S. Muhammad Dihlavi in his speech said that five years of organised and steady efforts had achieved what the known traitors of the Shia people could not achieve within twenty years in spite of their good relations to the highest government circles. ; its members were S. Muhammad Dihlavi, Prince Abbas Mirza, S. Hatim Alavi, S. Zafar Hasan Amrohavi and S. Israr Husain. Muhammad Ismails polemic was quite misplaced considering the small amount of khums which had been put at the disposal of the dn madris so far, but it was not without logic. Article 129 of the previous constitution41Close granting each citizen the right to follow and propagate any religion is completely un-Islamic. Other issues raised by the Shia press in these years included renewed criticism of the local anjumans, which were accused of squandering Shia capital for majlis and mahfil instead of doing constructive work for the welfare of their respective communities,59Close and of the excessive habit of collecting donations (chanda) which had created a class of chanda-eaters.60Close, On 79 April 1961 the ITHS held its first annual session since 1956 when Hafiz Kifayat Husain had been elected chairman.61Close The latter had almost withdrawn from his leadership functions already one year later after a personal quarrel with the acting Secretary-General, Muzaffar Ali Shamsi,62Close but had been replaced only in early 1961.63Close His successor Major (retd.) Protocol in Razkr 30/78:1+8 (1624 February 1967). He had previously been in the service of Nawab Muzaffar Ali Khan Qizilbash and his elder brother Nisr Ali Khan. Sitting by his grave, she tells the story of the day she lost her brother in the attack, a sequence of bomb blasts which killed at least 45 . 29698; Naqvi, Controversy, pp. 25355, http://sharaabtoon.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-most-unfortunate-incident-theri.html, Muzaffar Ali Shamsi, Tanzm k nm par intishr n phailiy, Zaidi, Mutlabt aur Khatb-i Azam, p. 81, Zaidi, Mutlabt aur Khatb-i Azam, p. 86, Zaid, Mutlabt aur Khatb-i Azam, p. 87, Ahmad, Activism of Ulama in Pakistan, p. 267. a sf master, who derives his influence mostly from his spiritual power as perceived by his followers and disciples. 3). Ali Raza (UK) 7. Razkr 23/15:3 (16 April 1960). A meeting of the Shia Mutlabt Committee (SMC)i.e. Razkr 27/4:1. The same applies to all ministers and officials. Naseem Abbas (Pakistan) 6. They have neither their own position nor a rule of conduct nor respect and are content to serve just as loudspeakers, intoxicating themselves with their zkir-business. Razkr 25/42:4 (8 November 1962); Shamsi repeated his resignation with the same result at an ITHS Council meeting in Rawalpindi in August 1964, at that time ordered by S. Muhammad Dihlavi himself to stay in office (Razkr 27/2728:5; 18 September 1964). It was organised by leaders of the TAS and the Majlis-i Ahrr like Abu Zarr Bukhari, son of Ataullah Shah Bukhari. 1 read: S. Muhammad Dihlavi was elected leader by the ulam, and all Shia organ-isations and individuals have accepted him as their leader; so did this only representative meeting of the Shias this meeting regards those few persons who are censuring such a sound (musallam) leader directly or indirectly because of their personal interests, and those journals who are still following the old line,329Close with disgust and considers them enemies and traitors not only of the Shia demands, but of the [whole] Shia qaum. Ibid. Shamsi reacted by calling himself for a meeting of the Council on 23 October in the house of S. Muhammad Ali Zaidi in Lahore, sending invitations to Council members without even informing the Chairman. To counter all these challenges, it would have been necessary that the ulam of all sects would unite to preserve Islam in the Islamic country. 2 of the Multan Convention explicitly denounced Shamsi for a press statement appearing on 28 August (Razkr 29/3435:7). In July that year, S. Mushtaq Husain claimed that there were 250 SMCs with 10,000 razkrs ready for marching (Supplement to Razkr 30/28). Detailed reports on the events in Hyderabad are given in Razkr 31/78:13 (1624 February 1968). Azdr is a part of the faith of the Shias, and a right for which every Shia is ready to give any sacrifice at any time. Razkr 31/4243:5. Shia 'ulama' have been at the forefront of communal . Account of the recommendations from S. Muhammad Dihlavi, 19 November 1968 (Razkr 31/44:3); see also below, p. 166 (wording of the official statement of 1 November 1968). On the same day, sectarian clashes occured in a number of other Pakistani towns and villages.90Close Worst affected was Theri in the Khairpur District, where an immbrgh was set on fire killing dozens of Shia worshippers.91Close The overall death toll on 10 Muharram reached 120 according to official reports.92Close The new upsurge of violence came as a shock for many Shias who had believed that an era of religious tolerance and law and order had started in 1958. It took almost five years of increasing communal mobilization to get official acceptance of the three demands by the outgoing Ayub Khan government. S. Mubarak Ali Shah (190075), a landlord and descendant of Shah Jiwna (Jhang District), was one of the few former Shia deputies and ministers who had frequently spoken out on Shia interests and demands.64Close He would later become a loyal supporter of S. Muhammad Dihlavi,65Close whereas Shamsi, who was formally elected Secretary-General of the ITHS at the April 1961 convention,66Close already in that year criticised initiatives to found a new organisation to replace both the ITHS and APSC.67Close At a session of the ITHS Council in October 1962 he submitted his resignation due to chronic illness and too much private occupation but was urged by all Council members to stay in his post.68Close Apparently he had been against the 1964 Karachi ulam convention and the new leadership role of S. Muhammad Dihlavi from the start, although he came out openly in opposition to him only two years thereafter.69Close. A new Shia movement led by Sayyid Muhammad Dihlavi was launched in 1964 pressing for three demands, namely separate religious instruction, exclusive Shia control over their religious endowments (Auqaf), and freedom and protection of their religious processions. In schools and colleges our children are given such a form of religious instruction that they do not understand their own mazhab at all. It was fiercely opposed by Sunni religious parties as well as some Shia ulam for allegedly violating Koranic principles of marriage.34Close Shia protests against new legislation in this field became more widespread in July 1964, when the West Pakistan Assembly passed a bill changing some regulations regarding the rights of inheritance of widows.35Close It was denounced as interference in religion (mudkhalat fd-dn) because it contradicted the fiqh-i jafarya, and the Shia MPAs were blamed for negligence.36Close. S. Muhammad Dihlavi and Mushtaq Husain refused to show up, sending the former minister S. Abid Husain of Jhang and Muhammad Bashir Ansari instead. 1, tabled by Najm ul-Hasan Kararvi, called on all Shia ulam not to participate in working out any syllabus that would not provide for separate dnyt for Shia pupils. The SMC Working Committee met in Multan on 5 November and decided that another countrywide convention should be held in Hyderabad in February 1968 to report on the movements achievements within four years and approve further steps. , Pakistan is a democratic country where the rights of all citizens are equal and where it is a fundamental right to make use of public places for gatherings etc. Razkr 27/35:3 (1 November 1964); 27/39:3 (1 December 1964). He is the founder of Idara-tul-Mustafa. Besides, the logic of forbidding some ulam to speak in certain districts because of alleged fanaticism or lack of knowledge, while the same persons were not considered objectionable in other parts of the country, was rightfully questioned.317Close Another complaint concerned growing obstacles for the construction of Shia mosques. Remarkably, the mainstream Indian Islamic scholars have posed pertinent and unavoidable questions to Naik. In British India there had been four official holidays in Muharram which had been cut down to one after 1947. My job is to make the audience happy telling anecdotes and self-fabricated nonsense stories. I was not able to find hints about the identity of these persons. He was elected Vice-Chairman of the MAUSP (see below) at the 1964 Karachi Convention and would accompany S. Muhammad Dihlavi during all his tours to different towns and districts in Pakistan (Razkr 35/35:4; 16 September 1971); see also references in Fn 239 to chapter 3, p. 376). Zaidi, Mutlabt, p. 86; for the full text of the memorandum see Razkr 28/1:1 (1 Januray 1965). Muzaffar Ali Shamsi had only increased his isolation when trying to belittle that convention in his weekly Shahd.340Close Thereafter the ITHS Chairman Mubarak Ali Shah wanted to discuss the statements of his Secretary-General at a meeting of the ITHS Council. One demand brought forward repeatedly by the Sunni parties at that time was the confiscation of objectionable literature by the government.113Close An editorial of Razkr on 1 September 1963 admitted the existence of very provocative munzara literature from both Shia and Sunni writers dating from the first decades of the century, but blamed destructive elements for unearthing and reprinting it in order to arouse sectarian passions. Dihlavi, who feared that agitation in Lahore and elsewhere might turn violent and jeopardise the achievements of three years of Shia communal mobilisation, agreed to these conditions and called off the Lahore Convention.353Close He even allowed Qizilbash to portray himself as having taken over the command of the campaign for the Shia demands. 2,720 khums since its foundation ten years earlier. On 11 May the three-months ultimatum had run out without any satisfactory reply from the government, and the SMC faced the dilemma how to make good its threat. Apart from accusations that armed Shias themselves had provoked the clashes in Lahore,99Close the demand to ban all Shia azdr processions was repeated forcefully at a meeting of six Sunni groups in Lahore on 16 June.100Close A common board was formed comprising the JUI leaders Mufti Mahmud and Ghulam Ghauth Hazarvi as well as Shaikh Husam ud-Din, Master Taj ud-Din Ansari and Shuresh Kashmiri.101Close Hazarvi went as far as accusing fanatic Shia police officers and other civil servants of responsibility for the violence in Muharram.102Close Three weeks later, at a public meeting near the Mochi Gate of Lahores Old City chaired by the D.C. and meant to reconcile local Sunnis and Shias, Hafiz Kifayat Husain and Muzaffar Ali Shamsi repeated the claim that abusing and insulting of any religious authority was absolutely forbidden for Shias. She finished her examinations from the University of Lahore. For the demographic distribution of Shias in Pakistan, see sections 1.1, pp. Razkr 31/4243:1+2 (1624 November 1958). Today ijtihd means ab-o-qab; mujtahid means pr and murshid;138Close lim means speaker (muqarrir), and preacher (wiz-o-muballigh) means zkir. The events of 1963 served as a catalyst for a new start in Shia communal organisation, which had been in the air for some years. In Narowal, another hot-spot of sectarian tensions, the local Shias had refrained from taking out a procession after being advised so by the police. A number of polemics against the greediness of the zkirs and their mis-handling of the majlis had been published in the Shia press already since the mid-1950s, especially in al-Muballigh.249Close An editorial of that journal from September 1961 was peculiarly outspoken (excerpts): Has Husain been martyred just for the purpose that some people would sit together and weep for him? This wave of mobilisation was entirely indigenous and more successful than all former or later campaigns for the sake of Shia equal rights during more than six decades of Pakistans history, although the concessions gained in late 1968 took some more years to be implemented and were later gradually revoked. Since 1958 he lived in Karachi, serving for the Publications Department of the government and later teaching at Karachi University. In 1964 he moved to Lyallpur (later Faisalabad) where he founded the Madrasat Dars-i l-i Muhammad; see Husain, Matla-i anwr, pp. Translation from Razkr 24/1415:11 (816 April 1961). S. Ahmad Ali Shah vitriolic speeches against Qizilbash and Shamsi reached a climax. It assures the government that their statements are only private opinions, and that they do not represent the Shias.330Close. 7475. And if controversial matters are treated as such, the students will be confused and split among each other Shia hadth and fiqh should be taught separately and exams should be separate, too. 1379. On the evening of 1 November 1968, the following official statement was released, which also appeared in all daily newspapers the next morning: With the approval of the Central Government, the Government of West Pakistan has decided to revise the syllabi of Islamiat in accordance with the recommendations of the Joint Board of Shia and Sunni Ulema which was set up by the Central Government some time ago. Mine are listed below (in no particular order): 1. He presented his own views on correct beliefs about the Shia Imams and other subjects in a categorical manner, while at the same time mincing no words in his refutation of what he considered ghulw and tafwz propagated by most preachers in Pakistan at that time.258Close, Dhakkos book was well received by many orthodox ulam and instructors of dn madris, but it was naturally rejected by those who where the objects of his polemics. See sections 1.3, p. 25; 2.2 p. 44; 3.4, p. 84. The conflict as such had surfaced in Pakistan already in the 1950s, with some ulam from the dn madris complaining about how the zkirs and preachers would be misleading the Shia awm and distracting them from their religious obligations.215Close In 1959 one of the most successful preachers and munzirs, Maulana Muhammad Ismail (190176),216Close struck back. Regarding its reference to Sunni settlements or quarters (bd), it must be kept in mind that most Shias of Pakistan lived scattered in Sunni majority areas.81Close The admission that many ignorant Sunnis had got used to the Shia ceremonieswhich was obvious from the active participation of numerous Sunnis in Muharram processions until some decades ago82Closewas also revealing: it was precisely that normalcy in sharing religious traditions with the Shias which some Sunni zealots wanted to destroy at all cost in order to revive what they considered the purity of their faith. Translated from Razkr 29/4:3 (24 January 1966). Dhakko basically remained a lone crusader, who in later years would alienate even many of his former supporters.301Close, Astonishingly, the bitter conflicts among Pakistans Shias on questions of religious doctrines and practice, which came to the fore in the years from 1965 to 1968, did not affect much the movement for Shia communal demands during those same years.302Close S. Muhammad Dihlavi apparently never took sides in the dispute. Karachi, On 19th Jan 2009, 15 years old seraiki community Imam Bargah "Babul Hawaij" Gulistan-e-Johar Karachi has been demolished by S.H.O, Police Station Gulistan-e-Johar name Nasrullah (YAZEED), On 15th Jan 2009 S.H.O, Nasrullah (YAZEED) along with police constabulary attack Imam Bargah Babul Hawaij destroyed ALAM BUBARAK (GHAZI ABBAS) and thrown all the wall around the ALAM BUBARAK, On . Razkr 30/11:3 (16 March 1967); see also section 4.3, pp. 12829; 5.6, p. 176. He deems it a splendid sign of leadership to accept titles such as Nib-i Imm,132Close yatullh fl-Alamain,133Close Hujjat ul-Islm wal-Muslimn,134Close orator (khatb) or preacher (wiz). Such manoeuvres were to continue and to become more obstinate throughout the following years. Already in the second half of 1965, the supporters of S. Muhammad Dihlavi had set up Shia Mutlabt Committees (SMCs) in a number of towns and districts.307Close Faced with the permanent rivalry between the APSC and the ITHS, and the obstacles which some leading figures of both organ-isations put in the way of his movement out of sheer jealousy, Dihlavi in early 1966 decided to elevate the SMC to a new countrywide organisation of its own, completely sidelining the APSC and ITHS. 79, 8586. On Karim Bakhsh Haidari see also section 3.4, pp. Khaqan Babar was a son of the Shia Ahrr leader Mazhar Ali Azhar (see section 2.1, p. 41). The meeting of a five-member delegation with the Governor took place as scheduled and was satisfactory; see also Musa, Jawan to General, p. 207. The Sunni Conference was denounced as a fraud in the Barelvi journal Sawd-i Azam (Lahore), 1 September 1967, for usurping the name of a holy organisation of the Barelvis in pre-partition India; quoted in Razkr 30/36:3. He complained, among other things, about the obligation for Sunnis to keep their shops open during the Muharram processions, about their greatly increased number since 1947,106Close and that Shias were allegedly abusing the sahba with impunity at their majlis throughout the year.107Close In reply to some questions from the Shia advocate Khaqan Babar, Ghulam Qadir said: Pakistan was achieved in the name of Islam. All SMCs should prepare a list of their most active members to form a countrywide Council which should meet annually.407Close. Pakistan is not the country of one qaum or one mazhab, but all Muslim sects united have helped for its creation Shias became members of the Muslim League thinking that in Pakistan there would be full freedom for their religious rights (sic), that all sects would have a chance at elections, and that in government institutions there would be no sectarian discrimination but now our country is faced with a storm of sectarianism , The first issue is that of joint religious instruction. Zaidi, Mutlabt aur Khatb-i Azam, p. 86 (no exact date is given there and in other sources available to the author). 17075. Both the ITHS and the APSC sent representatives to the Karachi Convention who duly proclaimed solidarity with Dihlavi.168Close According to Muhammad Bashir Ansari, who also participated, there were long discussions whether the ITHS and APSC should be dissolved in favour of a new organisation, but in the end it was decided that they should rest in place. In December 1963, under heavy pressure from the Sunni ulam, Pakistan was renamed an Islamic Republic and all existing as well as future laws were brought within the purview of the principle barring legislation repugnant to the Koran and the Sunna; see Shaukat Ali, Pakistan, pp. A milestone in this respect was the translation of Shaikh Ibn Babuya as-Sadduqs Aqid mazhab al-sha by S. Manzur Husain Bukhari (Sargodha) with lengthy commentaries from Muhammad Husain Dhakko, which was published in 1964 under the title Ahsan ul-fawid f sharhi l-aqid.257Close With this book Dhakko laid the ground for a controversy that was still going on more than three decades later. al-Muballigh 10/34:76. Resolution No. 2000 - present. 323; Shaukat Ali, Pakistan, pp. 6973, 857. 13940. One important objective of the Shia ulam convention in Karachi was to search for ways and means to unite all ulam of the country, in order to overcome the curse of sectarianism and to create a good atmosphere between the Muslims. Razkr 28/3435:12 (816 September 1965) mentions a pamphlet Mr-i stn (Snake in the sleeve) with heavy accusations against the said traitors published in Karachi in January 1965. The share of the Imam (sahm-i imm), i.e. Details of the new draft syllabus with requirements for the degrees of Maulv, Maulv Alim, Fzil, Maulv Fzil, Imd ul-Afzil and Sultn ul-Afzil were given in al-Muballigh 4/2:46 (March 1960). Both he and Qizilbash would be attacked years later for their alleged silence regarding the Muharram 1963 events; see Razkr 36/3031:5 (816 August 1972); 26/45:1 (1 December 1972). The advocate Shaikh Muhammad Abd ul-Aziz Akhtar from Rahimyar Khan had prepared draft statutes for all SMCs, and a twenty-four-member commission headed by S. Ali Husain Shah Gardezi was formed to revise them.325Close Three subcommittees to deal with the three demands were also formed, headed by Najm ul-Hasan Kararvi (dnyt), S. Israr Husain (auqf) and S. Ali Shah Bukhari (azdr).326Close S. Muhammad Dihlavi himself chaired a fourteen-member liaison committee for contacting government officials that notably excluded Nawab Qizilbash.327Close A five-member commission was also formed for managing the finances of the central SMC.328Close Twelve resolutions were passed at the Multan Convention; Resolution No.