I served on the Positive Education committee at a school that was adopting a wellbeing program that was aiming to prioritize growth mindset. Regardless of how they became strengths, they are an important part of our unique skill set. Do you know a teacher or a friend who is struggling with work/life balance? I dont want to become one of them. But through the struggle, I discovered something truly amazing. I shared my heart with my principal and superintendent, thanked them for the opportunity I had to work at my school, and told them how much I would miss all of the students and the faculty. I've always wanted to travel the world, but I've never had the means to do so. My LinkedIn grew with authentic connections that I could reach out to if needed. Sarah Robinson, 50, from Birmingham, used to enjoy working as a supplier development engineer in the automotive industry, before she handed in her notice in early 2021. Despite working long after contractual hours ended, people always reminded me how lucky I was to finish work by 3 oclock. Id be lying if I said I didnt have reservations or fears about quitting my job. But for some reason, when the environment requires me to stand while others are seated, I turn 50 shades of red and my underarms produce enough sweat to dehydrate my entire body in about 3.5 minutes. I assumed I would love it. There is life after teaching. I think its important in understanding my story to know that I did not go into teaching with a burning desire to teach. I had wasted my college years, passively working on a degree I felt totally neutral about. The best thing was that if they were awful I could choose not to go back. I felt stuck, which led me to feel uninspired. And if they werent doing well, they would just blame the teacher. That pay freeze lasted five years. For whatever reason, theres a stigma around teachers who choose to leave the profession. Worse, my district hired me during the first year of a district-wide pay freeze, after Act 10 (leaving unions in Wisconsin with little power), and with no chance of ever receiving tenure or a bump in benefits. There were no more pay increases for graduate credits; you had to obtain the full masters degree to get the next education-based pay level. Ill marry Blake in October and jump onto his insurance in November. I hoped this new job would help things click for me. For the last three, I have been a full-time teacher and a Teachers Pay Teachers seller. I really enjoyed my job, and was probably one of the most passionate math teachers you could meet. If Blake and I have kids, working for myself will give me income and the freedom to be a mom. I was able to make money through hosting parties and also through growing a downline. As I said, I was hired during the first year of a district-wide pay freeze. I thought that I was going to love teaching, yet I couldnt shake this feeling. You always have to remember that different companies have different budgets, so even after doing your research, its not a one-size-fits-all answer. I get to work from home, spend way more time with my family, while applying strengths that I wasnt using while teaching. Im 100% positive because I now have the. I was totally lost when looking for employment opportunities outside the classroom. W. With an MBA from . And since 2019, while finally leaning into my passion and embracing all the scary and messy parts, redoing the broken parts, and finding my voice and my way, I have grown my original idea to over seven figures each year. How often do you lay awake at night wishing your day had gone differently? My time teaching with diverse students had kindled within me an understanding of the importance of diverse and engaging literature. A fixed mindset believes that being smart is something that happens naturally, rather than the result of hard work and practice. I had grown to that first $1000 month so quickly, that $4000 didnt sound impossible. Leaving the classroom has forced me out of the safety of my comfort zone time and time again, and now Ive started embracing this space because Ive seen firsthand just how much awesomeness is waiting for me and for you. After this meeting, I approached one of the board members to clarify that I would not be bumped up the schedule according to my experience in the district. During this time, Blake and I also got engaged, which might be helpful information later. That leaves just two months for me to figure out. Put me in front of a room full of adults and I start sweating profusely. I invite you to be selfish and make the best decision for you. Despite a doctor expressing her concerns for mental well-being, I felt guilty for how I was feeling. My children were going to know that they can do anything they put their minds to if they are willing to work for it. Our curriculum was short on both. Despite the ups and downs of the application process, this new focus helped pull me out of the fog of burnout. I also worked really hard on making a unit that I thought would engage my students. Unfortunately, I wasnt very successful; but at that point in my life, I didnt really have the time, knowledge, or capacity to be successful. Quitting teaching isn't as easy as refreshing your It was the best thing I ever did and now I have the life I should have had. If you need help leaving the classroom, check out theTeacher Career Coach Course. For about eight months, I was working two full-time jobs. Im hopeful that soon my business will not only match, but exceed, my teaching salary. To my surprise, the educational companies Ive worked for mimic a teachers schedule. This podcast episode is not intended to knock teaching or anyone who chooses to continue teaching. In fact, there was no other reason than a deeply heartfelt clarity that this was the right thing to do for our family. To know EXACTLY what you need to do (and not do) in order to get your foot in the door. Instead of a fresh start, I experienced a toxic work environment. While I was comfortable teaching early childhood and elementary-aged children, staying in my comfort zone wasnt what God designed me to do. Perhaps the thing that lights you up inside is the thought that you will make a more significant impact on the world of education. I talk about this more in this post, but working hard on TPT pushed me to try new things, create more, and become a better teacher overall. My role in education isnt disappearing; its just going to look a little different. If youre worried about making that jump or are wondering what life could look like for you outside of the classroom, keep reading. (Insert guilt here.) Many found teaching jobs at other districts that were starting virtually. Dont be tricked into thinking teaching is your only option. And while talking incessantly about your never-ending list of strengths is definitely a source of annoyance to anyone stuck listening, acknowledging specific strengths you possess is actually a good thing. Have I always been strong at the technical side of creating websites? It was September. You just have to find the courage to take the leap. I had never felt this way with any other job like I was missing something. I get excited to blog, create products, and learn more about running a business. As soon as I had a clear strategy for quitting teachingusing Teaches Pay Teachers to replace my salaryI worked on growing my business religiously. Before I share why quitting teaching was the best thing I ever did as well as the ten things I've learned after quitting teaching twice, I want to share my heart. We are so glad you are joining us. Its been the primary motivator for my Teachers Pay Teachers business, in fact. Life keeps me busy but I LOVE helping other teachers! Now before I go any farther here, I want you to hear what I am about to say. I monitored a computer classessentially a study hallfor a semester. because we continue to tweak things. generic-witty-user 1 yr. ago. In Texas you are risking your teaching license being suspended. Stress, more so than low pay, is the main reason public school teachers quit. Distancing myself from these types of people was incredibly liberating. During my fifth year of teaching, I made two big decisions that would dramatically change my situation: The latter was mostly on a whim. Maybe you feel completely trapped with no way out. It may be scary to consider change, but leaving the classroom was the best thing that I could have done. I would never be in the position I am in today without my teaching experience. This post could be what they need to make a change! I spent my evenings and weekends working for little pay and zero recognition from a toxic administration. However, I knew there was something else out there that was a better fit for me, my strengths, and my desire for a work/life balance. My last two years in the classroom, we went from being self-contained teachers to subject specific teachers. Its hard to compare salary for a position in rural Oklahoma with the same job in a big city, like NYC or Chicago. I could build additional income or start a passion project Id been putting off. Or work until lunch and cook a big dinner for your family? But for me, it just wasnt (and Ill explain why below!). (And thats okay.). Maybe before the end of the year, I could pay myself back. Many teachers feel guilty, isolated, and unsupported when deciding to leave the profession. I never would have had the time or energy to work on these projects if I was still in the classroom. I cut everything I could. It wasnt until someone talked about how creative I was to be able to design these scrapbooks that I realized how much of a strength this was for me. introduced me to the concept of a growth mindset, 175 Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day Off Right, 75 Inspiring Quotes on Gratitude by Famous Personalities, 115 Inspirational You Are Amazing Quotes To Empower, 175 Best Motivational Live Your Best Life Quotes, that they are smart if they get questions right, failure means they are bad at the subject, taking risks means you could end up looking stupid, the parent believes that the child is a genius without flaws, they will make up excuses and place blame elsewhere when their child doesnt perform, Student performs poorly (or does not get perfect), Parent demands meeting with the teacher and administration, Student and parent blame teacher for poor performance. I know that this might sound like teaching for most. We hung out there occasionally and I convinced the owner to hire me for odd jobs around the shop. Plus, quitting teaching will allow me to pour more time into my business. It would ease my worries and provide an alternative route to making money that isnt going back to teaching. Regardless of being underqualified for this position, they nearly handed it to me because my network could vouch for work ethic and value-add. I was a late bloomer. This career changes you forever. Im lucky. Without further education, I couldnt really switch roles in education or pursue the career path further. No person should ever be held responsible for another persons inability to find growth. I remember setting up my classroom, excited for the fresh start. The truth is we claim perfectionism when many times were just terrified of failure. I absolutely loved teaching; in fact, spoiler alertI am working with kids this school year. But Im ready to take a leap and take a chance on myself. I would be able to buy myself a coffee occasionally on Fridays (I had stopped going out for lunch or coffee with my coworkers by this point because I couldnt afford it). Quitting was the best thing I ever did #digitalnomad #onlinebusiness #passiveincomeideas #entrepreneurmindset #youngentrepreneur Yet, within weeks of announcing my new position, I had a few text messages from teachers that I used to work with asking for advice. Its weird to leave something you thought would be your forever career, or something you hoped would bring you joy. Whenever you make a difficult decision, you will be hit with the what if and the should we questions. The worst thing was that I couldn't guarantee that I'd have work. We fear not measuring up, not being successful, and we allow that fear to paralyze us into never finishing. I broke it up into questions that I think other teachers might have. After you step into your new career, you will be surprised at how many people you know want to follow in your footsteps. Before that summary is the long-winded tale of how I went from graduating college to quitting my career. I couldnt believe it even as I stared at the notification on my phone. Oh, no, she said, you cant go back to school on that salary.. Meet JenniferShop ResourcesDisclaimerPrivacy PolicyTerms of Use, Private CoachingWebsite DesignStart a TpT ShopTeach ESLSide Hustling, Math + LiteracyBooks for KidsLife SkillsEnvironmentTeacher Life, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." Even when I was giving it my all to the point where I was giving up every bit of my personal time, it wasnt good enough. Upon leaving the classroom the second time to homeschool my boys, I was more determined than ever to make money from home. If you're worried about making that jump or are wondering what life could look like for you outside of the classroom, keep reading. The first-year jitters became the second-year jitters, and by year three, I was constantly questioning whether or not I had pursued the right career path. I could have lived with this1500 a year would still have been a huge help to mebut they were not giving us credit for time served under the pay freeze. Within a few years, I received an offer for an Instructional Designer position. Teachers are monitored, scrutinised and graded as though working a 55-hour week for 32 hours' pay is a special privilege I personally have not quit mid-year but I know people who have and my district has not actually gone after anyone's license yet, but they always threaten to. I was on fire after my first Teachers Pay Teachers sale, and I had a unit to finish. Ill admit that this is a fear of mine: that once Im out of the classroom, Ill lose touch and my new products wont be as good. While I wouldnt consider myself Covid paranoid, I was cautious. For the first time, I actually grasped the concept of growth mindset. Leaving teaching is the best thing thats ever happened to me. Its easy to get caught up in accepting it as part of the job, but that doesnt mean its fair. Have I always been creative? Kayse Morris, How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome As Ceo Teacher. I was stuck in this career. Teachers are expected to be accessible 24/7 by admin and parents, and they are told what to do, how to teach, where to be, when to be there, and more by everyone coming and going. Do you come in early, stay late for bus duty, grade papers or decorate the classroom on the weekends? I am also planning on subbing for my previous school one or two days a week. After hundreds of applications (and many rejections), I finally got that yes I was waiting for, landing a job as an educational consultant. Social media is teeming with comments about teachers and how we are failing our students. Plus, my new TPT Profitability course is adding to my overall bottom line. With my newfound free time, I started volunteering at a creative writing workshop for students based out of Los Angeles. Remember, you are vital to your family and your friends, but you are just another employee at your job. Ill take the guesswork out of designing a fast & mobile-friendly website, so you can spend your time creating amazing content for your clients. The only other issue with quitting teaching is insurance. Were one of those who couldnt handle it. But what I didnt realize until after quitting teaching was just how many more people I could help outside the classroom. I convinced myself it was just the first-year jitters. While its true I was able to impact up to 85 students my last year, now as a coach, TpT author, course creator, website designer, blogger, and podcaster, Im able to reach thousands of people. So we need to be keenly aware of the pitfall of finding all of our lifes meaning and our sole identity in a job that we complete because if (or when) we leave that position, we will be replaced as though we were never even there. It was a catch-22. This particular job gave me SO MUCH free time, that within a few months I already felt comfortable branching out and starting a few passion projects. I knew that I couldnt stay in the classroom for 5 more years, let alone 10 or 20. This was partially true. And this is just a short listing of what all is available. So even if I dont make a penny during the 2021-2022 school year, my TpT business will still be able to match my teaching checks for six months. Teaching is lit. Dont forget to share this post with your friends and family on social media! As soon as you hand in your resignation, your employer will be looking through an endless supply of resumes from other teachers waiting to fill your shoes. I have my community through my email and Instagram that I can poll for ideas, also. If I didnt have the same struggle, it wouldnt have pushed me to support those going through it now. I was absolutely sure that I could learn these new skills if I had the opportunity to practice them, and I was determined to be successful. By September of the next school year, I had hit my first $1000 month. The school board member looked at me and literally laughed out loud. I shared in my stories th." I spent the summer close to home and socially distancing myself. The parent-teacher interviews I had with these types of parents were some of the worst experiences I had in my professional career. I and many of my colleagues spend the summer preparing all-virtual lessons. I enjoyed working with the students, but it wasnt quite enough. My advice? Will I Make More Than My Teacher Salary In A New Position? Let me create a professional, custom website for you that converts casual observers into devoted clients who pay top dollar for your products & services. Then, after a couple of years of gen ed classes, I felt too deep into college to switch majors. My only option was to leave or accept poor pay forever. I was pleasantly surprised by life on the other side. For years, the idea of quitting felt like deciding to amputate a limb that had started to necrotise. So I. Through my work, I searched for grants and technology giveaways to help match districts with great opportunities for them. Mortgages and dog kibble dont pay for themselves, and my only real work experience as an adult was being a teacher and working at a renaissance faire (my summer gig). I was to take attendance, help students with questions, unlock tests for them, but otherwise, the computer walked students through the course. What if districts banned TpT resources or the website disappeared? (He told me to quit that minute, but I wasnt that brave.) I read everything I could about SEO, Pinterest strategy, and began posting to Instagram every day. This step-by-step guide has helped thousands with a transition from teaching. I now realize it wasn't the teaching I hated. 1 Corinthians 10:31 , 10 Things I Learned After Quitting Teaching Twice, 6. I added digital resources to my store, which have helped. If youre feeling trapped in your job, know that youre not alone. Im also open to subbing in the fall. Thats your time. Now that Im getting married, and Blake and I are talking about the future, I also feel like I need to think of him and our future family. They are also one of the main reasons why quitting teaching was the best thing I ever did. There are a multitude of reasons why I say this, but here are a few of the main reasons. Looking back, I dont understand why I thought switching careers was a failure. Today's video is a little more personal, it goes into why quitting my PhD at school was the best thing I ever did and what it's like to work. We know teachers dont make much, and as Im getting older, my priorities are changing. I tried to quit so many times, but for some reason, Id get back up the next morning and push through the struggle while climbing that learning curve one more time. In addition to that, I get unlimited flexible paid time off. I started classes this semester (spring) and should finish by spring or summer of next year. As a kid, I did not play school. I didnt study teaching books for fun, and I never volunteered to babysit growing up. And, with my school shut down, I had more time to work on my business. But if Im focused on helping other people, it doesnt matter if I mess up or say something incorrectly because the ultimate goal isnt in my perfectionits in serving others. We'll be back from 6am, but before you go, here are the highlights from today: NHS nurses walked out on strike . I had several phone calls with colleagues. Whether we intend to or not, by default, education teaches students: that they are 'smart' if they get questions right. Rioters smashed nearly every window on the first floor. 4. It took a lot of work, but I soon had my students actually living and breathing growth mindset. My insurance benefits will last through August. For the first few years of teaching, I told myself that my struggles were due to my own inadequacies. To my surprise, I even had a principal reach out to see if my company was hiring! Many teachers complain about the behavior or attitude of their students as the main reason they hate their jobs. My classroom management improved. And Im so glad that I was able to leave on good terms because since that time Ive had the opportunity to fill in for a maternity leave and this year Im in a grant funded consultant position with the same school system. I began researching how other Teachers Pay Teachers sellers created their resources and packaged their material. Teaching is a demanding job. There are a lot of unknowns ahead of me. I had spent the summer working on my store and listening to podcasts from full-time TPT sellers. If I never taught, I wouldnt be able to create resources for other teachers transitioning out of the classroom. I grew both personally and professionally during that transition and Im better for it. And suddenly a roomful of sullen teenagers was staring at me, waiting. I couldnt afford to keep teaching, but I also couldnt afford not to teach. But a group of parents used a combination of large donations, email campaigns, and bombarding school board meetings to get the district to reopen. Ive made this comment on the podcast multiple times in reference to what most of us thought when we went into the field of education. Around 46% of Reddit app users have a college degree or higher . I absolutely loved teaching; in fact, (spoiler alert) I am working with kids this school year. It seems like every classroom practice is designed to keep students from challenging themselves and taking risks. Even better? Some of your options include volunteering, taking jobs in the education sector, creating lesson plans or other resources for teachers, working with children in another capacity, and more. More things are added to teachers' plates every year and rarely is anything removed. This lesson is one people need to revisit again and again. After years of working in a thankless job, my self-esteem was at an all-time low. Spoiler alert: It didnt. It's been a bad day. Were suddenly selfish, weak, or selling out. I started applying for part-time jobs. Students with a positive approach to education are always a joy, but they arent all like this. I was not going to invest more money into a profession that was not interested in investing in me. However, I refuse to suffer financially or emotionally over a profession. I remember feeling so alone when I was going through my career transition. We become a statistic. I can tell you for a factI NEVER would have pursued any of these other ventures if I hadnt left the classroom. Teaching wasnt my dream. In a new interview with The New York Hardcore Chronicles LIVE!, Phil Demmel, who left MACHINE HEAD more than four years ago, reflected on his decision to exit the band, saying: "I think that it . After all, I had gone years teaching full-time with no salary increases. The Profit First model of accounting allows for quarterly bonuses, which I dont factor into my salary from my business. When it comes to what I love, my family comes first and foremost. Well if Ive learned anything since quitting teaching, its the truth of this statement. At this point in my teaching career (year 6), my take-home pay was about $2000 a month. 142 views, 5 likes, 4 loves, 11 comments, 7 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from E-Free Church - Gaylord Campus: Good morning and welcome to church online! I want to help you get some clarity in the options available to you. This essentially worked as extra prep time for me. During my time on the committee, I conducted research into how to use a growth mindset to transform student learning. When I decided to quit teaching, I was in a place in my life where prioritizing time with my family over my career was very important to me. When I first started teaching fifth grade, I was excited by the opportunity to give back to the community. There are many students who are incredibly difficult, which makes teaching them stressful and overwhelming. Just ten more feet. That left me with few options. I was worried that after I left teaching, I would miss having the summers and holidays off. Immediately, I jumped on to Teachers Pay Teachers and paid the $60 for the premium membership. I learned that I could do whatever I wanted if I was willing to put in the effort and climb the learning curve. Curious if anyone has ever resigned from their job within a month of a new school year starting. All of my hard work trying to teach students to find growth in struggle was constantly being undermined by their parents. This is why I shut my school down and quit teaching all together. Its important to note that not all companies are like this. Before I share why quitting teaching was the best thing I ever did as well as the ten things Ive learned after quitting teaching twice, I want to share my heart. I believe that there is more opportunity in my business (and maybe through pursuing a new career altogether) than there is in continuing this career path. After coming home from a long day at school, I sat down and worked on my own business for a few more hours. I no longer feel limited by teacher contracts or measly pay ladders. Fast forward a few years and I discovered a love for scrapbooking. Teachers do their best to challenge students to apply themselves, but end up taking the blame when students dont perform. A February 2021 survey found that "36% of internet users aged 18 to 29 years and 22% of users aged 30 to 49 years used Reddit.". But as with anything, we have to be careful not to overlook new information assuming we already know everything there is to know. Like I said before, the first time I left the classroom, my husband and I had a plan. I quit working at the comic shop to have more time for Teachers Pay Teachers. I would enter my fifth year of teaching with a first-year teaching salary, and only after that year (my sixth) would I start to see annual pay increases. What if, after a few years of being out of the classroom, I lost my edge? While teaching can be an incredibly rewarding profession, all of these demands made it difficult to be present at home. My schoolwhich sat in the middle of the riotswas damaged. Teaching has shown me the world through hundreds of different perspectives; its changed me fundamentally. Teaching was a job that I worked harder than anything in my life to get. I know those can feel like lonely thoughts, worrying that your co-workers wont understand or will shame you for considering an alternative. It seems like every classroom practice is designed to keep students from challenging themselves and taking risks. I knew I could switch districts for a pay increase, but I didnt want to leave my school or take on a long commute. I had to learn how to be a supportive husband and father that is present and not always pulled away by work. However, I am now in a place where all I feel is a profound sense of gratitude for my time in the profession. Teaching seemed like the logical choice for majors when I started filling out college applications. Not that I had any idea about what I would even switch to. It was a tough decision with many complex emotions involved. And boy have I seen some amazing things in my business. Hold yourself together for ten more feet. The vast majority of us wanted to teach virtually, at least until vaccinations were available or the district had made building improvements. Perfectionism is a tricky thing. The bell rang. Or that I was just giving up. My physical and mental well-being was at stake. Now I use that same creativity to design websites (or online scrapbooks as I like to think of them) that are unique and customized to the person for which I am designing. I homeschooled my son from pre-school through HS. Its who you know. While I found it easy to find teaching positions, its an entirely separate network from other industries.