"B-Positive", This poem really touched me. I miss my cousin. Thanks for writing this poem. She was like my sister, I lost my 13 year old cousin yesterday, she was rushed into hospital and something was found on her brain. "I have an angel in heaven watching over me - She is my AUNT. I miss my cousin so much. We grew up together since I was the age of 3. It was so sad. Thanks for this poem for my cousin Mike. I'm still in shock. She saw a patch of blood on her sleeves after coming out from the cinema. I lost my cousin April 7, 2012. You are in my thoughts and my prayers. Collette N. Alaniz. Thank you so much for this wonderful poem. I've been crying in my car today for a few min cuz I have his pic on my dash board. I should have been there when he needed me but I wasn't. That was more than enough. In the end of November, he was hospitalized and became more stable, but he had to go through a thoracic biopsy because the doctors couldn't understand the causes of his problem. Goodbye, dear friend. I lost my cousin Kristy in a car wreck on July 2, 2009 she was 24 when she passed away. I miss him so much. I love you primo. This poem touched really bad because it describes my feelings for my cousin. I had to tell them that their mother was going to pass. Thank you - it describe my exact feelings. He was only 13 years old. He started his career at the age of 21 with his friends, and now hes one for a journey we know hell never be back. Here are 10 brief things to say or write to someone who has lost their mother. It was so odd, it just happened all of a sudden. Use some of LoveToKnow's memorial tribute examples to guide you. I lost my nephew to brain cancer 1 week ago, he was like my child and It just identifies with me because our relationship was just like the poem described. We lost our brother to gun violence. It was a very painful moment in my whole life. I still think of him every day. He also left behind such a pretty little girl that looks just like her daddy. Sometimes these scars hurt even though the wound is not open anymore. I love him so much I can feel his loving hand touch me My world crashed and it felt like a terrible nightmare. It's a horrible feeling, I don't know when the pain will go away, but I know that it will in time. STOP! I loved how this poem said it all. How tragic, he sounds like a great man and you had a special bond. My cousin and I were only a year apart in age; we grew up like sisters and she was my best friend through college. He was driving on the freeway and his sunroof was open. I was on the phone with him for the last time that night he said "I love you, Brother. Now I have to sit and look where he died at he was 9 just like me. This poem is beautiful! Since then, every time when I'm about to sleep, the memory of his death and all the pain I felt at the time come back to me as if it was the first moment I ever faced it. Jonathan Majors Ordered to . When my cousin left to heaven he took a part of me with him and left a part of him with me. She said, "There has been a death. I lost my cousin Adolfo September 21st, 2011. I know I didn't get to spend much time with him before, but I'd sure give anything to have him back. It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of John Mason early this morning. Suicide. We would always write each other letters and pass them to each other in the halls at school the day she passed away, I thought it was a rumor. Be comforted by your memories. I lost my cousin on July 31, 2012. Until the day we are again together. His cause of death is unexplainable and tragic. This poem is they way that I have been feeling for almost 4 years now, I lost my three cousins Sammy(26), Eddie(24) and their son Jacob(8) to a house fire on Feb. 28, 2006 and it still kills me to this day. She was the sweetest little girl you will ever meet. He passed away suddenly from a severe lung infection in December 2019. He got killed while he was fixing his car. We remember you deeply, you little angel. it was a horrible death and this poem reminds me of her. I pray that you keep your head up; and don't forget it is okay to cry. I love you so much my beautiful angel and I hope to see you soon. Sometimes I sit and wonder If you are standing by my side, Giving me the courage To carry on with pride. This all started when he came down with pneumonia and rapidly declined from there. But I know she's in a better place now. I could not hold my tears back. I'm very sorry for your loss. Its so hard to talk about it to the family, were all grieving in different ways but this beautiful poem has given me some strength and is one that I am going to post on his Facebook! I lost a close cousin of mine August 1st in a one man car accident. He felt like he wasn't loved and took his life. But it had to be someone he knew and was used to. Legendary artist and civil rights activist #HarryBelafonte has passed away today at 96. God has a greater plan that doesn't make sense to us. it made it so much harder getting news on Christmas eve that my favorite cousin had died ): I can't stand this. I lost my cousin in 08. I found out at 4 am. I even called her upon finding out the news because I just couldn't believe it. I miss him so much. And I don't feel any better in the morning light. She was too weak. Special Funeral Poems for Brother . We were like brother and sister. I know I'll see him soon someday (November 17,1994) to (September 18,2010). He and I were extremely close, and when I heard the news, my world came crashing down. Deepest Sympathy Messages for Loss of Cousin. 12. I lost my cousin March 28, 2007. It helped me say how I felt. In my heart is where I'll store them, Where we can be as one. :: " You were like a part of my family, like a sister to me, you were always by my side no matter . He laughed and said okay, and that he'll call me in the morning. Some young man stole a U Haul truck and lost control of it and hit a car that hit his truck that his was repairing. "I am shocked and saddened by Jerry's passing. His birthday is arriving soon he would of been 30 Sept 23 2013. To lose someone is hard, but to lose someone that young to a murder is almost impossible to get through, so I live one day at a time trying my best to keep the hatred from my heart. Here, Paul Merson gives an emotional tribute to his friend and former team-mate. They diagnosed him with pulmonary fibrosis and pericarditis, plus extremely resistant lung infection. I always love you. I miss him everyday. The doctor's ran test after test trying to find out what was infecting his body. This poem is very touching. Exactly a year ago today, I lost my cousin in a car accident.. In recent years, we saw less of each other with work and "adulthood," but I always missed her and thought there would come a day when we'd be as close as we once were. I lost my cousin to a ruptured appendix today. I can only imagine. She is in Heaven know flying with all of the other angels. Rest easy D'aisha <3. You were a person everyone wanted to reckon with. This really made me cry. Your mother was one of the sweetest women I've ever known. He was swimming with his daughter and drowned accidentally. Sending all my warmest thoughts and love to you after such a dreadful loss. I will miss Anthony forever. He was a friend and colleague. I wish we still had communication. Her ex-boyfriend beat her. John K. Rankel. I have lost my cousin, Riano, at the age of 27 on 01/11/2017. There is always a gap in my heart that will never be full because you aren't here where you should be. My cousin was a U.S. marine who was in Afghanistan when he got shot and killed June 7, 2010. Our Dearest Little Nephew Jacob. Rest In Peace Kieran xxxxx, I lost my cousin Kammie Keller on June 7th 2011 she was only 19 and she had two kids. She left behind her 3 beautiful kids youngest one just turned a yr. saddest thing for them to have to go on without her being here. I would do anything to bring you back and to spend one more day with you! My Cousin. I lost my cousin he was 13 a few days ago, he was riding a motorcycle he was going really fast and he saw a hill so he actioned the brakes and he fell off the motorcycle but the motorcycle also moved and crushed him into the sand so he died instantly.. He didn't have kids yet, but we believe he intended to. My condolences and sympathy to you during this awful time. So heart broke I didn't think that would ever happened to my cousin so special. Step 1: Jog your memory. We were the same age. I know God knows best and He only takes the best. I lost my cousin Brian last year to suicide. It gave me comfort and enlightenment. I loved it!!! Thank you for writing this. I know how difficult the loss of your niece will be to you. I guess I was at the wrong place at a wrong time. "Our heartfelt thoughts go out to you and your loved ones at your time of sorrow.". I'll hold onto our memories, Until this life is done. This poem is amazing and it shows how I and other people feel . this Tuesday on the 12.10.10 Adam would of turned 7 this October. Last month as though it seemed my life was horrible enough my eight year old cousin was also diagnosed with cancer. It was hard for me because I was really close, and I miss her a lot. He's always in our minds, Forever in our hearts<3. :(. He got engaged to his beautiful girlfriend that summer, but the cancer came back and had spread. Kimberly N. Chastain, Always There By I just wish she took precautions while driving. I love this poem so much, We lost a Cousin, Mother, Sister and Friend on March 19th, 2010 at 9:10PM to a stroke and it was one of the hardest most heartbreaking days of our lives, we used this poem on her Memorial page and at her funeral. But every since this happened my family and relatives have gotten really close. birthday. Thank you my 21 year old cousin was killed in a car accident. Examples of Death Tributes. My cousin's daughter just turned 4 on the 12th of this month. He had the funniest laugh and best smile ever. I love you, Anthony, and I will see you on the other side. he was a healthy child but developed pneumonia and when everyone thought he would get better he suddenly started going downhill he had trouble breathing and his little heart stopped beating. In a fatal car accident while returning from a trip. This poem gave me comfort!!! The quote is a way to express that you will always remember the joy and love that someone brought to your life. She ended her life with rope in her closet. Her birthday is in exactly a month from today and I'm aching very bad and wish I knew what to do. It's sad that many people are passing from this. You're gone. She was already growing on everybody and was such a fighter. He only turned 25. She loved Hello Kitty. We told each other everything, he protected me from everyone, He wouldn't let anyone touch me. He lived in Florida so I didn't get to see him that much. Thank you for this beautiful poem my three year old baby cousin died on Friday and I still cannot believe it. but there is always one thing I wonder why did he do it he had 2 beautiful sons and a beautiful wife. I know she is a better place. Also see the link below for many, many more ideas on what to write in your condolence card. "Your mother was loved deeply, so we will grieve deeply too. I lost my cousin Matthew on June 2nd. He could not speak, but we could read his lips, and his last words were, "I love you!" He was caught, but we can never bring back Adolfo <3, I lost my cousin in a car accident 1 year ago I was so close to him. I was not happy to hear this news, but things just happen. Philip Edward George R.I.P. Thank you very much for this poem in a couple of days it will be year since I lost my cousin who was more like a brother to me in car accident out of 5 people in the car he was the only one to die. I get really sad when I remember him but now in days I feel happy because I know he don't want me to be sad no more, so I smile and think that he is smiling and looking right at me from heaven above :) . Now we have no reason to be blue. Very beautiful and touching, just like my beautiful cousin. We were like siblings. If you saw him just once you would want him in your life forever. I lost my baby cousin almost 3 years ago, he drowned on the 12.10.07 Kooser is struggling with the knowledge that the cousin he loved died alone. It describes how I have been feeling for the past 4 years. I still can't get my head around it I miss her more than anything. Only two people had that cancer. Once I heard that I burst into tears I couldn't believe that my cousin that lived for 9 months was gone. You may have witnessed them go through significant life events and vice versa. But when I did it was the best. I feel so sad and empty. 'A much loved . Thanks for the poem. I just feel I want to wake up out of this dream thanks again. She'd want me to be happy. Allie Hart, you have impacted my life more than you could ever possibly imagine. We get some comfort knowing she is in a safe place with other relations but we will never ever forget her. It still haunts me every single day. He was born April 10, 2010 and died May 26, 2010. So sad and his daughter still asks where daddy went. I cant help but cry when I think of her name. Her first grandchild had just been born a few weeks before. Only 6 weeks to live, and this poem was perfect. The CT scans were inconclusive, and even after taking many kinds of antibiotics for months, the disease wouldn't leave his lungs. It will never be okay. I can still feel the soft touch on my shoulder of his loving hand. The loss of a child is always particularly devastating. On November 24th 2013 I lost my beautiful cousin Lesley Perez to a motorcycle accident. We wished we had spent more time with her and now we can't. Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the author. I love you to the moon and back. Everytime I hear the name Chris I cry it is very painful he was my best cousin and will still be. I lost my cousin to suicide 3 months ago its been hard not to see his voice or see his wonderful smile. I have a young friend, father of a 3 year old, jeopardy winner, HUGH fan of terraforming mars who passed away unexpectedly and would like to create a card to honor him for use among our local game group. He will be missed. "Heart broken my dear friend and partner for 19 years the one and only ballroom legend #lengoodman passed away," he wrote . My cousin Joshua passed away Friday May 13,2011. He would always talk when he was on road trips. A hug from me to you to let you know that today and every day, you are in my heart and thoughts. Our world has been so messed up ever since this has happened. She had a type of cancer that didn't have any cure for it. It really meant a lot to me after losing my 25 year old cousin. Where ever you'll be, you'll be in my heart.". My loving cousin. 2. I suddenly got thoughts about my cousin who died on Good Friday 2014 (April18). My condolences. He was in the ICU for 5 days and getting better when things took a turn for the worse. There is several other cases with this unknown pneumonia virus so if he can save another life he would be very pleased. Ashley R.I.P, This was a really nice poem to read because this is like exactly what I'm feeling right now I lost my cousin 5 days ago from a train accident supposedly they were laying on the tracks but when the conductor honked the horn my cousin and his friend didn't move at all so it's been really hard right now and they were both only 19. sorry if my English is bad but I'm from Mexico, My Cousin Sammie and her new boyfriend was killed by a train trying to cross the tracks to get to the other platform on 9th March 2010. I miss him so much sports and everything else isn't the same with out Frankie. "The only time goodbye is painful is when you know you'll never say hello again" - Unknown. WANA POWELL WE LOVE YOU. I know your with me and everyone in our family. I lost my 7 year old cousin last June to Meningitis. He had a rare type of brain cancer but was in remission from June 2016-September 2016. I know now that he in heaven with all of my other loved ones and that he will always be by my side. We are never really over it, and carrying our grief along with the happiness we experienced is part of life. beautiful poem, it's like you're in my shoes.. Wow! When I found it was true, I didn't stop crying to this day, I still cry at night. It's part of healing internally and the fact that it still hurts is not your fault. I didn't want to believe it. Now it happens the second time. He went to my school rode my bus and was in my class. Thanks for the poem. My family lost my cousin 2 weeks ago this past Monday. I've just lost my cousin. It's been 3 days and I feel so raw. She died in her car accident and burned a little before they could get her out. My younger cousin Robert passed away recently. Worst day of my life. "Even if we can't be together in the end, I'm glad that you were a part of my . It just hit me, I lost my favorite cousin. She is in a better place now, and free of pain. He was doing a good deed in a bad neighborhood. She was only 11 years old. Thanks for the poem, like others who posted here I also lost a beloved cousin he died 10 months ago and he will celebrate his Bday Oct 7, we still miss our dear cousin, a loving, thoughtful, caring and a happy person. I lost my cousin in an accident two days agotwo days before thanksgiving. She was my best friend, my everything, my hope for survival. One night he was taking my cousin and her friends home when a man in a Mercedes was speeding down on the opposite road and hit him at full speed. The doctor only gave him 10 5mg Tylenol percocets. He was so close to me and my brothers and sisters, and he was only 25. He married his beautiful Nina in the hospital. R.I.P Richard! There isn't a day that goes by and I don't think of him, and what I could of done to prevent this tragedy from happening. Thanks for that touching poem. She died when she was three, she had cancer. May you Rest In Peace Baby Bailey. He could take a lawn mower motor and make mini bikes that we used to ride up and down the street. I loved him very much and will always love him. loosing her is so hard she was only 14 yrs old we still don't know how she passed away :( she wasn't just a cousin she was a bestfriend and more like a sister to me. That day was the hardest day of my life she was 26 years old she was a loving caring happy person. My perspective of everything has changed, and I look at things in a different way. I wish it was a dream or he was playing a joke on us. RIP and we will celebrate together again dear sister-cousin when we are reunited in heaven. I'm so sorry for your loss. Here are some examples of what you can put in a note: Sample 1 Dear Martha, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. July 4, 1991 - October 8, 2010. My cousin passed away on Aug 20th 2010 due to a car accident on Friday the 13th.. She will miss out on life having her daddy around to have her grad school, getting married and have such pretty grandkids my hearts hurts for my poor granddaughters. I was away from my family, and no one had told me so when I got back I heard the news, I broke down. This poem described exactly what I felt. I didn't know how to react. This afternoon I will sing for her and for all who has lost a member of the family. The pain never really goes away, but some how you learn to deal with it one day at a time. Complex is the leading source for the latest Full House stories. Did you spell check your submission? Wes had such an amazing soul. My condolences to your cousins who are passing by. He died in a fatal motorbike accident. Rest In Peace". I lost my 2 year old cousin to Leukemia almost a year ago, and God knows I miss that little boy more and more every single day.