[5] On March 5, 1811, the Supreme Junta of Caracas ceased its functions.[4]. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Venezuelan_independence&oldid=1138131080. Minster, Christopher. The importance of the documents drafted by Antonio Jos de Sucre, in what meant his first diplomatic action, was the temporary paralyzation of the fights between the patriots and the royalists, and the end of the War to the Death initiated in 1813. On June 24, 1821, Bolvars troops, reinforced by llanero cavalry under General Jos Antonio Pez, defeated the main royalist army at the Battle of Carabobo. The Battle of Las Queseras del Medio was an important military action carried out on April 2,[note 1] falling on his pursuers and destroying the royalist cavalry fleeing back to their camp. Jacmel's expedition disembarked in Barcelona on December 31, 1816. Consequently, he ordered the divisions to modify their march on the left and go to the royalist right flank, which was uncovered; that is to say, Bolivar conceived a maneuver tending to overflow the enemy right wing, operation executed by the divisions of Jos Antonio Pez and Cedeo, while the Plaza division followed the road towards the center of the defensive position. A sentry watches even her slightest movements, and she is forced to eat the ranch that they give her as her only food. Meanwhile, Bolivar deployed his divisions in battle to resume the attack. From Caracas, he sent lieutenant colonels Toms Montilla to the plains of Calabozo that were threatened by Boves and Vicente Campo Elas to pacify Valles del Tuy, where a rebellion had broken out. Ferdinand VII, theheir to the Spanish crown, was a prisoner of Napoleon of France, who became the de facto (if indirect) ruler of Spain. He subdued ambitious provincial caudillos and ruled in cooperation with the large landholders and leading merchants of the Conservative Party. The "Republic of Colombia" is created, which would be governed by a President. [4], Guayana spoke out on May 11 in favor of the Supreme Junta, but upon learning on June 3 of the installation in Spain of the Supreme Central and Governing Junta of Spain and the Indies, it recognized the latter as the legitimate authority and distanced itself from the Caracas revolution. As of February 1814, a series of encounters between patriots and royalists took place in an area from Lago de Valencia to San Mateo in what is known as the Valles de Aragua. Favorable pronouncements were given in Cuman and Barcelona on April 27, Margarita on May 4, Barinas on May 5, Mrida on September 16, and Trujillo on October 9. [5] The regulations also provided that elections were to be held in two stages: first, the voters appointed the electors of the parish; and then, these electors, meeting in an electoral assembly in the capital of the province, appointed the representatives to Congress, at the rate of one deputy for every 20,000 inhabitants.[5]. Under the Spanish colonial system, Venezuela was a bit of a backwater. A group of Venezuelan Creoles boldly proclaimed their country an independent republic in 1797. At this moment, Ribas ordered the Rompelneas columns to attack the enemy right column, which was successfully executed. For four years after the end of his regime, Venezuela floundered in new political chaos as various civilian political groups tried unsuccessfully to establish responsible representative government. The last of the royalist forces surrendered at Puerto Cabello on October 9, 1823. But civil war followed. On April 19, Creole patriots confronted the new Captain-General Vicente Emparn and demanded self-rule. The hostilities were initiated by Boves, when he went out with his column to confront the one commanded by Colonel Bermudez, who was able to reject the attack. Minster, Christopher. Criticism of the colonial regime, dissemination of separatist ideas, and pressure on the Congress to declare independence were the most important actions of the Patriotic Society. Explanation: The triumph allowed Bolvar to start the Campaigns of the South while his subordinates finished the fight in Venezuela. Simon Bolivar: A Life. Venezuela celebrates itsindependence day(an official holiday) with parades,speeches,and parties. He established a nationwide system of public primary education and promoted state support for secondary and higher education. [25] These provisions have remained in the other constitutions passed over time in Venezuela. The war originated in the Cuban struggle for independence from Spain, which began in February 1895. . The original Book of Minutes of the first Congress of Venezuela is in the Federal Legislative Palace in Caracas. After making all the preparations for the battle, the patriot detachment marched during the night of December 4 to 5, to dawn in rica in front of the royalistsBoves had already joined the placedeployed in 3 columns in a great savannah. From there, and with the support of those countries, especially Haiti, they resumed the struggle. In 1815 the Spanish general Pablo Morillo landed with an expeditionary force that spearheaded the reconquest of much of New Granada. Once the first Republic was over, the main political and military leaders of the Independence went into exile. The seven provinces were Caracas Province, Cuman Province, Barinas Province, Margarita Province, Barcelona Province, Mrida Province and Trujillo Province. Although elected president as a Conservative in 1846, he soon gravitated toward the Liberals. (Historically, it is customary to call the Colombia of the Congress of Angostura. The April 19 pronouncement was not the first of its kind in Latin America: the city of Quito had made a similar pronouncement in August of 1809. He made a daring move: hecrossed the frosty Andeswith his army, losing half of it in the process, and arrived in New Granada (Colombia) in July of 1819. The elections were held between October and November 1810. The decisions initially taken were the following: On December 17, 1819, the union of Venezuela and New Granada was declared and the Repblica de Colombia was born. April 19 is known as Firma Acta de la Independencia or Signing of the Act of Independence.. 15 Years of Strife and Violence end in Freedom. Minster, Christopher. In these encounters the Battle of Araure stands out, in which Simn Bolvar defeated Jos Ceballos. Herring, Hubert. This virtually uninhabited wilderness territory, in which gold was discovered in 1877, had been the object of alternating claims and counterclaims between Venezuela and Great Britain for more than half a century. "Venezuelas Declaration of Independence in 1810." The Liberal leaders thereupon joined the Conservative opposition, and in March 1858 they brought the Monagas dynasty to an end. The war continues with two parallel campaigns, unconnected but effective, one from the East, commanded by general Santiago Mario, known as the Eastern Campaign, and another from the West, commanded by Bolvar, known as Admirable Campaign. In 1817, Bolvar hadPiararrested and executed, putting the other warlords on notice that he would deal with them harshly as well. Profound Granadine anxiety over the fate of the empire and conflicting courses of action attempted by colonial and peninsular subjects over control of government during the captivity of the Spanish king Ferdinand VII led to strife in New Granada and to declarations of independence. What was the effect of Venezuela declaring independence from Spain? The constitution that they enacted in 1830 reflected their social and political philosophya centralist state, property qualifications for voting, the death penalty for political crimes, guarantees for the freedom of trade and commerce, and the continuation of slavery. It also implied the replacement of the absolute monarchy by the republic as the form of government in Venezuela. A fascinating man, he was friends with Alexander Hamilton and other important international figures and even was the lover of Catherine the Great of Russia for a while. Spain, its resources drained from the devastating loss at the Battle of Trafalgar, was unable to send any help and the citizens of Buenos Aires were forced to fight off the British on their own. It proclaimed that all Spanish persons who did not actively participate in favor of independence would be killed, and that all Americans would be pardoned, even if they cooperated (passively) with the Spanish. (in Eng: "Our weapons, forever triumphant, humbled the fierce Spaniard, from the bugle to the martial voices that heard in its mountains the land of the sun. General Guzmn Blanco rallied the Liberals to his cause, overthrew the Conservatives, and assumed power in 1870. When the USS Maine sank, the United States believed the tragedy was the result of Spanish sabotage and declared war on Spain. [7] It was approved by the deputies on July 7.[7]. The aim of the document was to change public opinion about the Venezuelan war of liberation, so that instead of being seen as a mere civil war in one of the colonies of Spain, it would be seen as an international war between two countries, Venezuela and Spain. It had up to 600 members in Caracas alone and branches in Barcelona, Barinas, Valencia and Puerto Cabello. After six years of war, the Spanish general Pablo Morillo agreed to meet with Bolivar in 1820. It is in this dark and unlit dungeon of the fortress that Luisa's torture begins due to the mistreatment and humiliations committed by the Spanish troops, to which she never yielded. In this way he became a pioneer of human rights. In 1874, Venezuelan PresidentAntonio Guzmn Blancoannounced his plans to turn the Holy Trinity Church of Caracas into a national Pantheon to house the bones of the most illustrious heroes of Venezuela. Still, they made some quick decisions: they outlawed enslavement, exempted Indigenous People from paying tribute, reduced or removed trade barriers, and decided to send envoys to the United States and Britain. Subsequently, General Santiago Mario, seconded by Jos Francisco Bermdez, marched on Irapa where he attacked and destroyed the garrison of Yaguaraparo. Bolvar died in Santa Marta, Colombia, in 1830, penniless and disillusioned. The triumphs of the republican forces commanded by Arismendi in Margarita and by General Jos Antonio Pez in Apure determined that Brigadier Mox ordered the transfer of Luisa Cceres de Arismendi to Cadiz, for this reason she was taken again to the prison of La Guaira on November 24, 1816, and embarked on December 3. On the high seas, they are attacked by a corsair ship that seizes all the cargo and the passengers are abandoned on the island of Santa Maria in the Azores. Although the invasion was a fiasco, he had proven to many that independence was not an impossible dream. Seven of the ten provinces belonging to the Captaincy General of Venezuela declared their independence and explained their reasons for this action, among them, that it was baneful that a small European nation ruled the great expanses of the New World, that Spanish America recovered its right to self-government after the abdications of Charles IV and Ferdinand VII at Bayonne, and that the political instability in Spain dictated that Venezuelans rule themselves, despite the brotherhood they shared with Spaniards. [26] Others think that the initial rejection of the independence process by a large part of the other social groups (pardos, Indians and blacks) gave it the nature of a social revolution, since these sectors wanted a transformation of the social and economic structure that would give rise to a more egalitarian society. The military actions of General Arismendi allow him to make prisoners to several Spanish chiefs, among them commander Cobin of the fortress of Santa Rosa, for which the royalist chief Joaqun Urreiztieta proposes Arismendi to exchange those prisoners for his wife. Between the royalists and the earthquake, the young Republic was doomed. The result of the Act of Independence was immediate. "[7], Francisco de Miranda and other members of the Patriotic Society led a mass of people through the streets and squares of Caracas, acclaiming independence and freedom. Then, with the permission of the secretary general, Francisco Isnardi, Mendoza and Roscio presented the document to Congress for discussion. Other revolutionary leaders viewed this action with contempt, and Miranda was subsequently turned over to the Spaniards, who sent him first to Puerto Rico and later to Spain, where he died in prison in 1816. The Spanish harassment began throughout the territory of the republic, for some months he and his family live in the outskirts of La Asuncin under the espionage and the pressure that the Spanish authorities maintained on the sympathizers of the patriot cause in the island. The decree of War to the Death was a declaration made by Simn Bolvar on June 15, 1813, in the Venezuelan city of Trujillo. ThoughtCo. "Our division and not the Spanish arms turned us to slavery," he had written in his famous Cartagena Manifesto, taking stock of those years. After several confrontations, Piar passed to the province of Guayana, where general Manuel Cedeo operated and united his forces, they advanced against the city of Angostura whose defense was held by brigadier Miguel de la Torre. Their incursions ended in failures due to the religious preaching against them and the indifference of the population. After this ratification, Bolvar's expeditionary forces pass to Carpano where they finally disembark and proclaim the abolition of slavery and then continue to Ocumare de la Costa where they disembark and reach Maracay but must retreat, harassed by Morales leaving part of the park on the beach and half of his soldiers who under McGregor undertake the retreat by land through the Valles de Aragua del Este, known as the Retirada de los Seiscientos ("Retreat of the Six Hundred"). [4] The Provinces of Coro and Maracaibo remained loyal to the Council of Regency.[4]. who was the dictator of Venezuela after declaring independence in 1811. The three remaining provinces (Maracaibo Province, Coro Province and Guayana Province) did not take part in the Venezuelan congress opted to stay under Spanish rule. Young firebrand leaders like Simn Bolvar and Jos Flix Ribas were actively speaking of making a clean break from Spain. Backed by their personal armies, a series of warlordlike caudillos (leaders) assumed power, which they exercised for their personal benefit rather than for that of the nation. Luisa Cceres de Arismendi trembles at the idea that she is also going to be sacrificed, but she was wrong: the purpose of her executioners was for her to walk over the corpses of the shot patriots, to walk over those lifeless bodies that had had the audacity to want to free her. The separatists were in favor of Venezuela's independence, while the fidelists were loyal to King Ferdinand VII. On July 3, 1811, delegates from the first National Constituent Congress convened at the Santa Rosa de Lima Chapel in Caracas regarding the matter of independence. That day is celebrated in Venezuela as its national day. What was the effect of Venezuela's independence from Spain? The Republic of Gran Colombia, with its capital at Bogot, was proclaimed on December 17, 1819, with Bolvar as president. The Complete Story of Venezuela's Revolution for Independence. In the capital, he receives orders to go to Calabozo to support Montilla, which results in the defeat of Boves in Mosquiteros on October 14. [23] Some 24,000 people left Venezuela for the Caribbean islands, the United States or Spain. On April 19, 1810, Venezuelan Creole patriots held a meeting in Caracas where they declared a provisional independence: they would rule themselves until such time as the Spanish monarchy was restored. In 2 hours of fierce combat the action was decided, which opened the way to negotiations with Captain General Francisco Toms Morales; the following August 3, he was forced to surrender the rest of the royalist fleet, the square of Maracaibo, the San Carlos Castle, the San Felipe Castle in Puerto Cabello, as well as all the other sites occupied by the Spanish officers. One day the chaplain of the fortress, returning from his duties, passes by her door and stares at that woman in an attitude of defeat, of humiliation. The second republic corresponds to the period between August 1813 and December 1814 and is known as the "War to the Death" period.[3][9]. "The Complete Story of Venezuela's Revolution for Independence." The independence of Venezuela was the juridical-political process with the purpose of breaking the ties that existed between the Captaincy General of Venezuela and the Spanish Empire. Although it was nominally loyal to Ferdinand - the official name of the ruling junta was "Junta of conservation of the rights of Ferdinand VII" - the government of Caracas was, in fact, quite independent. A month after her imprisonment, one night she hears a loud alarm and realizes that an assault on the barracks is being prepared. [20] The Treaty of Armistice was: "Whereby war shall henceforth be waged between Spain and Colombia as it is waged by civilized peoples.". Although their effort failed, it forewarned of the revolutionary movements that were soon to inflame Latin America. He is a former head writer at VIVA Travel Guides. https://www.thoughtco.com/venezuelas-declaration-of-independence-2136398 (accessed May 2, 2023). Hours later the soldiers took her out of her prison to walk her on the esplanade of the barracks, where the prisoners had been shot. New Granada had been relatively untouched by the war, so Bolvar was able to quickly recruit a new army from willing volunteers. Quiz. https://www.thoughtco.com/independence-from-spain-in-venezuela-2136397 (accessed May 2, 2023). The military situation is complicated by the appearance of Jos Toms Boves, Asturian, who organizes an army that fights on the side of the royalists and revolts the black or mestizo population against the Venezuelan whites, that is to say, those who lead the independence process. Jos Flix Ribas, a wealthy young patriot, rode through Caracas, exhorting Creole leaders to come to the meeting taking place in the council chambers. The reconquest of Caracas by the republicans is for historians the milestone that marks the beginning of what has been called the Second Republic. Economic reforms, such as restoration of the nations credit by means of new bond issues and generous concessions to foreign investors, gave further evidence of Guzmn Blancos apparent devotion to Liberal Party principles. He made a speedy march on Bogota, where the Spanish Viceroy hastily sent out a force to delay him. The cavalry covered the 2 flanks of the device. Seven out of the ten provinces that belonged to the Captaincy General of Venezuela declared their independence and provided justifications for doing so, among them that it was undesirable that a small European nation ruled the vast swaths of the New World and that Spanish America regained its right to self-government. Some claim that the independence was an eminently political revolution, since many of its main promoters were from the local aristocracy, who would not be interested in radically changing the existing conditions of social inequality, so as not to jeopardize the hegemony to which they aspired. The historical period between 1810 and 1830 has been divided by Venezuelan historiography into four parts: First Republic (1810 -1812), Second Republic (1813 -1814), Third Republic (1817-1819), and Gran Colombia (1819 -1830). Revolutionary leaders recalled him to Gran Colombia four years later to take charge of a ruling junta, which drafted a constitution and established an independent nation. On December 3, 1813, Simn Bolvar learned that the royalist forces (3500 men), under the command of Brigadier Jos Ceballos, had met with those of Jos Yez in the village of Araure in the State of Portuguesa; and by virtue of this, he ordered all the forces that were in El Altar and Cojedes to concur to the concentration that would take place in the town of Aguablanca. [25] However, the figure of slavery was maintained until 1854 when President Jos Gregorio Monagas eliminated it. [7], The deputies agreed to call the new republic as Confederacin Americana de Venezuela and appointed a commission to decide on the flag and the drafting of a constitution. On July 5, 1811, the ruling junta voted in favor of complete Independence from Spain - their self-rule was no longer dependent on the state of the Spanish king. Scheina, Robert L.Latin America's Wars, Volume 1: The Age of the Caudillo 1791-1899Washington, D.C.: Brassey's Inc., 2003. In the early hours of June 24, from the heights of Buenavista hill, Bolivar made a reconnaissance of the royalist position and concluded that it was impregnable from the front and from the south. "Venezuelas Declaration of Independence in 1810." The cause of Civil War break out in 1826 was because of the election of Abraham Lincoln and slave and non slave states.The effects were seen on the economy and assassination of the president. Seven of the ten provinces belonging to the Captaincy General of Venezuela declared their independence and explained their reasons for this action, among them, that it was baneful that a small European nation ruled the great expanses of the New World, that Spanish America recovered its right to self-government after the abdications of Charles IV The republic of Venezuela celebrates its independence from Spain on two different dates: April 19, when an initial declaration of semi-independence from Spain was signed in 1810, and July 5, when a more definitive break was signed in 1811. Introduction. Knowing of his intentions, Bolvar requested his incorporation to the New Granada army and logistical support to later initiate the military operations of what is known in history as the Admirable Campaign. Jos Antonio Pez meets with Simn Bolvar, who came from Angostura to the south of the Orinoco to join the army of Apure in the campaign against Gurico. Today, Venezuela celebratestwo independence days: April 19, when Caracas patriots first declared a provisional independence, and July 5, when they formally severed all ties with Spain. The purpose of the Armistice Treaty was to suspend hostilities in order to facilitate talks between the two sides, with a view to conclude a definitive peace. [7] On July 3, the debate began in Congress. Captain General Pablo Morillo receives instructions from Spain on June 6, 1820, to arbitrate with Simn Bolvar a cessation of hostilities. From Caracas, Bolivar proclaims "War to the Death with the extermination of the Spanish race." The electoral regulations were census-based as they gave the vote to free men, over 25 years of age (or over 21 if married) and owners of 2000 pesos in real or personal property. It would definitively seal the Venezuelan independence from Spain being a decisive action in the naval campaigns of the Independence. The expedition of Los Cayos de San Luis or simply Expedition of Los Cayos is the name given to the two invasions that the Libertador Simn Bolvar carried out from Haiti at the end of 1815 during 1816 with the purpose of liberating Venezuela from the Spanish forces. In one of those battles, near Barquisimeto, the republicans faced the royalists led by Jos Ceballos on November 10. April 19 is known as "Firma Acta de la Independencia" or "Signing of the Act of Independence." The plenipotentiaries of both sides meet and on November 25, Bolivar and Morillo do the same. [7] Juan Escalona, who presided over the first independence triumvirate, issued a proclamation to the inhabitants of Caracas letting them know that the Congress had voted for absolute independence. The battle resulted in a decisive victory for independence, which was crucial for the liberation of Caracas and the rest of the territory that still remained in the hands of the royalists, a fact that was definitely achieved in 1823 with the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo and the capture of Castillo San Felipe in Puerto Cabello. The document marked a milestone in international law,[20] because Sucre set the worldwide humanitarian treatment that since then the defeated began to receive from the victors in a war. The decade 184858 was one of dictatorial rule by Jos Tadeo Monagas and his brother, General Jos Gregorio Monagas, who alternated as president during the period. Some cities and regions opted for a limited independence: they would take care of their own affairs until such time as Ferdinand was restored. After some successes in Maturn and in knowledge of the advance of Santiago Mario on Cuman and the retreat of Gregor MacGregor, General Piar arrived at Chivacoa with 700 men and from there passed to Ortiz to threaten Cuman and serve as liaison to Mario and MacGregor. Here fought the battalion that in the past day of Barquisimeto was punished by the Libertador, denying him the name and the right to carry the flag. In Valles del Tuy, Campo Elas arrives at Ocumare del Tuy on August 26 and in a short time achieves the pacification of the region after which he returns to Caracas. Bolivar returns to New Granada, to try to repeat the feat of the Admirable Campaign, an action that is rejected by his supporters. After Pez is promoted in San Juan de Payara by the Libertador to major general, he fought the Apure campaign together with Bolvar against Morillo's troops that had invaded Apure. The Guayana Campaign of 1816 -1817, was the second campaign carried out by the Venezuelan patriots in the Venezuelan War of Independence in the Guayana region after the 1811 -1812 campaignwhich had ended in disaster. It was part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada, ruled by a Viceroy in Bogota (present-day Colombia). Guzmn Blanco came back again in 1886 to serve a final two years in the face of growing popular opposition to his policies. Before long, Bolvar had driven the Spanish out of the region and amassed a large army, Impressed, the civilian leaders in Cartagena gave him permission to liberate western Venezuela. His detractors emphasize his tyrannical ruling methods, financial chicanery, monumental vanity, superficial educational reforms, and unwarranted attacks on the church. [26], The accuracy of the date is disputed since although all reports indicate that the date of the military action was April 2, Paez himself quotes in his autobiography that it occurred on April 3, 1819, in the current state of, Declaration of Independence of the United States, Supreme Conservative Junta of the Rights of Fernando VII, Supreme Central and Governing Junta of Spain and the Indies, Federal Constitution of the States of Venezuela of 1811, Campaign for the Liberation of New Granada, "5 de julio 1811 - Da de la Independencia", "Decreto de guerra a muerte de Simn Bolvar", "Campaas terrestres de la guerra de independencia de Venezuela", "Participacin de Bolvar en la gesta emancipadora. In 1808, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain and put his brother Joseph on the throne, throwing Spain and its colonies into chaos. The anniversary of this declaration is celebrated as Independence Day. Bogota: Planeta, 2009. In the ensuing war with royalist forces, however, Miranda signed an armistice with Spain. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Guzmn Blanco was the popular choice for president in the 1873 election. A division was in charge of going through the battlefield, which was covered with corpses and supplies of all kinds, while Bolivar himself was in charge of the pursuit of the defeated. The Spanish had managed to reconquer the provinces of Coro and Maracaibo, which gave them considerable territory in the west of the country. The exile passed without news of her mother and her husband. The deputy Juan Germn Roscio and the secretary of the Congress, Francisco Isnardi, drafted the Act of Declaration of Independence. The Battle of Carabobo was a combat between the armies of the Great Colombia led by Simn Bolvar and that of the Kingdom of Spain led by marshal Miguel de la Torre and it occurred on June 24, 1821, in the Sabana de Carabobo. By October of 1812, Bolvar was ready to rejoin the fight. Once the retreat was over, the six hundred rejoined the eastern patriot forces under the command of Manuel Piar with renewed confidence. The political and strategic difficulties force Bolvar to suspend the "Barcelona Campaign", from there he leaves for Guayana where Manuel Piar was, leaving the forces of Barcelona under the command of general Pedro Mara Freites. On that date formally, through the document "Acta de Declaracin de Independencia", Venezuela separates from Spain. Opinions on the character of the independence process are not unanimous. For example, in 1811, Venezuela's representatives declared "that these united Provinces are, and ought to be, from this day, by act and right, Free, Sovereign, and Independent States." The Texas declaration of independence (1836) likewise followed the American in listing grievances and claiming freedom and independence. The Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo also referred to as the Naval Battle of the Lake was a naval battle fought on July 24, 1823, in the waters of Lake Maracaibo in the current state of Zulia, Venezuela. When Pez rebelled in 1848, Monagas defeated him and forced him into exile. By July of 1812, leaders such as Bolvar had gone into exile and Miranda was in the hands of the Spanish. All over Venezuela, cities and towns decided either to follow Caracas' lead or not: many cities chose to remain under Spanish rule. Even those Creoles who supported Spain in the New World were appalled. April 19, 1810: Venezuela Declares Independence, Bolvar Crosses the Andes and the Battle of Boyaca. In spite of the setbacks suffered by the expeditionaries and by the Libertador himself in Ocumare, the historical importance of the Expedition of Los Callos lies in the fact that it allowed Santiago Mario, Manuel Piar and later Jos Francisco Bermdez to undertake the liberation of the eastern part of the country, and MacGregor with Carlos Soublette and other leaders to definitively enter Tierra Firme, to open the way to the definitive triumph of the Republic.