Why has she not professed to find the real killer except during the 911 call? It is yet ANOTHER violation, another loss of privacy on top of everything else, another basic human right being stripped away in an attempt to manipulate the jury to see something that was never there. Theres no sense of closure and the families of the victims are left devastated. By the time court came around, she claimed to have suffered from amnesia that night. THEY CONVICTED ON THEIR MORALS AND WHAT THEY THOUGHT OF HER!!! The Routier home, which has 2,740 square feet, is listed for $396,000, or $145 a square foot. I agree with Jade. IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT TO SEPARATE THE murder story from the love story that dates back to Mothers Day in May 1985, when 15-year-old high-schooler Darlie Lynn Peck sashayed through the front door of a Western Sizzler restaurant in Lubbock. This lead me to believe it was not used to cover the hand during the stabbing. The home is owned by Opendoor Property Trust and listed by Redfin agent Carolina Dusenbery. I wish Darlie was innocent. She didnt give either of them any first aid! Devon was already dead, and Damon died after being transported to the hospital. "On July 16, 1997, Darlie's sister Dana was arrested in Plano and charged with two counts of Assault/Family Violence in an incident that also involved Darin, Danelle, Darlie Kee, and baby Drake. I heard when your daughter talks about not being able to trust on the TLD Its really about him cheating and not the phoney insurance scam. Advertisement Soon after Routier called 911, claiming an intruder had attacked her and slashed her children, a crime scene investigator, James Cron, was brought in to assist the inexperienced suburban Rowlett police. She also had other knife injuries, such as cuts across the underside of her fingers. I havent been mindful of how awful my comments were and I apologize. Dude got lucky as hell that DNA ended up clearing him thats a miracle in itself but untwist fate and hed be a dead man. She had her throat slashed. Too many loose ends for a decent prosecutor to ever think about trying this woman. I have not yet had the privilege to hear anyone explain this. THE ENTIRE FAMILY WAS IN A STATE OF shock as a media blitzkrieg descended, private photographs became public, and neighbors, friends, enemies and people who didnt even know Darlie and Darin were interviewed and their words published and broadcast across America. Bree7702 1 yr. ago. I know many have suggested that Darlie could have planted the sock before she cut herself. Kathy, when are you going yo tell the public you have been friends with Darlie for many years? A person breaking in to a home with valuables in plain sight not to rob or rape but to kill kids. A lie is a statement made with the intent to deliberately deceive. Youve proven that by failing to disclose that very relevant information. Other teenage girls looked at that blond hair, those large breasts bouncing beneath a T-shirt and the great butt filling tight Daisy Duke cutoff jeans and sighed, Whens that going to happen to me? Darlies mother-in-law, Sarilda Routier, once observed that Darlie has such a cute body that she oughta just walk around naked all the time. Her appearance in the Western Sizzler was enough to wilt the lettuce on the salad bar. I personally would disrespect Doug Mulder all day long, dead or alive, because that was the weakest defense Ive ever seen in my life. I had to do quite a bit of digging to find this. She followed the figure through the utility room, where she discovered a knife, which she picked up and placed on the kitchen counter. No one said Cron had his mind made up that Darlie was the killer within 20 minutes; Cron himself said he deduced that it was an inside job within 20 minutes, and that was before he even knew about the sock in the alley. No harm done either way, so why the power games? I found your book the most comprehensive on the case, was everything a lie then? I had doubts about her conviction from the start. Someone has to explain why I heard Darlie say someone came in here and intentionally did it Darin!. A graveside prayer service was arranged. And now that home, which has been on the market for 114 days, can be yours for $396,000 (plus Darlies original drapes, too.). Unfortunately, there are people in the world that kill others just because. Because that seems logical IF it was about the $10k or even that her children were ruining her being an at-home-mom lifestyle. Cooper said that public opinion has turned significantly in his clients favor since the airing of The Last Defense. Why dont you just write the book with all the exculpatory evidence you said you had? Out of the 6 cold cases I have studied, 6 I believe were wrongfully convicted. Reportedly, medical examiners had failed to obtain the prints prior to the childrens burials. I know corruption happens but someone wouldve blown the lid off of this before now22 years later. Many other mementos also went into the casket, from stuffed animals to silver coins, and Coolios rap tune, Gangstas Paradise, which the boys had loved to dance and jump around to, was played during the funeral service. Her lawyers have claimed she went in and out of consciousness, which made the sequence of events challenging to remember. Worldwide attn and any dna testing? Same thing about the silly string video, the defense had all the opportunity to show the video where Darlie was crying but it wasnt any video of her crying at their grave, only Darlie dancing, laughing and smacking that gum wide-open. She gonna write a book about DR being innocent, when shes obviously guilty. I would like for you to address the 911 when Darlie says someone came in here and intentionally did it Darin. That name is cursed thanks to Darlie. Prosecutors dismissed the evidence as a child's print. Brings new meaning to the phrase Sunday Funday. She blew off his assistant, Dylan Feiner, when Dr. Phil had him call with the offer for further testing and world wide attention. Good afternoon! ONLY after he determined his life had to move on from that time or he and Drake would also be forever imprisoned by this, did they divorce. The Friday march will be from noon until 6 p.m. and the weekend demonstrations from noon until 3 p.m. October was chosen so that participants would not have to endure the Texas summer heat. Its so sad what Darlie did to her boys. Please do not hate me or think in any way that this is your fault. I saw one case on one of those true crime shows where a guy was in prison for a decade, I wish I could remember it better but I do remember the bedspread was covered in the victims blood and it took years of DNA testing before they finally found a single drop of the real killers blood on it. Her hair doesnt even fit her head anymore looking just like her mother. We will patiently be waiting for the inevitable. Darin is a stinking pig choosing that cow over his own flesh and blood. Darlie, though, wasnt. I thought for sure after TLD I was going to be a supporter. The medical choice was an operation to fold them up, forfeiting sensitivity, or to have them augmented. One finely ground bowl with a hot cup of coffee and one small push thenPOPthere comes YOUR head out of YOUR ass. If that was my kids that image would haunt me and traumatise me for life. She fought him off and he ran out through the kitchen and garage, dropping a knife on the way. I have been aware of this case since it happened and always said this poor girl was railroaded and convicted based on character assassination not evidence. Darlie would have planned her wedding had she not killed her boys. Copyright 2023, D Magazine Partners, Inc. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. What the states prosecutors have done to Darlie and family of victims is criminal. Holding him would have impeded Darin. If you feel confident killing a person that might be innocent based on non proven facts, I think you are just as ethically and morally bankrupt as any murderer. Baby Drake, then almost 8 months, was asleep upstairs with his father, Darin. How many murders has anyone seen or heard of involving JUST children ? Those of us who have taken the time to go thru every shred of evidence in this case knows your innocent ! The Dallas County Appraisal District estimated a 2022 tax value of $375,790. All his haters just knew he did it too because, you know, it was COMMON SENSE,,,sorry folks common sense dont make you as smart as you think it does. He sure accused her of something. Darin went down the list, item by item. Listen to the 911 call. Darin and the rest of the family continue to believe the real killer is still out there somewhere. The scheme caused some to wonder whether the murders were part of a staged robbery gone wrong. Do you think there is a chance that Darren will go to prison too? She was so used to getting her way within her inner circle that she assumed she could also get away with this. I have spent countless hours watching television programs about this case. Something went wrong. She cried as he testified. Any sign of glitz was banished, but he got a new tattoo, of the slain boys. Texas law requires that sellers disclose when they are aware that an unnatural death has taken place on the property. Lets face it, theres a ton of violence in our country with absolutely no reason for it. What if something happened to you or your loved one and you wholeheartedly believed in them. How could she have stabbed them children? Based on these inconsistencies, law enforcement arrested and charged Routier with the murder of her sons less than two weeks after the killings. Sarilda would be SO pissed! And I dont mind if you and not Mrs Kee answers my questions. he was asked. You talk about babykillers but conveniently forget that you raised one, dont you? Court records show that the Routiers owed more than the home was worth at the time. He still didnt believe it, and he never will. Btw, you telling me to lay off the Kush just shows what a dinasour you are, You know what would be epic Cruz? Both sides of those families are morally bankrupt. So Darlie began shopping for a wedding dress to match the moment, doing her favorite thing, shopping for the best on a tight budget, following her philosophy of NPR, Never Pay Retail. That is the greatest defense that there was, especially IF she cut her own throat. There are lies in those letters. Only about Darlie and her lying manipulative ways. Like many other states, courtrooms in Texas have canceled many hearings. wow, i dont know whos more patheticthe people pretending to be darlie kee, darrin, barb davis and kathy cruz, or the ones who actually believe it is them and are trying to call them out. And the scribbles about who would get the boys if something happened to Darin and Darlie? Couldnt have said it better myself. The sound of breaking glass. Yes! Mama responded, her quaking voice almost an electronic scream. Darlie and Darin get called out! I hope and pray that the print will be run and that the owner of it will be identified. You never know how someone will act in that situation, right?? Toby Shook and Greg Davis would not be known except for their pathological lying and changing facts. Darlie is guilty and will soon meet her makervand be fully judged for butchering two innocent boys as they slept The boys blood castoff the weapon onto her shirt PROVES she is the killer. Nothing and I mean NOTHING that comes out of Kathy Cruz mouth is credible. Those kids didnt get a FAIR life. Her knife used to cut screen, jewelry wasnt taken at sink where clean up occurred, she named 2 men in her jail letters & freaked out on the stand when asked about it, blood under the glass & vacuum, no cuts on her feet, wine glass was latched wouldnt have been knocked down, Domain didnt bark, motion lites not on, she called media herself to film that grave scene. She did that. It didnt help Karla Faye, who didnt lie for over two decades, waste tax PAYERS money, and malign good, moral, ethical, law abiding citizens. Law enforcement convicted her that night, she literally stood no chance. She distorted and slandered nurses and their documentation. And he lies right along with her. It belongs to Darlie Routier. A thief is a liar by nature and we both know you got multiple charges for burglary, assault, intimidation of a crime victim, domestic violence, possession, etc so do us all a favor and save that talk about the TRUTH for the next time you go before a judge mmmkay? Then you too will be able to move on. ALL forensic and DNA tests have proved it. Darin is the one who should worry about that. But does this sound like a mother that hates her children? Theres no evidence of any intruder and no evidence to place Darin as a direct part of the murders. Police, satisfied with the reverse ripple effect of the investigation, in which everything moved toward the center, arrested Darlie Routier on Tuesday. Mercedes Adams states she never had the conversation with Darlie that you quoted her as saying in your book. I am very late to the game with this story. Darin managed to bat down some misconceptions and predicted that he would have made about $200,000 in 1996 had everything remained normal. I see her on all these interviews and she seems so stress free. People like you are the ones who truly disrespect the victims because youd rather let their real killer walk around free because you just dont like Darlie. On his birthday, Routier gathered with family and friends to celebrate his memory at his grave. But when one of us or one of our own fuck up we own it. While a window screen was cut from the outside, investigators found that the knife used to cut the screen was a bread knife from the Routiers' own kitchen. Darin had jumped into the hot world of electronics and created a small company called Testnec to test circuit boards, and the money rolled in. Oh HONEYId love to see things from your point of view, but I cant get my head quite that far up my ass. Two little boys whos lives were snuffed out ardbthe forgotten victims and every one of you should be ashamed defending a killer. While at her house, he washed the blood from his hands and his face, chest and back, even from his mouth. But someone should answer them. Its all disjointed pieces and flashes of memory that are all out of order, so of course it doesnt make sense to the average person, but that doesnt make it a lie. Investigators became skeptical of Routier's story of a break-in as they gathered evidence. I didnt believe it but then a man told me to read the laundry ladys testimony and holy cow! WebDarlie Lynn Peck Routier is an American death row inmate convicted of killing her five-year-old son. As a lifelong Dallas native, she's been an Eagle, Charger, Wildcat, and a Comet. Darlie Kee I mean Philly Gurl The video showing her with the silly string at the grave was edited. My heart hurts for Darlie and her family. Its ok to tell the truth. DNA testing of the evidence has been completed, and a bloody fingerprint found on a coffee table in the home was finally run through state and federal data bases, but it remains unidentified. Darin hung on her every word. Darlie routier is innocent. Copyright 2020 Fort Worth Weekly, All Rights Reserved. You can read about it here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://darliefacts.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/crimefighter1.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj42bON9uLrAhUKQ60KHTxIC_8QFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw2SZoCJEyjd9o-1fMVj2wCT. Post conviction activity in the Routier case has been delayed due to ongoing DNA testing of the evidence that was collected in June 1996, after the bodies of Routiers two young children, Damon, 5, and Devon, 6, were found in a downstairs television room of the Routier home in Rowlett, Texas.