burn? While mountain lions were considered rare in Arkansas after 1920, it seems they are making a comeback. Like mad cow disease in cattle, scrapie in sheep and goats, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans, it's caused not by a virus or bacteria, but by abnormal prions, or proteins. American martens have large home ranges averaging over 3.2 mi and populations have relatively low density in comparison to most other wildlife species within the state. With that, Pennsylvanias seasons and management strategies must account for high harvest potential and possible disturbance of hens given the number of hunters. Our investigations have determined the overwhelming number of sightings of mountain lions in our state are actually bobcats. Pennsylvania is home to the largest wild elk herd in the northeastern United States. The Everglades1,150 miles south of Pennsylvaniais the only known home to a breeding population of cougars in the East (Figure 1). License fees cannot be increased without approval of the General Assembly. Almost all of the mountain lions found in Missouri so far, at least those where a sex determination could be made, have been males. Pennsylvania State law specifies that license fees are non-refundable and therefore the Pennsylvania Game Commission does not have the authority to issue a refund. A biologist later confirmed From a deer management perspective, it would be possible to allow the use of inline muzzleloaders during the late season flintlock season if the hunters were required to use their antlerless tag for that specific Wildlife Management Unit (WMU). By expanding concurrent seasons statewide, hunters are provided with more opportunities to harvest antlerless deer. Where can I find bear harvest data? Yes. Is it lawful to use an inline during the late flintlock season? The agency is primarily funded by hunting and furtaker license sales, as well as State Game Lands timber, mineral, oil/gas revenues, a federal excise tax on sporting arms and ammunition, and assets that have been procured with license dollars. A game warden can prove that an attempt to tag the animal was made based on the evidence of a hole in the ear. Each hunting license comes with one fall turkey tag (and one spring tag), so we regulate fall harvest by season length. The crew is briefed on the burn plan and forecasted weather conditions. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. The virus is species-specific and poses no known threat to people or other animals. What is Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)? UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- A recent rumor of a cougar killed by a vehicle on Interstate 80 attracted some attention at Penn State. Just like their neighbor Virginia, there is no breeding population of mountain lions in West Virginia. Replacement certificates are usually mailed in 10-14 days upon receipt of an application. Isnt that what happened to beaver and river otter in Pennsylvania? WebMerely informing people of the possibility of mountain lions in Pennsylvania would not cause a panic, as it never does out west, but the death of a child by a mountain lion in Pennsylvania would create some measure of panic and terror in Pennsylania, and all surrounding states. Why cant Pennsylvanias Spring Gobbler season open earlier? New hotline info. They are accurate to the best of our knowledge. They do acknowledge some have escaped captivity in the last 30 or so years, and that there is a possibility of the occasional transient young male passing through. Black bears eat a diet consisting of plants and meats. Like most eastern states, Maryland was once home to the eastern mountain lion but none remain today. Time is of the essence when it comes to reporting the location of a wild animal, so it's best to call, as opposed to report via email or social media. Indians and native people of both continents often revered and had much admiration and folklore surrounding the big cats. Males are known to sometimes wander far in search of their own territory. Click here to learn more. More information is available here. Can an adult mentor take more than one JUNIOR hunter hunting at a time? Courses average six hours for a classroom format and eight hours for a skills station format. In addition to the map, users will see signage posted around the burn unit identifying the area as a planned burn during the coming weeks or months. With declining turkey populations in many Wildlife Management Units, it might seem logical to eliminate the second spring gobbler tag to reduce harvest. HuntFishPA, is equipped to provide hunters and trappers with electronic versions of the licenses they buy. There have been no confirmed reports of mountain lions, AKA Puma concolor, in Pennsylvania since the late 1800s. That said there have been numerous sightings of them over the years. So is the second largest extant cat in North America still managing to eke out a living in the Keystone state? If you ask me, the answer is yes. For more on Missouris mountain lion reports check here. A handful of these have been confirmed over the years, but according to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, 95% of reported sightings are mistaken identity. Young males may travel long distances looking for new territory. Do lots of hens mean fewer gobblers? Other exceptions are included with species seasons below. Human foods do not offer a healthy diet for animals. There has never been any conclusive evidence.". It also allows hunters who submitted their deer for CWD testing to directly access results online. It is not impossible for a mountain lion to be living in the Commonwealth. Follow these guidelines to prevent the spread of the disease: 1. It is illegal to intentionally lay or place food, fruit, hay, grain, chemical, salt or other minerals that may cause bears to congregate or habituate an area. The Eastern Cougar Foundation, a clearinghouse for cougar sightings, claims it has received proof that big cats do exist in Missouri, Vermont, Massachusetts, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina, Illinois and Kentucky, and in Ontario and New Brunswick, Canada. Through stringent trap testing, BMPs provide a guide to trappers for ensuring animal welfare and trap efficiency for each individual species. If the tag was on the antlers, there would be no way to identify the head or carcass. Animals infected with CWD may not show signs of infection for 12 or more months. After hearing of alleged sightings over the years -- sketchy reports of rural folks listening to big cat screams in the night, inconclusive paw prints, photos and videos that never materialized and the occasional unexplained livestock killing -- a cougar carcass was supposed to be delivered to university wildlife experts for necropsy. Verbal instructions given through the use of electronic or other sound amplification devices does not meet these requirements. The population declined significantly and experienced a near total reproductive failure in 2018. Animals like coyotes and black bears can become a potential threat and cause harm to both humans and pets. What is the mission of the Pennsylvania Game Commission? What are the 2022-23 Hunting Season and Bag Limits? Connecticuts official position is that mountain lions have been extinct in the state since the late 1800s. There are geese everywhere, why does the Atlantic Population (AP) Zone have a one bird daily limit for the 2021-22 season? Mountain lions can be found throughout Arizona, and data suggests the populations are not only stable, but growing. adroll_pix_id = "UUT2MC3BENHHJNOX5ZEFEW"; At one point there were over 30, but those began to narrow as DNA testing became possible and many were found to not be genetically different enough to be considered separate subspecies. They even have a Mountain Lion Response Team to investigate sightings and gather evidence to try and track the population. Michigan no longer has an established mountain lion population, however confirmed sightings are starting to become more frequent. Wild animals constantly search for food and many will find the easy food source you provide. But please note that it is unlawful to put food out around the camera to attract wildlife to the area. The mountain lion population in New Hampshire is considered to be zero. According to the New Hampshire Fish and Game page, there continues to be no evidence of any mountain lions in the state. More information is available here. This list is for breeding mountain lion populations, but some sightings are noted. Who manages Pennsylvanias state game lands system? Removal of other items is strictly prohibited. But the reported road-kill apparently never happened. Consumption permits are issued from region offices. There are no known mountain lions in North Carolina. When traps are used properly and following the BMPs, they are very selective in what they catch, and along with state regulations, avoid non-targets like birds of prey. More information is available here. Although mourning doves are considered a migratory game bird species, many of the doves we have in Pennsylvania reside here throughout the winter and provide an excellent opportunity late into the season. The increased light provided from knocking back small saplings and brush coupled with reduction in leaf litter or grass thatch will greatly enhance opportunities for new species to grow, particularly native grasses and forbs. Since 1895, the Pennsylvania Game Commission has worked to manage and protect wildlife and their habitats while promoting hunting and trapping for current and future generations. How do I report suspected sick, injured or nuisance wildlife? It is thought these mountain lions only pass through Kansas. And a quiet, snowy covert makes a grouse flush all-the-more dramatic. The main benefits of this change include a simplification of regulations and increased hunting opportunity. For more information see the Kentucky DFW page on mountain lions here. Those licenses remain available and 2. There may well be a mountain lion out there that has been illegally released.". The catamount remains the mascot for the University of Vermont to this day. However, it is unlawful to remove any historical or archeological artifact. If a bear on your property becomes a nuisance by being destructive or dangerous, you can report it to the Game Commission region office that serves the county in which its located. A trail of DNA evidence collected over the years shows this particular mountain lion had traveled through New York, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. The decision to burn can be made as late as the morning of the burn. The lowered bag limit should allow AP Canada goose populations to rebound. To limit the effect of CWD in deer and elk populations, regulations restricting the movement of high-risk parts, banning feeding within Disease Management Areas (DMAs) and prohibiting the use of urine-based attractants in DMAs are in place. Unfortunately, just like any tool, they can be used inappropriately and result with negative impact. "Thus a rural legend is perpetuated. The most recent being a photo of tracks in snow taken in 2011, and the state believes these may have been made by the Connecticut Mountain Lion confirmed in the area during that same time period. Hunters overwhelmingly pass on jakes, further enhancing their survival to fill the place of older toms removed after breeding each year with minimal impact to the population. How are waterfowl seasons set? Wildlife crimes affect everyone. To read more about their efforts and mountain lions in Nebraska visit their page here. The primary goal of the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Pheasant Propagation Program is to provide a quality game bird for regulated hunting opportunities. A long term plan was enacted in 2008 to try and protect and grow the population. Previous Game Commission research has shown that reducing the fall season by one week allows more hens to survive to spring and reproduce. The following population estimates were taken from state government websites, and other authoritative sources. Since 1890 in the U.S. and Canada, there have been 100 attacks on humans at all, according to the research organization The Cougar Network. Prescribed fires can be conducted throughout the year, depending on the ecological objectives. Osage County leads the list with seven, followed by Cimarron County with six. Contact your Game Commission region office for additional information on how to create, preserve, or enhance wildlife habitat. There is currently no breeding population of Mountain Lions in Alaska. The Game Commission primarily burns to benefit wildlife and maintain the long-term health of their habitats. They are distributed throughout the state, except for a pocket around the Columbia river basin where not many reside. These fields are an exciting and new opportunity to take advantage of the most abundant and wide-ranging game bird in North America. As part of the American Marten Reintroduction Feasibility Assessment the Game Commission conducted extensive diet research from across the marten's range and found that marten eat primarily rodents, followed by a high percentage of insects and plants. There is no prohibition, per se, on metal detecting on state game lands. When was CWD detected in Pennsylvania? Pennsylvanias 1.6 million acres of state game lands are open for public access, at this time. We are one of the leading states when it comes to turkey hunters! People report sightings in Georgia every year, however the state is not considered to have a population and it is believed most of these sightings are a case of mistaken identity. Be sure to verify your mailing address when purchasing online licenses. Office of Open Records: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Office of Open Records, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, 4th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225. We raise pheasants because people like to hunt them. If Sundays were added to the legal waterfowl seasons, Pennsylvania waterfowl hunters would actually lose hunting opportunities. At headquarters, there is an executive staff and seven bureaus: Wildlife Habitat Management, Wildlife Management, Wildlife Protection, Administrative Services, Marketing and Strategic Communications, Information and Education and Automated Technology Services. There are 6 species of wild cats in North America, and 2 of those are what we consider big cats. Find out more about mountain lions sightings in Illinois here. How do I report a banded waterfowl harvest? No. Bowhunters accounted for over a third of Pennsylvanias 2020-21 overall deer harvest taking 160,480 deer (80,130 antlered and 80,350 antlerless deer) with either bows or crossbows. A map of these managed dove fields is available online. Were going to look at Mountain Lion population by state, though many states dont have a population as Cougars are mainly found in Western U.S. states. If bears continually return, remove the bird feeders entirely. While they dont look pretty, deer warts rarely affect the deers survival and have little impact on wild deer populations. Click here for full harvest reporting details. Bobcats are the only official populous and breeding big cats found in the state of Maryland. Will the Game Commission refund the cost of my hunting and furtaker licenses if I cannot travel due to COVID-19-related restrictions? Consider planting vegetation that provides both food and cover. Finally, it is important to note that the agency's prescribed fires are purposely conducted on a very small percentage of the overall land base, (less than 1 percent annually), providing significant amounts of refuge for animals that may be temporarily displaced. Users must realize that these decisions are highly weather dependent and therefore cannot be made more than a few days in advance. We will look at the currently accepted population numbers, and any other notable information and history about cougars in that state. Yes. A report on the states page lists the estimated minimum population for 2020-2024 to be about 3,512. A trail camera captured a photo of a cougar on Dec. 14, 2020 near Washburn in Bayfield County. Over the years there have been some local bigfoot-like folklore about Louisiana black panthers, however the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Department says no black leopards or jaguars are native to the United States. Read more at the New Mexico Game & Fish cougar page here. Except for Florida, the eastern mountain lion is believed to have extricated from the east coast by 1900. If the tag were there, this critical data would be lost as the heads would be unidentifiable. Arkansas has a huge feral hog population, and this abundant prey item might be one of the reasons mountain lions populations are slowly increasing. The Pennsylvania Game Commissions website, mobile app and Hunting and Trapping Digest are all great resources when looking for information related to current hunting and trapping seasons and beg limits. The smaller wild cats are the Bobcat, Lynx, Ocelot, and Jaguarundis. While ignition is taking place, additional crews patrol the firebreak perimeter to ensure the fire stays where it's supposed to. While much of North Dakota is open prairie habitat that will not support many mountain lions, they do reside in the more mountainous western parts of the state. What does the area look like after the burn? The Game Commissions CWD Surveillance Dashboard is available online at Through rigorous scientific process, biologists manage and track population trends and harvest very closely each year to inform management decisions while game wardens work tirelessly to enforce the laws and regulations on trapping. Being outdoors is good health care and self-care; however, recommendations for social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19 still apply. How can opinions be submitted to the Pennsylvania Game Commission? This behavior may also slow down spoilage of the meat. Florida Fish & Wildlife has a nice page about the Florida Panthers here. Current harvest success of inline muzzleloaders is approximately 17 percent, compared to a harvest success rate of 10 percent by flintlock hunters. A turkey's ability to forage from a variety of sources enables large populations to thrive in small areas, according to Weyerhausers Southern Wildlife Program Manager Dr. Darren Miller. Be safe and stay healthy! To download a high-resolution image, go to Additionally, in Pennsylvanias Disease Management Areas, hunters who wish to have their deer tested for Chronic Wasting Disease must place the head of their deer with the harvest tag attached to the head to place it in the head collection bin. Bears should be field dressed before being brought to a check station. CLARKS SUMMIT, Pa. -- The sighting of a big cat over the weekend in Lackawanna County has caused a debate over what was lurking in the Dodge family's Moreover, this approach would be exceedingly difficult to implement logistically because open and closed dates for individual counties and properties would differ across the state and change from week to week throughout the season. Those wishing to follow the agency online can do so on the following social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Yes. For more information see Terms and Conditions. A tutorial on how to navigate the dashboard is available on the Game Commissions YouTube channel. For mentored hunters ages 7 and older, the permit includes antlered deer, fall turkey and spring turkey harvest tags. They are considered a transient species in the state, with no breeding population. Not only is it illegal to feed elk in Pennsylvania, but it teaches them to associate people, cars and/or homes with food. The cat that is growing in population within Ohio is the bobcat, and many official believe most of the sightings called in are actually people mistakenly seeing bobcats. They rejuvenate succulent browse plants preferred by deer and elk, which promotes oak habitats, and their vitally important acorns, and maintains grasses and broadleaf plants sought by brooding turkeys and grouse. Click here to learn more about deer warts. Call the region office that serves the county where the animal is located, directly. Yet even with these precautions, there are rare instances when animals and/or their nests may get burned. Why are rifles being banned for fall turkey hunting in the 2021 season? Some animals lose their fear of humans and predators. However, jakes have high probability of natural survival to the next year. contact information is available here. Natural food sources can be low this time of year, so bears are more likely to help themselves to food that is easily accessible. Hunter-Trapper Education course records dating back to 1987 are maintained on a computer database. The license year begins July 1 and ends June 30. I think the mountain lion situation is like that. Learn more about elk history in Pennsylvania. It is legal to use trail cameras on state game lands. A high hen-to-gobbler ratio is also not a problem for turkey populations. The affidavit must be completed, signed and notarized before it is returned to the address found on the form. What should I do if I encounter young wildlife? During times of the year where natural food sources are low, bears sometimes help themselves to food that is easily accessible, including bird feeders, trash cans and pet food left outside within a bears reach. As many as 1,300 elk freely roam across 3,000 square miles, mostly within Elk, Cameron, Clinton, Clearfield and Centre counties. Click here for full harvest reporting details. The last studies performed in the late 1990s suggested a population of 4,000 6,000 of the big cats in California. Effective July 1, 2013; a $16 fee is charged for issuing a hunter education replacement certificate. Most general and add-on licenses are available on HuntFishPA. Mentored hunters, ages 12 and older, may participate in the program for a maximum of three license years. Bone out the meat from your animal; 3. There is no known population of mountain lions in Rhode Island. The board approved staffs recommendation to shorten the fall seasons in 15 WMUs as its standard method of targeting hen harvest reductions in specific units. Bird feeders, trash cans and pet food left outside within a bear's reach are all free game to a hungry bear. However, the spring season does not impact the overall annual turkey population, due to the timing of when the season opens after peak breeding, and when more than half of the hens have begun incubating eggs. Click here to read the Pennsylvania Game Code. Pennsylvania has more roads and hunters than just about every other state in America. "Now nobody is saying there is a wild emu population in Pennsylvania. Confirming an animal is infected with CWD requires laboratory testing of the brain or lymph nodes of the head. Local biologists later confirmed the siting based on photos taken at the scene. A sample permission slip is available on page 4 of the 2022-23 Hunting and Trapping Digest. At this time, there were no regulations in place to prevent that, nor was there anyone responsible for managing the wildlife. Mountain lions are found regularly throughout Idaho, and have been observed in every county. They are considered to be the only breeding species of cougar in the eastern part of the U.S. Florida panthers were listed as endangered in 1967. Even though the majority of the harvest occurs during the first week of the season, our harvest data show that fifteen to eighteen percent of the harvest can occur the last Monday-Friday of the season, so the longer the fall season length the higher the harvest.