It was meant for the baby cow, so heshe can grow up to three pounds a day. Hope this helps. Weight loss has been stalled at 10 lbs and I am tired of feeling crummy and tired. Dr. Gundry says that cashews are the most inflamatory. Also, are there updates since this list was posted, including responses to questions ? Stick with this and dont get off track. I drink a lot of almond milk. Heres the full Plant Paradox yes list. raggi is one of the varieties of Indian millet. Did you resolve your question about peeled and seeded squash? Product of Turkey. 18) Ashwagandha At least 6 different Gastro-enterologists in 3 provinces, have done little and neither have the 4 or 5 Naturopaths I have seen( not to mention GPs, dieticians and herbalists). are tomato juice and other vegetable juices that contain tomato juice OK? Almonds seem to be absent from the list, but almond flour (ground up almonds) is on the yes list meaning almonds must be OK. How much weight do you lose in a week. Hemp and coconut milk is very expensive. For you and everyone else, I had a close friend pass away from pancreatic cancer a few years back. But real nuts are low in lectins, such as pistachios, walnuts, and macadamia nuts. And will not tell how to Find and Replace the with paragraph mark to get the vertical list. Which is better grass fed A1 or non-organic A2? I had come to realize for some time that my symptoms were starting to look to me like an immune response. Avoid processed foods, nightshade vegetables, lectin-heavy nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, A1 dairy products, and grain-fed and farm-raised animal proteins. Dr. Gundry also provides a comprehensive list of what foods to avoid altogether to maintain a healthy diet: Refined starches Sugar and sweeteners Soy 8) Thalidomide My question is are carob and Maca lectin free? I feel like there are many other soy-free meat alternative available now in comparison to when the book was published. I heard of the Plant Paradox diet quite by accident. Kim Perry, Look for Italian Passata at your grocery store. I scoured the web for supplements that help fight cancer. WebTake a look at Dr. Gundrys Yes ListFoods to Eat. You can get it in Indian groceries and imho its more fragrant and tasty than the usual grocery store brands. I just started this diet but have been indulging in almond butter. I watched some of his podcasts and in one of them he says no almonds. Many health nuts refuse to eat any soy product except those that are fermented. I used to have trouble with fodmap foods but after 6 months on the plant paradox I have been able to reintroduce most of them without a problem, including garlic and onion. Talapia is not a real fish, it is hybrid, man made and farmedI loved Talapia until I found this information. They are healthy. The No List is a list of foods that are high in lectins. What about coffee???? Suzy I went on a diet about 7 years ago and lost 30lbs without seeing the Gundry diet. Thank you!!. Cashes are not a legume. funny how my joints do not hurt anymore and my indigestion/heartburn is totally gone! This diet does work to restore the gut so that the body can restart and function more properly. eggs are not off the table, it is mainly the type of eggs. I noticed the majority of the recipes online bake them for 10 minutes first. You can try almond butter but most of it contains the brown skin which we want to avoid. Enjoy. 14 Opt for 20) Devils claw root The so-called healthy cereals that are NOT FDA approved (and other healthy breakfast foods to avoid) (4:55) The SHOCKING truth about this popular nut in your pantry (and other nut butters you should actually enjoy) (20:39) Why diet soda is just as bad if not WORSE for you than traditional soda (and my healthy alternative) (22:25) I have dried organic figs in a bag. And, there are only certain kinds of nuts on the list legumes, like peanuts and cashews should be completely avoided. Peanut butter is a forever no food. There are some similarities but also some big differences. The book lists a lot more fruits on the Yes List than the website. I like adding aragula after it is cooked. To the person who stated unpasteurized milk was illegal to sell in Canada and stated one had to make his own, I would like to know how, unless I was a cow. Foods To Avoid On The Paradox Diet Proteins: soy products, farmed fish, and all beans and legumes Refined, Starchy Foods: bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice, tortillas, whole grains, wheat, rice, oats, quinoa, barley, corn, and popcorn Nuts and seeds: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, peanuts, and cashews Almost anything else coconut is great. Foods to avoid According to Dr. Gundry, you can eat a select few of the banned veggies tomatoes, bell peppers, and cucumbers if theyve been peeled and deseeded. I hoping you can advise on the supplements I should take in accordance with the diet please. He needs a hook like all snake-oil salesmen need and nobody is more gullible than the Hollywood elite (and plenty of just plain regular PEOPLE as well!). Dairy is one of my protein staples. If youve found A2 kefir, its ok. Unpasteurized milk,no matter how its treated, still is A1 so its on the no list. It is an amazing product and so good for you. My leaky gut has healed and my thyroid gland has normalized (I was hypothyroid) and I am very grateful to Dr Gundry. According to Dr. Gundry, you can eat a select few of the banned veggies tomatoes, bell peppers, and cucumbers if theyve been peeled and deseeded. The weight of the water pulls the stomach back into place away from the diaphragm, So many people Ive told this to, have tried it. There is a diet from U Mass for UC and Crohns that I have been following that include pumpkin, oatmeal, nut butters, kefir, Greek yogurt and other NO foods on Dr. Gundrys list. Which lectins are Confused. Which lectins are Not only that, they often include soy or other bean flours. @Camilla And yet, hes an award winning cardio-thoracic that graduated from Yale, and your medical degree was from where again? Gluten is bad for everybody! The only way to have raw milk in Canada is to produce your own milk. Humans seem to think they can eat anything and get away with it. We just moved due to mold exposure from living in a house with it for 10 years. In most browsers, open each of the six images in a new web page usually by right-clicking in the image and choosing Open new web page, 2. WebTake a look at Dr. Gundrys Yes ListFoods to Eat. Looking forward to see how Im feeling after several weeks. I dont like any of the other non-dairy milks. Are we medical miracles? Im in my 3rd week. For all of You people with extensive Pain from Arthritis or Fibromyalgia, etc!!! I am starting Dr. Gundrys its today. I have lost plenty of weight, and feel stronger and energized at 61 years young. I take none of them anymore. The rice and lentils seems to get the occasional mention as ok, but I haven;t seen a comment on the potatoes as being acceptable resistant starches. I have almost no symptoms of any of the above anymore and I have lost appropriate weight. Are duck eggs acceptable? i like the idea of this diet.It has helped me alot of the past year. IM ALMOST PAIN FREE FIRST TIME IN YEARS!!!!! Having been an athlete (mostly cycling) all my adult life (to national level), it is not like I havent tried pretty much every diet ever invented. But Im also terrified to deny my child the calcium intake that is deemed essential by paediatricians and dieticians. There are lots of nutritious food on the Yes List! There is a diet from U Mass for UC and Crohns that I have been following that include pumpkin, oatmeal, nut butters, kefir, Greek yogurt and other NO foods on Dr. Gundrys list. accurate, knowledgable answers to them from persons using this wonderful, helpful food plan lifestyle? Turns out fruits (including squashes, tomatoes, eggplants) and potatoes were the last culprits causing my issues. I strictly kept to the diet for about 5 years feeling great and then slowly slipped back into my favourite foods going back to the I am a healthy eater attitude. The problem is the way they are grown they are prone to mold problems and should probably be avoided as much as possible. Avocados have got a whopping 10.5 grams of fiber per cup plus lots of vitamin C, E, and potassium. My son has bad gastrointestinal heart burn every day hes 15 doctors say change diet nothing has worked he eats tums like candy help help me. Its no fun having horrible pain from indigestion and the meds that doctors prescribe are terrible for you. You can cross the border and purchase raw milk from a US farm. Choices include venison, ostrich, and other game meats. I have the anaconda Dr. Gundry promised. I started on your diet. In reality this will probably save your life. If you develop gastrointestinal issues after eating avocados, and youve eliminated the usual suspects from your diet (like dairy and gluten), avocados could be causing your discomfort., It would be nice if The Doctor Himself could chime in here to answer some questions . 01 May 2023 01:45:30 Lemons? Thank you Dr, Gundry. I dont get why squash isnt good. I went through your yes and no list and actually Ive been already following most of those for about 20 years. 6) ANY fermented cruciferous vegetable such as turnip greens, turnips, radishes, radish greens, mustard greens, red cabbage And, theyre full of folate. I have had IBS for 30 years and tried every diet you could name( and many you could not) over the years. Take care of you. in soups, stews as a thickener, etc. You can find it on audible too which is where i got it. I just purchased Dr. Gundrys book and I cant wait to start a life without lectins! But real nuts are low in lectins, such as pistachios, walnuts, and macadamia nuts. Right! Hes a crook selling his books and supplements to the incredibly gullible Hollywood fools. You indicate we should only eat fruit in season. I started on the Plant Paradox a year ago, I was 50 pounds overweight and could not lose it, even with doctors help, and even though I was on strict diets, ate organic everything, and worked out everyday. Macadamia Walnuts Pistachios Pecans Coconut Hazelnuts Chestnuts When it comes to flour alternatives, stick to coconut flour or almond flour. I know many people who react to avocado because of certain seasonal allergies they have. Here is an excerpt I found online that explains: I have seen an improvement in my TSH levels. Beans are fine provided they are pressure cooked. (Natures Fare unpasteurized milk, as I totally know it is illegal in Canada to have raw milk, so this stumps me!). Ideas? Foods To Avoid On The Paradox Diet Proteins: soy products, farmed fish, and all beans and legumes Refined, Starchy Foods: bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice, tortillas, whole grains, wheat, rice, oats, quinoa, barley, corn, and popcorn Nuts and seeds: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, peanuts, and cashews I also dont drink milk and Im 68 and healthy. Gundry also provides a comprehensive list of what foods to avoid altogether to maintain a healthy diet: Refined starches. Also, you can put a copy in your car for actual trips to the grocery store! It takes awhile maybe a few trys, but good results for everyone so far. Hi! My husband and I have been attempting this program on and off for a couple of years. Is 6 eggs to much and should you throw away the egg white? Is there a more comprehensive list available anywhere? We need people to get Canadian politicians to change this ridiculous law. Print this list out, and hang it on your fridge. We have higher food standards than in other parts of the world. Kefir. Idk answer to your questions, sorry. 10) Sanguinarine I cheat every once in a while, but it hasnt made me gain back any of the weight. Are pork rinds an acceptable snack or on the No list? I am grateful that Dr. Gundry has laid out a full yes and no list and am going to go back to my healthy self. THANK YOU, DR. Works nicely in any rice dish though, except maybe risotto or paella where a shorter grain is called for. I am going to try Dr. Gundrys diet. Well we cant. If fat people had the discipline to cut out all those things for the rest of their lives, they wouldnt be fat. Hello, my husband was diagnosed with diabetes only to find out it was a reaction to an autoimmune disease. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I am Pain- free as I take Rheuma-Art Extra Strength that is all Herbs!!! Foods to avoid According to Dr. Gundry, you can eat a select few of the banned veggies tomatoes, bell peppers, and cucumbers if theyve been peeled and deseeded. Thank you. Mirsada. Amazing My question is about one Indian dish: dosa. Sugar and sweeteners. What is wrong with chia seeds? I contacted the one company where I can find A2 milk. -@LectinFreeLife on IG. Thank you!! My naturopath has his clients who suffer from heartburn or severe indigestion drink 12oz of water and jump downstairs. Im not sure if it legumes or type of seed. Doesnt that mean that the cows could have been fed grains? Is that ok? But what if theyre wrong? So Ive switched to almond milk and simply avoid all dairy from cows. aThank you. I like Greek yoghurt as sour cream, still sour. There is no money in healthy people! Beans and lentils. Ellen. Buy a juicer and make vegetable juices. Anyone else here have IC issues? But very nice of you to clarify so much in your posta. Im 59 yrs old. Squash and Pumpkin can be included on Phase 3 if pressure cooked, peeled and seeded. The soil is different there. Never seen A2 kefir. Quinoa and some others are called pseudo grains. Thats it. Thank you, Dr. Gundry. Now not so much. And they did not say GMO free. I have stage 3 chronic kidney disease. Is there a vegan do and dont list? I cant eat peanuts seems there are sooo many restrictions! Get all lectin foods out of the house. Hello!!!!!!!!!! Is it ok to mix primal plants with vital reds. He told me they dont know what causes it so there is no cure but they can treat the symptoms. 12) Doxycycline+Vit C In closing it seems that there is a host of immerging ailments that might very well be linked to bad food choices an unbelievable surge in diabeties obesity leaky gut fibromialgia just to mention a few. Asin grapefruits? So far no change, but i feel good. Nightshades Sadly, unpasteurized milk is illegal in Canada, so your kefir is pasteurized. Regarding unpasteurized or technically raw milk. Alright. What is Dr Gundrys advice on this?