There is a gentleness and calm which Slim examines her body. As Slim explained, locking Lennie up would be inhumane; Curley threatens to harm Lennie by shooting him many times. an I made like I was gonna smack him . He countenance and body language are almost Christ-like as he gently checks her pulse and neck. . When Lennie persists and asks why Crooks is not allowed in the bunkhouse, Crooks presents the clear racial reasoning when he says, Cause Im black. The death of Curley's wife - Encyclopedia of Opinion - Parlia Curley's wife's name is never revealed as a way of showing her lack of independence and identity while also displaying the role of women on a ranch in the 1930s. After a few moments, his eyes full of tears, he goes to alert the rest of the ranch. Pakistan ka ow konsa shehar ha jisy likhte howy pen ki nuk ni uthati? Slim was worried about Curleys wifes death, he went over before anyone to see if she was okay. Literarily, Curley's wife is compared to an animal in an effort to reduce and humiliate her. . All we ask is that you give back to the community by donating an essay or biography that you've written. Question 8. what did curley's wife tell lennie? - SLim cares about curleys wifes death because he doesnt want Lennie to die because he was going to live with them on the land they were going to buy. After both the deaths of Curleys wife and Lennie, Slim is very caring and compassionante.This shows that Slim is a very nice person. Latest answer posted June 05, 2020 at 1:01:08 PM. Slim went over to Curleys wife to see if she was alright, he cared for her, even more than Curley did at the moment. on 50-99 accounts. She reveals that her mother denied her the opportunity to join a traveling show when she was fifteen and then, years later, a talent scout spotted her and promised to take her to Hollywood to become a movie star. When they died it seemed that Slim actually cared about them. Candy asserts that he and George can still have their farm, but George realizes that it will never happen. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Death is a big part of the novel and it often has something to do with Lennie. Their point of view on the woman is that she's always causing trouble and getting herself into messy situations. With Reference in ways Steinbeck presents the death of Curleys wife, Show how the characters react in different ways. George makes his need for Lennie clear when he tells Slim about the incident at the river. For a moment, the scene transfixes the men. Lennie is smiling with delight as he dreams about the future farm, ignorant that he has attracted Curleys humiliated anger. This shows us that he is caring and that hes not heartless like the rest of the men in the book. Instead of companionship for George, there is a future of loneliness. Hus reaction to Leinnies death was not bad. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. More books than SparkNotes. In neither of these visions does Lennie experience feelings of remorse or guilt for what he did to Curley's wife. Select the statement below that best summarizes why George can't just . Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. She took him in when he was a baby and raised him up. I didn't bounce you hard.". Why do George and Lennie travel together? Discount, Discount Code Get instant access to thousands of study guides and essays! Steinbeck uses imagery to portray how Candy reacts when he finds her, his face was hard and tight as wood, and his eyes were hard this gives us the idea that he is angry and is trying to bottle up his anger. lennie , george , candy , slim , curley , curleys wife , crooks , and more Why does Steinbeck contrast the reaction of the men to the death of curleys wife? Answered by Aslan 8 years ago 1/3/2015 9:25 PM. Wed love to have you back! Whenever George realises Curleys wife is dead, he know it was Lennie, he cares so much about Lennie and he tries to reassure himself that the other ranch workers wont harm him, Maybe theyll lock im up an be nice to im. Accessed 1 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. will help you with any book or any question. She took him in when he was a baby and raised him up. Even though there is never a specific diagnosis given to Lennie, he seems to have a different intellectual ability than the other adult men just as Slim describes when he says, Hes jes like a kid, aint he. He was sad about Curleys wife and when Lennie died he said it had to be done. Rather than cry or get down on this knees to hold the dead girl, Curley flies into a rage and tells the other men he is going to get his shotgun and "kill the big son-of-a-bitch myself." Summary and Analysis Do Eric benet and Lisa bonet have a child together? This comment begins a number of comparisons between Candy's dog and Lennie. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! SparkNotes PLUS The choice to wear the Vaseline-filled glove reveals a lot about Curleys character, such as his need to feel superior in strength but also in sexuality. As he talks to himself, Curleys wife enters and sits beside him. What are the conflicts between the characters in chapter 3 of the bookOf Mice and Men. on 50-99 accounts. This shows that he is a person whodidnt like Lennie or Curleys wife. I agree with Slim because George is a friendly face and will show more . Slim's reaction to Curely's wifes death was shocked becauce he though she was just sleeping. What is sunshine DVD access code jenna jameson? Slim is the first one to go up to Curleys wife after they found her dead even before Curley. Just before Lennie returns to the pool in Chapter Six, a heron catches a water snake. Do George and Candy still plan to buy the dream farm after Lennies death? Curley's wife begins to struggle, which sends Lennie into a panic. Only Slim pays any attention to Curley's wife and treats her like a person. One lean finger touched her cheek, and then his hand went under her . Frustrated, he curses the dog for dying and hurls it across the room. When she continues to struggle, Lennie grows angry. 1/(1-2)= 1/(-1)=-1, Calculate the integral. The different men reached to Curley's wife's death as though they were, of course, frazzled, but not sad as they felt she got herself into that mess. How Did Critics React to Of Mice and Men? Of Mice and Menargues that on the bottom rung of the American economy, the destitute are left with only stark and terrible choices. Worrying that George will be angry and will not let him raise the rabbits on their farm, he starts to . Curley demands that they find Lennie and kill him. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Continue to start your free trial. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. He grabs a hold of her hair and muffles her screams. His only concern is rounding up the men to hunt down Lennie and see that he is punished. Instead of safety for Lennie, there is death. His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love. Slim holds an unchanging, respected role at the ranch. Latest answer posted December 31, 2020 at 3:22:45 PM. Once tragedy strikes with the death of Curley's wife, George loses hope and admits these doubts. When Lennie realizes that she is dead, he panics and paws the hay to partially cover her. I think that Slim would be a really good role model for people, especially the farmhands. He talks to himself, asking the animal why it died: You aint so little as mice. Steinbeck uses imagery to portay Georges feelings, his feet dragged heavily this tells us is upset and doesnt really want to go. . It tells us that he is a caring person & knows how the Curley felt when he lost his wife & how George felt when he shot Lennie. From Lennie stroking his dead puppy in the barn to Curley leading a mob of men to find and kill Lennie. Character Analysis Curley's Wife. When Lennie dies Slim tries to look at the bright side and tell George that he really did make the right decission for his best friend. George is more concerned about Lennie than Curley's wife. I shouldn't have let no stranger shoot my dog.". When Lennie explains that he likes to pet soft things, Curley's wife reveals that she too likes to feel silk and velvet, and she invites him to feel her hair, which is very soft. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. Already a member? April 30, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 By picking on Lennie, Curley demonstrates that he is willing to prey on the most vulnerable in order to maintain his dominance over the workers. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Why Walden's rule not applicable to small size cations. He countenance and body language are almost Christ-like as he gently checks her pulse and neck. When he found out that Lennie died he was a little concerned and that tells me Slim is a Caring character. Michelle P. Ossa, M.A. for a group? I aint wanted in the bunk house, and you aint wanted in my room.. You aint so little as mice. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. This tells us that he listens and he cares. What was Curley's reaction to his wife's death: Curley was furious: . an he made like hes gonna bite me . When Lennie visits Crookss room trying to make friends, Crooks keeps his guard up and explains the situation, saying, You got no right to come in my room . There is a gentleness and calm which Slim examines her body. From the first pages of the novella, Steinbeck makes it clear that Lennie is different. The more Curleys wife struggles and yells, the angrier and more scared Lennie becomes, leading him to shake her harder until she was still, for [he] had broken her neck.. Despite his large size, he comes across as childlike, and George seems to have to take care of him. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Yes the reactions of curley wife's death. Subscribe now. Their last words "Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin' them two guys?" Of Mice and Men Chapters 5 & 6 | Literature Quiz - Quizizz Curley's wife, who sashays in, has some advice: don't feel bad because the pup was just a mutt, and mutts are aplenty in the world. Why does Lennie have a dead mouse in his pocket? $24.99 however, in a way she does fulfil her dream as she is finally the centre of attention, which is what she wanted all along. The death of Curley's wife sets off a chain reaction for the events that close out "Of Mice and Men". Not affiliated with Harvard College. He blames Lennie as soon as he sees his wife, I know who done it he reacts with anger, Im going for my shotgun. Slim understood why George killed Lennie. . What's wrong? I knowed his Aunt Clara. This shows us that he cares about everyone. On Chapter 5 of the story Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, we witness how Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife and leaves her partly . The type of people who have been denied of their dreams and are forced to live their life, not the way that they want to. Then Slim went quietly over to her, and he felt her wrist. This tells u that Slim is a caring man and liked Curlys Wife more than just a little bit. It tells us that he is a caring person & knows how the Curley felt when he lost his wife & how George felt when he shot Lennie. Got kinda used to each other after a little while. George explains to Slim that even though Lennie can be a challenge, their friendship and companionship make life better for both of them. "Now her rouged cheeks and her reddened lips made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly. What does this show us about his character? 2023 AntiStudy. Hes dumb as hell, but he aint crazy . For example, George warns Lennie not to drink too much water and has to repeatedly remind him where they are heading, saying, So you forgot that awready, did you? As Slim explained, locking Lennie up would be inhumane; Curley threatens to harm Lennie by shooting him many times. I'm Not a Tart: The Feminist Subtext of Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men creating and saving your own notes as you read. When George leaves the barn to go to the bunkhouse to get Carlson's gun, Candy's anger and bitterness spills out against the dead girl: "You God damn tramp," he said viciously. Crooks and Curley's wife are showed in the novel as two very different people, but in reality, they are the same type of person. But george did not want to hurt his friend. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. Lennie, however, is still trying to figure out how to get rid of the dead pup so that George won't know. He kills a mouse, a puppy and person. Historical Context Essay: The Great Depression, Literary Context Essay: The Social Protest Novel. Curley's Wife - CliffsNotes George and Candy call her by other names such as "jailbait" or "tart." She wears too much makeup and dresses like a "whore" with red fingernails . When George killed Lennie Slim was not happy and he comforted George. . You'll also receive an email with the link. He doesn't intend to kill them - it just happens. . Slims reaction to the death of Curleys wife and to Lennies death was taht he was sad. Lennies flight from the barn shifts the focus of the narrative to George. George's reaction implies that he has always harbored some hesitation about the likelihood of getting a farm. I didnt bounce you hard. Worrying that George will be angry and will not let him raise the rabbits on their farm, he starts to bury it in the hay. The two are different according to the way of how they are trying to live the life they have now. George exits, and Candy curses Curleys wife for destroying their dream of a farm. Renews May 7, 2023 (LogOut/ Contact us Removing #book# And then he whispered in fright, 'I done a bad thing'" (Steinbeck 91).Furthermore, Lennie's sin was a result from temptation which came from Curley's wife. Before he knows it, he has broken her neck. Earlier in the novel, Slim told Candy it would be better to put his dog down, better for their "society" as a whole. Maybe I will yet . Slims reactions to both was shocking. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% The characters react differently to Curley's wife's death. Sometimes it can end up there. Why Walden's rule not applicable to small size cations. Ever'body knowed you'd mess things up. Instead of the rabbits playing in the brush, the heron is swallowing the little snake whole. . | Slim hurried over to curlys wife and cared about lennie when he died this shows that he is a caring person and that he is not cold like all the other ranch workers. bookmarked pages associated with this title. We support DOC and TXT formats.Maximum allowable size is 10MB. As the story begins, Lennie has a dead mouse in his pocket because he likes to pet soft things but doesnt know his own strength and accidentally killed the mouse when he pet it too hard. There is no place for innocence or people who look out for each other. Answered by jack T #413890 8 years ago 1/4/2015 4:44 PM. So, Lennie pets Curley's wife's hair. Slim reacts very supprised and shocked when he sees Curleys wife laying dead and he acts very caring because he is the first one to go over to her. Slim wwas the first person to go to Curlys wife in the barn. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. When Slim asks George where Lennie might be, George tells Slim Lennie would have gone south (knowing all along that the little pool is north of the ranch). AntiStudy is the best study resource for literature. Did Billy Graham speak to Marilyn Monroe about Jesus? The fact that Lennie anticipates the same pattern this time is indicative of his childlike innocence. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. When the ranch hands appear, George lies about the murder. kill Lennie, it would more humane than if they let something else Curley wears a glove fulla Vaseline on one hand because, according to Candy, hes keepin that hand soft for his wife. Since farm work is physical and tough on a persons hands, the Vaseline will prevent at least one of Curleys hands from becoming chapped and roughsomething he clearly believes his wife would find undesirable. Sometimes it can end up there. How does Curley react to the death of his wife? How does Candy - eNotes Want 100 or more? He calls George, who realizes immediately what has happened. Curley and Slim are characters in "Of Mice and Men." Crooks And Curley's Wife Essay - 878 Words | Bartleby Curleys wifes name is never revealed as a way of showing her lack of independence and identity while also displaying the role of women on a ranch in the 1930s. Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Death Analysis | Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Instead of a place of sanctuary, the pool is now a place of death. 45 seconds. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Slim understands, taking him for a drink. It also ends Candy's dreams of joining George on the farm. The temptation worked as Lennie had killed Curley's wife. Her dream of being a movie star is not unlike Georges fantasy of the farm; both are desperately held views of the way life should be, which have long persisted despite their conflict with reality. Of Mice and Men Chapter 5 - Carlson, Whit, Curley, and Crooks come back in the barn with Candy and, following them, George. . In Chapter 6, the story ends where it began, but the values of the setting have changed. Analysis Of The Characters Slim, Crooks And Curley in Of Mice and Men, Changing Views on Curley's Wife in Of Mice and Men, Instant access to thousands of study guides and essays, Ace your next literature test or assignment, Join thousands of students who rely on AntiStudy. Why, the poor bastard'd starveMaybe they'll lock 'im up and be nice to 'im" (94). Lennie first reacts to his actions by thinking he knocked her out and was confused, but then realized he killed her. Steinbeck chose the titleOf Mice and Menafter reading a poem called To a Mouse by Robert Burns, in which the poet regrets accidentally destroying a mouses nest. After Slim denies Curleys accusation that he was hanging around Curleys wife, Curley looks to take his anger out on an easier target, and chooses Lennie.