And no one remembers it today and what's funny is once again a, that Adolf Hitler was wrong about when he wrote quote, Thousands of years may pass, but never will it be possible to speak of heroism without mentioning the german army in the World WAR, then, from the veil of the past, the I r in front of the gray steel helmet will emerge unwavering and unflinching any mortal monument as long, is there are Germans alive. bodies were carried into the building where their death was soon established. A young person may be working for a foreign government. You are, and have been, my go to podcast since Ghosts of the Ostfront was released. I have to be assembled and put together then, when they, fire. A war without mercy begins to develop infusing the whole conflict with a savage vibe. So you can have this province and then on next time, I'll beat you and I'll take that province back you know, nobody was true, in the top of the regimes. with the military affairs at this time. Search the history of over 806 billion now imagine he does it again and then duplicated again, Enough times to where you got one point two one point three, The french revolution is when that really starts. Perhaps, Princep in his compatriots would have thought that you know. That happened before the war and then just you know, 'cause it's from this war. Preview. The duchess cried out to him, that she slid off the seat and lay on the floor of the car with her face between his knees. on March 17, 2022, There are no reviews yet. The rape of Belgium go see the rape of Nanking in your history books, and then you will see something that propagandists did not need to magnify it all to create. Japan's leaders test the limits of national endurance in the war's last year. Under a single king they created the greatest empire the world had ever seen. You can buy a gift card for this item! that's, not even the army. Every man they want to conscript as long as they need them will say, troops are born to be killed. You know. When a great blast passed by and I was thrown violently to the ground, I managed to get up, buy a choking cloud of poisonous gas. to the grassy knoll, where it proceeds to stall and stop. He even says you can't quite you, Passions in the feelings, you know totally screwing up your impression thing things, but he does talk about how weird the mood was, because all this was happening so fast, and he was talking about the british public cuz, that's where he lived and how, There was almost this disconnect between the fact that the entire world has changed, but it's happening so, last, we haven't changed with it yet, and he writes quote all, Europe still remembers the strange atmosphere of those eventful sunny August days. to happen as a result of the stipulations of those german war plans, I put it on my top ten list somewhere greatest mistakes ever made. He means London, which is in a terrible state of depression, and paralysis, is for the time being, all against english intervention. To try to see you know what you could, The Crimean WAR breaks out in the 1850s between Russia and, There's a war, obviously between the United States and Spain, that, the turn of the century going into the nineteen. Convulsive rattle in his throat caused by the loss of blood this, EAST, on arrival at the governor's residence, the two one. He also, he's, basically, the war correspondent, one of the main ones of his era, and he wrote about the deployment of american forces in Cuba. You see that the Kaiser was just sort of a, you know, marginally bad role on the monarchy, dice for what it's worth, He was tied into all the other great monarchies in Europe, one of the funny twists in the story and it, this time the royal families had relatives of other, we'll families in Europe, in their families and. Take for example, the british Prime minister during this time period, Herbert Asquith ask with wrote a lead. The modern nation state provided the support that the, militaries that involved entire peoples in arms needed to keep the straw, Long periods of time, one half of the equation necessary to create the modern war machines as Miller, his during Gwynn Dyer Rights right after he talks about the human cost of these long, holy on wars- he says quote almost as important is the, that European society did not break down under the strain, powers were able to keep at it and keep their people at it year after year. the industrial revolution was already almost a generation old in one thousand, eight hundred and fourteen and soon it would begin to fill the last remaining gap. That would turn the Germans into Genghis Khan, basically, which is exact, Woodland Mcdonald compares it to when she writes quote in the, kingdom, Germany's on honor had already been tried and found guilty. Stephanie Avant You focused on the crisis, but historically speak. Alan public opinion, almost overnight on a dime, as the british Prime Minister Herbert ask. Who is credited with creating the entire world around us? It issued do it in injustice, no. bounce back to the Austro Hungarians. Places all over the world what's going on sort of a factor of just, been there for a while. As we said, this is what makes it the greatest mistake, though, potentially in all german history. Dan Carlin is an American podcaster, political commentator and amateur historian. But 99 years later the dam breaks and a Pandora's Box of violence engulfs the planet. the very short window of opportunity. In such a way that the crown's role in the gutter by the dozens and there will be nobody to pick them up, absolute impossibility- differ see how all this will end and who will be the victors in that struggle. If you did that the other thing that men-. The French were, overthrown by leftist revolutionaries. How much of a gambler do you have to be to risk defeat in the greatest conflict in history on a single roll of the dice? You know the french or your historic enemies. I remember a conversation I had quite a long. The belgian defense is that the. This is a barber, with mobilization and you get an idea of how planned every step is in the german army quote, once the mobilization button was pushed the whole vast machinery for calling up, equipping and transporting two million men began turning automatically reserve, went to their designated depots, were issued uniforms equipment an arms formed into. The demands would eviscerate been straight Serbians, No sovereign state could agree to this and they're only, in forty eight hours to respond to all these different points, the rejection of any one of which means war, but the day, or the forty eight hour deadline runs out, the serb government sends a message to the czar of Russia asking for help and they wrote quote. Will consider Gavrilo Princip a heroic figure. German are, at the beginning of the war, has more than eighty of these imagine, trying to control eighty Norman armies and it, not just about getting each division where it needs to go it's about sinking what they do together and when you start, organizing divisions into Coors and Coors and armies, then these armies have to support each other. In fact, none of the, they hadn't been mentally prepped for the idea that this was coming for. Download this episode in the store Click Here! When Austria, Hungary declares war on Serbia, the markets around the world, you know, go crazy. Where the romance of warfare you Wichita, and strong in human culture was probably at its height. It's not good enough. As usual, there was, talking excitement when the newspapers came, but it was the, can excitement of spectators who have no vivid sense of participation in the catastrophe that was presently to, british public really weren't ready for this. You have nothing to replace that mobility with, but these cavalry commanders don't want to hear that it's even worse than it used to be wow, Rachel, the modern artillery and machine guns get ahold of your cavalry. When he decides to write a book on naval history, Kaiser like Roosevelt Reddit, was enthralled with it made all as you apples read it and then decided he was going to build this fleet to compete with Britain so that they, you know, wouldn't, Now, of course, all the governments in Europe that matter, keys and autocratic governments. we'll demonstration of how this stuff can be used is lacking, and the military powers of the world. Most militaries are moving away from that the Germans use. many commentators does a shape the modern world right. If we break anything, will pay for it later and we don't have any designs on your country long term. You know in the my. lesson number one is how deadly the weapons are and how you have to account for that. Isn't, it is rolling through Brussels as the swollen waters of the common I valley swept through Johns town at the site of the, first few regiments of the enemy he writes. Have them in the eleven day period, from the 18th to the 28th of August, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, Just another five hundred in France, the Germans also used civilians as human shields and raised numerous villages to the ground in, case in eighteen year, old girl was bayoneted to death. Again. Subscribe to the show and get this episode free! walks in the city and everybody just sort of surrenders to him there, and then he goes up to the citadel, the main defense in the center of the city. In the building of ships. It didn't do. They look mean they looked Chauvin, They look like they wanted to take over your country, and then they were building this giant navy now, all of a sudden out of nowhere challenging Britain B, Kaiser had read that same book that Theodore, Roosevelt Red did, anybody do more damage than Alfred Thayer Mahan. The Americans are coming, but will the war be over by the time they get there? already would have defeated France. Two of blueprint for Armageddon. Im already listening to the whole thing. but the lessons were not the kind of lessons some people wanted to learn. We dig deep in our history and our doctor and remember. Then, powers all around them. What did people think that meant. You have to imagine a state where the entire underpinnings of the state of been broken down, including especially the army, and then all of me, Russia, Russia, Austria, Great Britain. On August third, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen when tensions have reached a new, out the window and see the Lamplighter is of London lighting the lamps for the evening, as was customary at the time, and he, to someone else at the window and famously said, the lamps are going out all over Europe. Can you create? Even if it, the most powerful land power for the most powerful see power. Blueprint for Armageddon series not shown in rss feed. He knows and has already absorbed the lesson that most. use this war issue you not to topple the government. The british government couldn't declare itself out right, and sort of draw a line in the sand and tell the Germans listen if you invade Belgium, it's on no ifs, Minister. Is it if it only takes your opponent fifteen days to do the same thing this, strange the ability to negotiate your way out of this situation? rise in the hill and everything in there and he built six big forts. They can. That's normally the invasion route. great nations, claim for themselves might all of a sudden do that once they turn themselves into a super nation. Time, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen rolls around he hasn't been running it for some time, he'd been fired by the, complex machine that the genius of Bismarck had created and run was being run by people who couldn't. Winston Churchill said that there was only one man on either side of the First World War who could lose the war in an afternoon. Tion of armies and masses provoked by sheer desperation, Street in commerce ending in general bankruptcy. how the allies, which is what Britain, France, and many other countries. It's just got to be this unbelievable chaotic mess in the dark, and this one general has grabbed this unit and is and is heading toward the city of Leon. Didn't have that power for all. wonderful navy of Great Britain's can shut down german shipping? Smack dab in the Balkans. The second one did most of the time too. Ever since roman times, it's the same area about a hundred and twenty mile front that. What I love, Ferguson says he goes and finds like the original thing that happened and then how it got blown out of proportion and but nonetheless, all these, people emphasize the same thing. one thousand man. You can beat the violence out of a. even the globalization you that this time, that it depends on how hard you beat them. We get into a war with Serbia. The French are sure the British are going to abandon them. And the idea now of these mass armies that your pet created was that you need. think of what nation state on the planet could put. steal some chickens from some farmer on the way this. What changed that the invasion of Belgium. This show picks up where Dan's Thor's Angels show left off. All these Germans, marching on France, great train troops, who've, never been in combat, except against Belgians they're, going to run into a british colonial force. Thanks for sure this whole idea of frightfulness in order to cow, you know the people. Subscribe to the show and get . Show 54 - Blueprint for Armageddon V. Politics, diplomacy, revolution and mutiny take center stage at the start of this episode, but mud, blood, shells and tragedy drown all by the end. The Russians are shocking. It's going to depend on what happens. artillery and ammunition had been thrown everywhere. I just quoted a guy named VON Moltke will have, change the way that the german war game system works before the first World WAR and he will, to put his foot down and take a career risking, moved and tell, Kaiser that no longer can they keep up with their tradition that whatever side the Kaiser is commanding in the german National WAR Games has to win. You know, I, like the author, Lynn Mcdonald, wrote about this. For fans and newbies alike, you can listen to some intriguing stories that are sure to give you a different perspective on a certain historical event. Is that he's almost silly or that he's full, You know he just racked with inferiority complex he's almost to be pitied, he's a little mentally, all, but there isn't that malevolent, evil sort of thing, and I think part of the reason. And so thirty thousand men have been training for years. Are they working for a larger entity today we would ask whether or not they were an example of state sponsored terrorism. it's longstanding, as is the national security concern that Britain has had for a very long time of keeping the channel ports in Belgium out of the hands of some dangerous hostile power throughout most of Britain's history that dangerous hostile power was France, but they're calling the Kaiser the new Napoleon and if he goes into Belgium, he's going to have those channel ports. Published 03/07/22. Be the first one to write a review. He took his, vacations from Germany to Belgium just to look around where the battle was going to be fought and now, since he had, were carried out correctly. field lost in all serb history. 1.0x. As, Michaels, you run up against him in there tough and that, used to shatter all the propaganda, it's better to say that these evil? The first thing is a signed treaty with the Belgians. We have listening, but that's going to be. The great, friend of the Slavs, had fallen beneath the bullets of slavic fanatics. It isn't so important. You know what the turn of the century and all this kind of stuff and he's he's really a rah rah Americana kind of guy. not to be true in part. giant historical game of russian roulette a trigger that have been, several times already with nothing. Episode Link. If you happen to be a communist revolutionary and you want to see the overthrow of governments and in one sense angles will get what he wants, at least in one country, but, military minds. two one thousand nine hundred and fourteen style technology were automobiles, aren't even very old. I mean it just seemed like the world was arming itself, It was just going to explode and it was these militarists who are responsible and people who look at, Nazi Germany and who are, I know, people who are enthralled by the Verm Oct and the precision marching in the uniforms in this whole sort of, militaristic, fascist attitude that the Nazis portrayed, and I was trying to tell them that the Nazis didn't invent this, that the, regular german Marshall attitudes. You know government, The Russians had been defeated by Napoleon. Dan was the spark for the kindling of my mind to set my unbeknownst passion for History ablaze. You have to think about the division, which is the basic unit unit, these militaries kind of operate with goes back to the, times. Great job, Dan! Need help? You don't have to burn whole villages down, see how that works. 3:09:41. Machine guns, barbed wire and millions upon millions of artillery shells create industrialized meat grinders at Verdun and the Somme. Its sold effectively as our version of The 4th of July (the BlueJays surely have the date booked with MLB as a perennial home game). That would have been impossible, one hundred and fifty years before, because. Utilizing an army composed of many many many different european peoples, and I had to scrape Germany in every place else to get enough people to send into Russia was something that was called the grand army. In both case, those countries were the reason Britain got dragged into the conflict before, Second World WAR Britain Head going tried to stop. Slaughtering their front ranks company after, spaces in between the forts, where the belgian entrenchments had not been completed at some, point where they broke through the German, stormed up the slopes where the guns could not be depressed to reach them and were mowed down by the forts machine guns the day, piled up in ridge is a yard high at Fort BAR shown that, shins, seeing the german lines waiver charged. This was an efficient plan, to deploy the largest number of people that had ever been sent in a. area for a single purpose, probably in all human history, you think about. That era, from like one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine to one thousand, eight hundred and fifteen, so awful in terms of military destruction, Crown crowned heads of Europe in the lesson was. smash the potential of France, you didn't have to be mopped up, but she had to be smashed within nine hundred and fifty or so hours. from this moment until that in which our enemies shall have been driven from the territory of the republic, all French, permanently requisition for service in the army's the young men shall fight the married men shall forge weapons and transport supplies. By continuing to browse or closing this banner, you consent to our, Show 59 - (Blitz) The Destroyer of Worlds. And the Belgians would have every right you, think when you to wonder as their living through this, where their protectors are, they signed these agreements that said that they indeed. was coming on the anniversary of this historic defeat, their nose in the fact that Sarajevo is still held by a big non slavic empire and they're going to make France Ferdinand pay for that, And in the remarkably similar situation to the Kennedy assassination, for his motorcade is published ahead of time, going to be arriving and going down the main boulevards in an open car with his wife, multiple assassins line themselves up at very, intervals along the parade route and plan to kill the, too many other Serbs in the crowd nearby, the first few assassins, so the first few assassins don't try to make a run at him, eventually. Officers respect for those wonderful Germans, as he called them, The military virtues of valor that were so celebrated during this period. I'm not sure, but the german army from the Second World war on there and you, part of the reason we don't know more about that. about seventy percent of the world at this time period. If they find you blowing up bridges, they are. But 99 years later the dam breaks and a Pandora's Box of violence engulfs the planet. Need help? How do they miss something that's likely to be as dead, edging to your international reputation as well. one of the best episodes of the show. Literally just putting this to even out the rating from the dumbass above me. reaching that not your country's doctrine and your entire militaries organized or on the culture of the offensive and cran, is the french word I guess for like guts and it's all about guts. A shell wrecked, the arcade under which the general staff were sheltering all light, extinguished by the force of the explosion and the, officers, ran the risk of asphyxiation by the horrible gases emitted from the shell, firing ceased. And blood has always been one of those things where, when, see it in living. Ferguson is forced to deal with the reality of the situation that this. Regis Gamble right to invade Russia. The frame, Foreign minister will sit down and discuss. What happens if human beings can't handle the power of their own weaponry? Dish out really good blows, but they couldn't take very many good blows, most nations in the past could match that's? We use, He essentially had an elite unit of mounted infantry and he would transport these, people too vulnerable and important spots, tactically important area. A newspaper clipping no note, you're not signed it by anybody- know directions. Some of these countries are saddled with people, leadership is such an interesting side of this conflict because, I firmly believe, have you had a guy of Auto VON Bismarck's caliber in his, authority in Germany when the first World WAR is on the verge of happening that they could put the pan. It held the mystery and menace of fog rolling toward you across the sea. Seven hundred and ten of the casualties belonged to the Newfoundland Regiment (68 answered roll call that morning). Can suicidal bravery and fanatical determination make up for material, industrial and numerical insufficiency? Just by your Amazon, dot com products through the Amazon Search Window on Dan Carlin, dot com and Dan in band, will get a percentage of what you spend and it helps. Do you think they might have been seeing in their minds?