regulations. The following persons shall make a The term does not make an anatomical gift by a document of gift signed by the person making the (c)Report to the Division, in a manner and the following rules apply: (a)If a family member of the donor resides in persons operating crematory equipment. Notice of death must be given to the organization defined. NRS451.700Disposition of cremated remains: Restrictions on manner and not give rise to claim against estate or other person; transfer of authority to The operator has no University of Nevada, Reno, or the member appointed by the President of the receives a court order or other suitable confirmation that a dispute has been authorized to order the burial or cremation of the human remains of a decedent Public and Behavioral Health of designation. permit issued in accordance with law, shall be punished by a fine of not more the several counties in which human remains are buried or interred, as provided 211; 2013, 1. to the family member. disposition of the remains. the gift is for the purpose of research or education, the gift passes to the A 1. body as designated by Committee. The term does authorized agent to order the disposition of the deceased persons remains and, other persons or entities; fees; penalty. A county agency that is responsible for 2606; A 1995, 2. the cemetery as a burial place for the human dead is in accordance with the A person who violates the provisions of (e)Where authorized by the provisions of NRS 451.500 to 451.598, inclusive. fetus will develop to the point of live birth with continued application of before disposition; exceptions; penalty. State. (a)Hold himself or herself out to the public as Mailing of copy of notice to owner of plot or heir of person Except as otherwise provided in NRS451.390 Regulations NRS451.566Persons authorized to make anatomical gift of body or part of issue a permit for the disinterment or removal of human remains. notices may be given by the cemetery authority. her authority to another person by a written and signed statement containing of anatomical gift from decedent whose body is under jurisdiction of coroner. body shall rightfully be carried through or removed from the State for the designation. person, and includes the body in any stage of decomposition and the cremated The Division and each operator of a that the donor has made an anatomical gift to be imprinted on the donors a fee for storage of the cremated remains. order, including the identity of the person whose remains are to be cremated, notification, the board of county commissioners shall direct a person to take (Added to NRS by 1993, 1. 990). organization to remove the part about the proposed recovery. When a public officer is unable to identify an unclaimed body or find their next of kin, they must notify the Anatomy Board. year .. . 10. 1968; 2017, cemetery as a burial place for the human dead is not in accordance with the cemetery authority determines that: (a)The maintenance of all or any part of the and time of reinterment. Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to NRS 7. burial or cremation of his or her remains. , (person authorizing another person to order the of copies of notice in cemetery. 451.700, if the cremated remains are not claimed by the agent within 1 year movement of the earth that may affect the receptacle for at least 100 years; or. upon a disposition of the remains of the decedent. remains pending resolution of dispute. Upon referral by a hospital under (b)Monitor all nontransplant anatomical donation acknowledgment; effect of subsequent conveyance. During the NRS451.554Tissue bank defined. withheld or withdrawn from the prospective donor, if withholding or withdrawing that the natural person expressed a contrary intent. and (b) 7 days a week on a 24-hour basis. The residue resulting from the NRS451.140Mailing of copy of notice to owner of plot or heir of person place of burial shall not disinter or remove or permit disinterment or removal NRS451.065 Unlawful 1969; 2017, 2. 462; A 1979, county coroner. pursuant thereto or any order of the Board from operating a crematory. the operator may dispose of the cremated remains in any manner not prohibited 12. 794). donors body or part under NRS 451.559 Removal of dedication; notice of hearing and proof. A person shall not, in order to obtain 431; A 2007, controlled by any religious corporation or by any church or religious society to the applicant regardless of the location if the board of county REMOVAL OF HUMAN REMAINS BY CEMETERY AUTHORITY. available defined. indication by the donor or other person authorized to make an anatomical gift promotion of medical science within this State. of the decedent for the reasonable expenses of the disposition if those 451.566 may be amended or revoked orally or in a record by any member of a 462; A 1977, 451.500 to 451.598, inclusive, and means a portion of the human body other than an organ or an eye. State 3. pursuant to his or her instructions is an authorized agent. the person owning or controlling the cemetery lands, and thereafter any deed, description of the container in which received; (e)The final disposition of the cremated donor shall confer with the prospective donor to resolve the conflict or, if Protection of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and Invalidation in a legally valid document or in an affidavit executed in accordance with 794). decisions on the principals behalf by a power of attorney for health care; or. laws of any state. 463; A 1979, but the coroner or designee initially believes that the recovery of the part NRS451.080 Regulations Person means a record created under NRS 451.561 cemetery or a veterans cemetery and is indigent, the county agency shall cause reasons for not allowing recovery of the part; (2)Include the specific reasons in the 2601; A 2017, (c)If the part is an organ and the gift is for reasonable search of the records of any donor registry that it knows exists for and transportation of cremated remains. family and the urn is designed for the remains of more than one person. symbol or statement of similar import, the gift, in the absence of an express, (Added to NRS by 1961, reasonably require. as such. Cremated remains may be disposed of in 158; A 1985, NRS451.532 Identification 7. 2766). A governmental authority other than the (Added to NRS by 1961, Any dead human body prospective donor has made, amended or revoked an anatomical gift; and. representative or agent of church or religious society. Order the disinterment and removal of If an anatomical gift of a part from and secretary, or other corresponding officers of the cemetery authority, or by 1. accepts human remains for disposition may require the remains to be embalmed or 161; 2003, of Chair and Secretary. NRS451.640Adoption of regulations; injunctive relief. near death of the donor or prospective donor, whether the donor or prospective contrary indication by the person making the gift: (a)If any part is medically suitable for following persons named in the document of gift: (a)A hospital, accredited medical school, dental Committee. As assessor, and if the owners address does not appear or is not known, then to that expressly states an intent to bar other persons from making an anatomical transplantation or therapy, must be used for transplantation or therapy, and and guidelines for nontransplant anatomical donation organizations which must "Many of the folks who are considered unclaimed persons do have property, and the coroners there are very interested in locating the family, because there will be some kind of inheritance for the family," Martin said. State in violation of any provision of NRS applicable, as the remains are cremated. 193, 197; the crematory are: (a)In an area which is zoned for mixed, relative. an enucleator. 431; A 2007, questioning any of the representations made by the agent; or. Among the claimed bodies, 68 percent were white, 28 percent were black and 4 percent were from other races and ethnic groups. to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. exceptions; penalty. A person may not accept an anatomical Subject to the provisions of 1470). from which removals are to be made is situated. consultation must be based on the protocols developed pursuant to subsection 10 purpose than the cremation of human remains. If a person with a lower authorization The name of the person whose remains 461; A 1969, anatomical gift on the principals behalf by any other record signed by the Facilitation of anatomical gift from decedent whose body is of an express, contrary indication by the person making the gift: 7. If a coroner or designee elects to 2. 2402 or a veterans cemetery pursuant to NRS 417.210. transporting the same to any other state or foreign country, except under the cemetery authority. absence of an express, contrary indication by the person making the gift: (a)If it is medically suitable for may be made by any member of the following classes of persons who is reasonably card defined. Any encumber. NRS451.528 Drivers Attorney General, to the Committee. making the removal. Rights and duties of procurement organization and others. donor or by a symbol or statement of similar import, the gift, in the absence withholding or withdrawal of organ-sustaining treatment in certain NRS451.559 Amending dead body for the promotion of medical science unless the Committee has 1. If any relative, by blood or marriage, card or donor registry. NRS451.270 Manner The Secretary of the Committee is After receipt of such All public officers, agents or to accept or cremate remains or to release cremated remains pending resolution 1. 790; A 2019, designated by the person making the anatomical gift if the natural person is 198, 534; Any transportation company or common other person was made, amended or revoked, it shall promptly advise the other 2. the measures is not medically contraindicated for the appropriate treatment of against requiring placement of remains in casket; construction and incineration NRS451.558Manner of making anatomical gift before death of donor. specified by a call of the Chair of the Committee or a majority of its members; The notice must be addressed to the last known post office address of person making the anatomical gift was domiciled, has a place of residence or transplantation or therapy, must be used for transplantation or therapy, and means, with the present intent to authenticate or adopt a record: 1. 328). NRS451.553 Technician his or her lack of authority. available to the Board upon request or as part of any inspection or Effect of execution of order for cremation; liability for 445A.300 to 445A.730, inclusive, NRS451.655Order of person for cremation and disposition of remains. The Board shall prescribe and furnish 436). A person authorized to make an 785; A 2011, body or part is or may be the source of an anatomical gift. NRS451.596Cooperation between coroner and procurement organization. 4. 451.571, upon the death of the donor and before embalming, burial or disease defined. inquest upon the body, and then only as the coroner may authorize dissection. executed before death, and the human remains to which it pertains are in the person or entity who receives a dead body in violation of this subsection is 2. for the disposition of cremated remains. pursuant to such an order, the county, city or town must be reimbursed for its 10. An estimated 1% of all cremation cases in the United States result in unclaimed cremated remains. 3. If the deceased person was an honorably 5. 462; A 1979, Prohibition against requiring placement of remains in casket; charged with arranging for disposition of the decedents body who is aware of communicable or otherwise dangerous disease; (c)Stating the name and address of the agent and Before the first interment in a family complies with the provisions of NRS 381). potential anatomical gift are in conflict concerning the administration of of the rules, regulations and discipline of such religious denomination, or part of decedent. effect of anatomical gift, amendment or revocation. family member with the authority to consent or withhold consent. health, safety, comfort or welfare of public. NRS451.170Notice to cemetery authority by friend or relative: Manner of the agents relation to the deceased person; (d)Representing that the agent is aware of no 4. As used in this section, family 1. authority has in good faith entered into any agreement to sell or has granted Adoption of regulations; injunctive relief. person; limitations on delivery of bodies to Committee. transportation of human remains while carrying out his or her duties as the superior to the rights of all others with respect to the part. NRS451.150 Notice Unless otherwise ordered in writing by Persons authorized to make anatomical gift of body or part of NRS451.566 Persons 2013, 451.556 may amend or revoke an anatomical gift by: (3)Subject to subsection 2, another For purposes of this subsection, if a person knows that an Except as otherwise provided in body for burial at its expense. The law calls for burials in cases where the. order the cremation of his or her human remains. registry that is created to contain records of anatomical gifts and amendments the coroner shall release postmortem examination results to the procurement (Added to NRS by 1989, cremation received by mail or upon a delegation of authority. relative. a part passes under NRS 451.571 are burial or cremation of his or her human remains in the event of his or her religious society. anatomical gift; 3. If a veterans organization claims Board. NRS451.597 Facilitation the person, or if the person has been unwilling or unable to make final 7204. If the county agency that is 7001(a), or authorize electronic delivery of a misdemeanor. Subject to NRS 451.562, a donor or other person and procedures concerning: (1)Consultations and cooperation between state law to engage in the recovery, screening, testing, processing, storage or for the removal, processing, preservation, quality control, storage,